#!/bin/bash # # apaxy configurator # v0.2 # use "apaxy-configure.sh" to configure apaxy after adjusting the needed values in this file # author : Jordan Bancino and Ploc # contact : jordan [@] bancino.net # licence : GPLv3 # default log level on the console (the lower the number is, the less verbose it is) #defaultLogLevel=2 # all log messages are written to log file #defaultLogFile="apaxy.log" # the apache web root path where the server serves documents # # default for apache is /var/www/html # # note that path should be absolute, so make sure it starts with a "/" # and DO NOT leave a trailing slash # # good: "/var/www/html" <- starts with "/", does not have trailing "/" # bad : "var/www/html/" <- does not start with "/", have a trailing "/" # apacheWebRootPath="/var/www/html" # the directory where apaxy will be used (this is relative to the web server root, and contains the "theme" folder) # # for instance: "http://example.org/share" would make this value "/share", where "/share/theme" is the theme directory # # note that path should be absolute, so make sure it starts with a "/" # and DO NOT leave a trailing slash # # good: "/share" <- starts with "/", does not have trailing "/" # bad : "share/" <- does not start with "/", has a trailing "/" # # by default, apaxy is configured to be installed at the root level of your web server # # if you want apaxy to be installed anywhere else, you can set it in the installWebPath variable # # installWebPath="/share" # installWebPath="" # enable lightgallery.js to preview images in the browser with navigation links # # this feature is disabled by default as it downloads css and js files from a CDN # # please enable it with caution # enableGallery=false # set the default header message displayed on top of each page defaultHeaderMessage="" # set the default footer message displayed on bottom of each page defaultFooterMessage=""