You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
2.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
new Env('吾爱破解');
from utils import check
import re
import requests
class Pojie:
name = "吾爱破解"
def __init__(self, check_item):
self.check_item = check_item
def sign(headers):
msg = ""
session = requests.session()
session.get(url="https://www.52pojie.cn/home.php?mod=task&do=apply&id=2", headers=headers)
resp = session.get(url="https://www.52pojie.cn/home.php?mod=task&do=draw&id=2", headers=headers)
content = re.findall(r'<div id="messagetext".*?\n<p>(.*?)</p>', resp.text)[0]
if "您需要先登录才能继续本操作" in resp.text:
msg += "吾爱破解 cookie 失效"
elif "安域防护节点" in resp.text:
msg += "触发吾爱破解安全防护,访问出错。自行修改脚本运行时间和次数,总有能访问到的时间"
elif "恭喜" in resp.text:
msg += "吾爱破解签到成功"
msg += content
except Exception as e:
print("签到错误", e)
msg += "吾爱破解出错"
return msg
def main(self):
cookie = self.check_item.get("cookie")
headers = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.135 Safari/537.36",
"Cookie": cookie,
"ContentType": "text/html;charset=gbk",
uid = re.findall(r"htVD_2132_lastcheckfeed=(.*?);", cookie)[0].split("%7C")[0]
except Exception as e:
uid = "未获取到用户 uid"
sign_msg = self.sign(headers=headers)
msg = [
{"name": "帐号信息", "value": f"{uid}"},
{"name": "签到信息", "value": f"{sign_msg}"},
msg = "\n".join([f"{one.get('name')}: {one.get('value')}" for one in msg])
return msg
@check(run_script_name="吾爱破解", run_script_expression="POJIE")
def main(*args, **kwargs):
return Pojie(check_item=kwargs.get("value")).main()
if __name__ == "__main__":