mirror of https://github.com/yuxian158/check.git
8 changed files with 518 additions and 297 deletions
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
import base64 |
import hashlib |
import json |
import os |
import random |
import requests |
import urllib3 |
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend |
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes |
from requests import utils |
from getENV import getENv |
from checksendNotify import send |
urllib3.disable_warnings() |
class Music163CheckIn: |
def __init__(self, check_item): |
self.check_item = check_item |
self.headers = { |
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36", |
"Referer": "http://music.163.com/", |
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", |
} |
@staticmethod |
def _encrypt(key, text): |
backend = default_backend() |
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key.encode("utf8")), modes.CBC(b"0102030405060708"), backend=backend) |
encryptor = cipher.encryptor() |
length = 16 |
count = len(text.encode("utf-8")) |
if count % length != 0: |
add = length - (count % length) |
else: |
add = 16 |
pad = chr(add) |
text1 = text + (pad * add) |
ciphertext = encryptor.update(text1.encode("utf-8")) + encryptor.finalize() |
crypted_str = str(base64.b64encode(ciphertext), encoding="utf-8") |
return crypted_str |
def encrypt(self, text): |
return { |
"params": self._encrypt("TA3YiYCfY2dDJQgg", self._encrypt("0CoJUm6Qyw8W8jud", text)), |
"encSecKey": "84ca47bca10bad09a6b04c5c927ef077d9b9f1e37098aa3eac6ea70eb59df0aa28b691b7e75e4f1f9831754919ea784c8f74fbfadf2898b0be17849fd656060162857830e241aba44991601f137624094c114ea8d17bce815b0cd4e5b8e2fbaba978c6d1d14dc3d1faf852bdd28818031ccdaaa13a6018e1024e2aae98844210", |
} |
def login(self, session, phone, password): |
login_url = "https://music.163.com/weapi/login/cellphone" |
headers = { |
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36", |
"Referer": "http://music.163.com/", |
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", |
"Cookie": "os=pc; osver=Microsoft-Windows-10-Professional-build-10586-64bit; appver=; channel=netease; __remember_me=true;", |
} |
hl = hashlib.md5() |
hl.update(password.encode(encoding="utf-8")) |
md5_password = str(hl.hexdigest()) |
login_data = self.encrypt( |
json.dumps({"phone": phone, "countrycode": "86", "password": md5_password, "rememberLogin": "true"}) |
) |
res = session.post(url=login_url, data=login_data, headers=headers, verify=False) |
ret = res.json() |
if ret["code"] == 200: |
csrf = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(res.cookies)["__csrf"] |
nickname = ret["profile"]["nickname"] |
level_data = self.get_level(session=session, csrf=csrf, login_data=login_data) |
level = level_data["level"] |
now_play_count = level_data["nowPlayCount"] |
next_play_count = level_data["nextPlayCount"] |
now_login_count = level_data["nowLoginCount"] |
next_login_count = level_data["nextLoginCount"] |
return csrf, nickname, level, now_play_count, next_play_count, now_login_count, next_login_count |
else: |
return False, ret.get("message"), 0, 0, 0 |
def sign(self, session): |
sign_url = "https://music.163.com/weapi/point/dailyTask" |
res = session.post(url=sign_url, data=self.encrypt('{"type":0}'), headers=self.headers, verify=False) |
ret = res.json() |
if ret["code"] == 200: |
return "签到成功,经验+ " + str(ret["point"]) |
elif ret["code"] == -2: |
return "今天已经签到过了" |
else: |
return "签到失败: " + ret["message"] |
def task(self, session, csrf): |
url = "https://music.163.com/weapi/v6/playlist/detail?csrf_token=" + csrf |
recommend_url = "https://music.163.com/weapi/v1/discovery/recommend/resource" |
music_lists = [] |
res = session.post( |
url=recommend_url, data=self.encrypt('{"csrf_token":"' + csrf + '"}'), headers=self.headers, verify=False |
) |
ret = res.json() |
if ret["code"] != 200: |
print("获取推荐歌曲失败: ", str(ret["code"]), ":", ret["message"]) |
else: |
lists = ret["recommend"] |
music_lists = [(d["id"]) for d in lists] |
music_id = [] |
for m in music_lists: |
res = session.post( |
url=url, |
data=self.encrypt(json.dumps({"id": m, "n": 1000, "csrf_token": csrf})), |
headers=self.headers, |
verify=False, |
) |
ret = json.loads(res.text) |
for i in ret["playlist"]["trackIds"]: |
music_id.append(i["id"]) |
post_data = json.dumps( |
{ |
"logs": json.dumps( |
list( |
map( |
lambda x: { |
"action": "play", |
"json": { |
"download": 0, |
"end": "playend", |
"id": x, |
"sourceId": "", |
"time": 240, |
"type": "song", |
"wifi": 0, |
}, |
}, |
random.sample(music_id, 420 if len(music_id) > 420 else len(music_id)), |
) |
) |
) |
} |
) |
res = session.post(url="http://music.163.com/weapi/feedback/weblog", data=self.encrypt(post_data)) |
ret = res.json() |
if ret["code"] == 200: |
return "刷听歌量成功" |
else: |
return "刷听歌量失败: " + ret["message"] |
def get_level(self, session, csrf, login_data): |
url = "https://music.163.com/weapi/user/level?csrf_token=" + csrf |
res = session.post(url=url, data=login_data, headers=self.headers) |
ret = json.loads(res.text) |
return ret["data"] |
def main(self): |
phone = self.check_item.get("music163_phone") |
password = self.check_item.get("music163_password") |
session = requests.session() |
csrf, nickname, level, now_play_count, next_play_count, now_login_count, next_login_count = self.login( |
session=session, phone=phone, password=password |
) |
res_sign = "" |
res_task = "" |
if csrf: |
res_sign = self.sign(session=session) |
res_task = self.task(session=session, csrf=csrf) |
msg = ( |
f"帐号信息: {nickname}\n当前等级: {level}\n当前听歌数量: {now_play_count}\n" |
f"升级需听歌数量: {next_play_count - now_play_count}\n升级需签到天数: {next_login_count - now_login_count}\n" |
f"签到状态: {res_sign}\n刷歌状态: {res_task}" |
) |
return msg |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
getENv() |
with open("/ql/config/check.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
datas = json.loads(f.read()) |
_check_item = datas.get("MUSIC163_ACCOUNT_LIST", [])[0] |
res=Music163CheckIn(check_item=_check_item).main() |
send("网易云音乐",res) |
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# 20 7 * * * |
import json |
import os |
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# 21 9 * * * |
import base64 |
import json |
import os |
import re |
import time |
import requests |
import rsa |
from getENV import getENv |
from checksendNotify import send |
class Cloud189CheckIn: |
def __init__(self, check_item: dict): |
self.check_item = check_item |
self.b64map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" |
@staticmethod |
def int2char(a): |
return list("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")[a] |
def b64tohex(self, a): |
d = "" |
e = 0 |
c = 0 |
for i in range(len(a)): |
if list(a)[i] != "=": |
v = self.b64map.index(list(a)[i]) |
if 0 == e: |
e = 1 |
d += self.int2char(v >> 2) |
c = 3 & v |
elif 1 == e: |
e = 2 |
d += self.int2char(c << 2 | v >> 4) |
c = 15 & v |
elif 2 == e: |
e = 3 |
d += self.int2char(c) |
d += self.int2char(v >> 2) |
c = 3 & v |
else: |
e = 0 |
d += self.int2char(c << 2 | v >> 4) |
d += self.int2char(15 & v) |
if e == 1: |
d += self.int2char(c << 2) |
return d |
def rsa_encode(self, j_rsakey, string): |
rsa_key = f"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n{j_rsakey}\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" |
pubkey = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1_openssl_pem(rsa_key.encode()) |
result = self.b64tohex((base64.b64encode(rsa.encrypt(f"{string}".encode(), pubkey))).decode()) |
return result |
def login(self, session, username, password): |
url = "https://cloud.189.cn/udb/udb_login.jsp?pageId=1&redirectURL=/main.action" |
r = session.get(url=url) |
captchatoken = re.findall(r"captchaToken' value='(.+?)'", r.text)[0] |
lt = re.findall(r'lt = "(.+?)"', r.text)[0] |
returnurl = re.findall(r"returnUrl = '(.+?)'", r.text)[0] |
paramid = re.findall(r'paramId = "(.+?)"', r.text)[0] |
j_rsakey = re.findall(r'j_rsaKey" value="(\S+)"', r.text, re.M)[0] |
session.headers.update({"lt": lt}) |
username = self.rsa_encode(j_rsakey, username) |
password = self.rsa_encode(j_rsakey, password) |
url = "https://open.e.189.cn/api/logbox/oauth2/loginSubmit.do" |
headers = { |
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0", |
"Referer": "https://open.e.189.cn/", |
} |
data = { |
"appKey": "cloud", |
"accountType": "01", |
"userName": f"{{RSA}}{username}", |
"password": f"{{RSA}}{password}", |
"validateCode": "", |
"captchaToken": captchatoken, |
"returnUrl": returnurl, |
"mailSuffix": "@189.cn", |
"paramId": paramid, |
} |
r = session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=5) |
if r.json()["result"] == 0: |
redirect_url = r.json()["toUrl"] |
session.get(url=redirect_url) |
return True |
else: |
return "登陆状态: " + r.json()["msg"] |
@staticmethod |
def sign(session): |
rand = str(round(time.time() * 1000)) |
surl = f"https://api.cloud.189.cn/mkt/userSign.action?rand={rand}&clientType=TELEANDROID&version=8.6.3&model=SM-G930K" |
url = "https://m.cloud.189.cn/v2/drawPrizeMarketDetails.action?taskId=TASK_SIGNIN&activityId=ACT_SIGNIN" |
url2 = "https://m.cloud.189.cn/v2/drawPrizeMarketDetails.action?taskId=TASK_SIGNIN_PHOTOS&activityId=ACT_SIGNIN" |
headers = { |
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; SM-G930K Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/74.0.3729.136 Mobile Safari/537.36 Ecloud/8.6.3 Android/22 clientId/355325117317828 clientModel/SM-G930K imsi/460071114317824 clientChannelId/qq proVersion/1.0.6", |
"Referer": "https://m.cloud.189.cn/zhuanti/2016/sign/index.jsp?albumBackupOpened=1", |
"Host": "m.cloud.189.cn", |
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", |
} |
response = session.get(url=surl, headers=headers) |
netdiskbonus = response.json().get("netdiskBonus") |
if response.json().get("isSign") == "false": |
msg = f"签到结果: 未签到,签到获得 {netdiskbonus}M 空间" |
else: |
msg = f"签到结果: 已经签到过了,签到获得 {netdiskbonus}M 空间" |
response = session.get(url=url, headers=headers) |
if "errorCode" in response.text: |
msg += f"\n第一次抽奖: {response.json().get('errorCode')}" |
else: |
description = response.json().get("description", "") |
if description in ["1", 1]: |
description = "50M空间" |
msg += f"\n第一次抽奖: 获得{description}" |
response = session.get(url=url2, headers=headers) |
if "errorCode" in response.text: |
msg += f"\n第二次抽奖: {response.json().get('errorCode')}" |
else: |
description = response.json().get("description", "") |
if description in ["1", 1]: |
description = "50M空间" |
msg += f"\n第二次抽奖: 获得{description}" |
return msg |
def main(self): |
cloud189_phone = self.check_item.get("cloud189_phone") |
cloud189_password = self.check_item.get("cloud189_password") |
session = requests.Session() |
flag = self.login(session=session, username=cloud189_phone, password=cloud189_password) |
if flag is True: |
sign_msg = self.sign(session=session) |
else: |
sign_msg = flag |
msg = f"帐号信息: {cloud189_phone}\n{sign_msg}" |
return msg |
def start(): |
getENv() |
with open("/ql/config/check.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
datas = json.loads(f.read()) |
_check_item = datas.get("CLOUD189_ACCOUNT_LIST", [])[0] |
res = Cloud189CheckIn(check_item=_check_item).main() |
print(res) |
send('天翼网盘', res) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
start() |
@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
#20 9 * * * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yuxian158/check/master/hlx.py, tag=葫芦侠签到, enabled=true |
import requests |
import os |
from checksendNotify import send |
r = requests.Session() |
def login(user, passwd): |
url = 'http://floor.huluxia.com/account/login/ANDROID/4.0?platform=2&gkey=000000&app_version=' \ |
'&versioncode=20141433&market_id=floor_baidu&_key=&device_code=%5Bw%5D02%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00 ' |
params = { |
'account': user, |
'login_type': '2', |
'password': passwd |
} |
login_res = r.post(url=url, data=params) |
login_res = login_res.json() |
nick = login_res['user']['nick'] |
key = login_res['_key'] |
s_key = login_res['session_key'] |
return nick, key, s_key |
def check(key): |
url1 = 'http://floor.huluxia.com/user/status/ANDROID/2.1' |
params = { |
'platform': '2', |
'gkey': '000000', |
'app_version': '', |
'versioncode': '20141434', |
'market_id': 'floor_baidu', |
'_key': key, |
'device_code': '%5Bw%5D02%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00', |
} |
check_req = r.get(url=url1, params=params) |
check_req = check_req.json() |
status = check_req['status'] |
if status == 0: |
raise Exception("令牌验证失败") |
elif status == 1: |
pass |
return status |
def category(key): |
global experienceVal |
titles = [] |
categoryIDs = [] |
category_url = 'http://floor.huluxia.com/category/list/ANDROID/2.0' |
params = { |
'platform': '2', |
'gkey': '000000', |
'app_version': '', |
'versioncode': '20141434', |
'market_id': 'floor_huluxia', |
'_key': key, |
'device_code': '%5Bw%5D02%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00', |
'is_hidden': '1' |
} |
category_res = r.get(url=category_url, params=params) |
category_res = category_res.json() |
category_res = category_res["categories"] |
for i in range(3, len(category_res)): |
res = category_res[i] |
titles.append(res['title']) |
categoryIDs.append(res['categoryID']) |
#print(res) |
url = f'http://floor.huluxia.com/user/signin/ANDROID/4.0' |
all_experienceVal = 0 |
for i in range(0, len(categoryIDs)): |
IDS = str(categoryIDs[i]) |
params = { |
'platform': '2', |
'gkey': '000000', |
'app_version': '', |
'versioncode': '20141434', |
'market_id': 'floor_baidu', |
'_key': key, |
'device_code': '%5Bw%5D02%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00', |
'cat_id': IDS |
} |
try: |
experienceVal = r.get(url=url, params=params).json()['experienceVal'] |
except: |
experienceVal = 0 |
finally: |
all_experienceVal = all_experienceVal + experienceVal |
return '签到成功 共获得{}点经验'.format(all_experienceVal) |
def hlx(user, passwd): |
nick, key, s_key = login(user, passwd) |
check(key) |
return "用户名:" + nick + category(key) |
def start(): |
scriptName = '葫芦侠签到' |
print(scriptName) |
if "hlx_username" in os.environ and "hlx_password" in os.environ: |
print('已经在环境中找到用户名和密码,开始执行程序') |
res = hlx(os.environ['hlx_username'], os.environ['hlx_password']) |
result = f' {scriptName} \n {res}' |
send("葫芦侠",result) |
else: |
print('未找到用户名和密码停止执行') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
start() |
# 20 9 * * * |
import requests |
import os |
from checksendNotify import send |
r = requests.Session() |
def login(user, passwd): |
url = 'http://floor.huluxia.com/account/login/ANDROID/4.0?platform=2&gkey=000000&app_version=' \ |
'&versioncode=20141433&market_id=floor_baidu&_key=&device_code=%5Bw%5D02%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00 ' |
params = { |
'account': user, |
'login_type': '2', |
'password': passwd |
} |
login_res = r.post(url=url, data=params) |
login_res = login_res.json() |
nick = login_res['user']['nick'] |
key = login_res['_key'] |
s_key = login_res['session_key'] |
return nick, key, s_key |
def check(key): |
url1 = 'http://floor.huluxia.com/user/status/ANDROID/2.1' |
params = { |
'platform': '2', |
'gkey': '000000', |
'app_version': '', |
'versioncode': '20141434', |
'market_id': 'floor_baidu', |
'_key': key, |
'device_code': '%5Bw%5D02%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00', |
} |
check_req = r.get(url=url1, params=params) |
check_req = check_req.json() |
status = check_req['status'] |
if status == 0: |
raise Exception("令牌验证失败") |
elif status == 1: |
pass |
return status |
def category(key): |
global experienceVal |
titles = [] |
categoryIDs = [] |
category_url = 'http://floor.huluxia.com/category/list/ANDROID/2.0' |
params = { |
'platform': '2', |
'gkey': '000000', |
'app_version': '', |
'versioncode': '20141434', |
'market_id': 'floor_huluxia', |
'_key': key, |
'device_code': '%5Bw%5D02%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00', |
'is_hidden': '1' |
} |
category_res = r.get(url=category_url, params=params) |
category_res = category_res.json() |
category_res = category_res["categories"] |
for i in range(3, len(category_res)): |
res = category_res[i] |
titles.append(res['title']) |
categoryIDs.append(res['categoryID']) |
# print(res) |
url = f'http://floor.huluxia.com/user/signin/ANDROID/4.0' |
all_experienceVal = 0 |
for i in range(0, len(categoryIDs)): |
IDS = str(categoryIDs[i]) |
params = { |
'platform': '2', |
'gkey': '000000', |
'app_version': '', |
'versioncode': '20141434', |
'market_id': 'floor_baidu', |
'_key': key, |
'device_code': '%5Bw%5D02%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00%3A00', |
'cat_id': IDS |
} |
try: |
experienceVal = r.get(url=url, params=params).json()['experienceVal'] |
except: |
experienceVal = 0 |
finally: |
all_experienceVal = all_experienceVal + experienceVal |
return '签到成功 共获得{}点经验'.format(all_experienceVal) |
def hlx(user, passwd): |
nick, key, s_key = login(user, passwd) |
check(key) |
return "用户名:" + nick + category(key) |
def start(): |
scriptName = '葫芦侠签到' |
print(scriptName) |
if "hlx_username" in os.environ and "hlx_password" in os.environ: |
print('已经在环境中找到用户名和密码,开始执行程序') |
res = hlx(os.environ['hlx_username'], os.environ['hlx_password']) |
result = f' {scriptName} \n {res}' |
send("葫芦侠", result) |
else: |
print('未找到用户名和密码停止执行') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
start() |
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# 22 9 * * * |
import json |
import os |
import re |
import time |
from urllib.parse import unquote |
import requests |
from getENV import getENv |
from checksendNotify import send |
class IQIYICheckIn: |
def __init__(self, check_item): |
self.check_item = check_item |
@staticmethod |
def parse_cookie(cookie): |
p00001 = re.findall(r"P00001=(.*?);", cookie)[0] |
p00002 = re.findall(r"P00002=(.*?);", cookie)[0] if re.findall(r"P00002=(.*?);", cookie) else "" |
p00003 = re.findall(r"P00003=(.*?);", cookie)[0] |
return p00001, p00002, p00003 |
@staticmethod |
def user_information(p00001): |
""" |
用户信息查询 |
""" |
time.sleep(3) |
url = "http://serv.vip.iqiyi.com/vipgrowth/query.action" |
params = {"P00001": p00001} |
res = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json() |
if res["code"] == "A00000": |
try: |
res_data = res.get("data", {}) |
level = res_data.get("level", 0) # VIP 等级 |
growthvalue = res_data.get("growthvalue", 0) # 当前 VIP 成长值 |
distance = res_data.get("distance", 0) # 升级需要成长值 |
deadline = res_data.get("deadline", "非 VIP 用户") # VIP 到期时间 |
today_growth_value = res_data.get("todayGrowthValue", 0) # 今日成长值 |
msg = ( |
f"VIP 等级: {level}\n当前成长值: {growthvalue}\n" |
f"升级需成长值: {distance}\n今日成长值: +{today_growth_value}\nVIP 到期时间: {deadline}" |
) |
except Exception as e: |
msg = str(e) |
print(msg) |
else: |
msg = res.get("msg") |
return msg |
@staticmethod |
def sign(p00001): |
""" |
VIP 签到 |
""" |
url = "https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/queryUserTask" |
params = {"P00001": p00001, "autoSign": "yes"} |
res = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json() |
if res["code"] == "A00000": |
try: |
growth = res["data"]["signInfo"]["data"]["rewardMap"]["growth"] |
continue_sign_days_sum = res["data"]["signInfo"]["data"]["continueSignDaysSum"] |
reward_day = ( |
7 if continue_sign_days_sum % 28 <= 7 else (14 if continue_sign_days_sum % 28 <= 14 else 28) |
) |
rouund_day = 28 if continue_sign_days_sum % 28 == 0 else continue_sign_days_sum % 28 |
msg = f"+{growth}成长值\n连续签到: {continue_sign_days_sum}天\n签到周期: {rouund_day}天/{reward_day}天" |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
msg = res["data"]["signInfo"].get("msg") |
else: |
msg = res.get("msg") |
return msg |
@staticmethod |
def query_user_task(p00001): |
""" |
获取 VIP 日常任务 和 taskCode(任务状态) |
""" |
url = "https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/queryUserTask" |
params = {"P00001": p00001} |
task_list = [] |
res = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json() |
if res["code"] == "A00000": |
for item in res["data"]["tasks"]["daily"]: |
task_list.append( |
{ |
"name": item["name"], |
"taskCode": item["taskCode"], |
"status": item["status"], |
"taskReward": item["taskReward"]["task_reward_growth"], |
} |
) |
return task_list |
@staticmethod |
def join_task(p00001, task_list): |
""" |
遍历完成任务 |
""" |
url = "https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/joinTask" |
params = {"P00001": p00001, "taskCode": "", "platform": "bb136ff4276771f3", "lang": "zh_CN"} |
for item in task_list: |
if item["status"] == 2: |
params["taskCode"] = item["taskCode"] |
requests.get(url=url, params=params) |
@staticmethod |
def get_task_rewards(p00001, task_list): |
""" |
获取任务奖励 |
:return: 返回信息 |
""" |
url = "https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/getTaskRewards" |
params = {"P00001": p00001, "taskCode": "", "platform": "bb136ff4276771f3", "lang": "zh_CN"} |
growth_task = 0 |
for item in task_list: |
if item["status"] == 0: |
params["taskCode"] = item.get("taskCode") |
requests.get(url=url, params=params) |
elif item["status"] == 4: |
requests.get(url="https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/notify", params=params) |
params["taskCode"] = item.get("taskCode") |
requests.get(url=url, params=params) |
elif item["status"] == 1: |
growth_task += item["taskReward"] |
msg = f"+{growth_task}成长值" |
return msg |
@staticmethod |
def draw(draw_type, p00001, p00003): |
""" |
查询抽奖次数(必),抽奖 |
:param draw_type: 类型。0 查询次数;1 抽奖 |
:param p00001: 关键参数 |
:param p00003: 关键参数 |
:return: {status, msg, chance} |
""" |
url = "https://iface2.iqiyi.com/aggregate/3.0/lottery_activity" |
params = { |
"lottery_chance": 1, |
"app_k": "b398b8ccbaeacca840073a7ee9b7e7e6", |
"app_v": "11.6.5", |
"platform_id": 10, |
"dev_os": "8.0.0", |
"dev_ua": "FRD-AL10", |
"net_sts": 1, |
"qyid": "2655b332a116d2247fac3dd66a5285011102", |
"psp_uid": p00003, |
"psp_cki": p00001, |
"psp_status": 3, |
"secure_v": 1, |
"secure_p": "GPhone", |
"req_sn": round(time.time() * 1000), |
} |
if draw_type == 1: |
del params["lottery_chance"] |
res = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json() |
if not res.get("code"): |
chance = int(res.get("daysurpluschance")) |
msg = res.get("awardName") |
return {"status": True, "msg": msg, "chance": chance} |
else: |
try: |
msg = res.get("kv", {}).get("msg") |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
msg = res["errorReason"] |
return {"status": False, "msg": msg, "chance": 0} |
def main(self): |
p00001, p00002, p00003 = self.parse_cookie(self.check_item.get("iqiyi_cookie")) |
sign_msg = self.sign(p00001=p00001) |
chance = self.draw(0, p00001=p00001, p00003=p00003)["chance"] |
if chance: |
draw_msg = "" |
for i in range(chance): |
ret = self.draw(1, p00001=p00001, p00003=p00003) |
draw_msg += ret["msg"] + ";" if ret["status"] else "" |
else: |
draw_msg = "抽奖机会不足" |
task_msg = "" |
for one in range(6): |
task_list = self.query_user_task(p00001=p00001) |
self.join_task(p00001=p00001, task_list=task_list) |
time.sleep(10) |
task_msg = self.get_task_rewards(p00001=p00001, task_list=task_list) |
try: |
user_info = json.loads(unquote(p00002, encoding="utf-8")) |
user_name = user_info.get("user_name") |
user_name = user_name.replace(user_name[3:7], "****") |
nickname = user_info.get("nickname") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"获取用户信息失败,错误信息: {e}") |
nickname = "未获取到,请检查 Cookie 中 P00002 字段" |
user_name = "未获取到,请检查 Cookie 中 P00002 字段" |
user_msg = self.user_information(p00001=p00001) |
msg = f"用户账号: {user_name}\n用户昵称: {nickname}\n{user_msg}\n" \ |
f"签到奖励: {sign_msg}\n任务奖励: {task_msg}\n抽奖奖励: {draw_msg}" |
return msg |
def start(): |
getENv() |
with open("/ql/config/check.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
datas = json.loads(f.read()) |
_check_item = datas.get("IQIYI_COOKIE_LIST", [])[0] |
res = IQIYICheckIn(check_item=_check_item).main() |
print(res) |
send('爱奇艺', res) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
start() |
Reference in new issue