You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines
1.8 KiB

2 years ago
# A POSIX compatible JSON parser within 60 lines of code (without comments)
# Usage example:
# $ echo '{ "key1" : { "key2": {}, "key3": [null, true, false, "value"]}}' | ./ '"key1"' '"key3"' 3
# $ "value"
# shellcheck disable=SC2015
_TOKEN="" _TMP="" __JTOK="$__JSTR\|$__JNUM\|true\|false\|null\|[][}{,:]"
_is_match() { [ "$1" = "$2" ] || [ "$1" = \* ] || [ "$1" = . ]; }
_eof_error() { echo "Unexpected EOF after \"$_TOKEN\""; exit 1; }
_token_error() { echo "Unexpected token \"$_TOKEN\""; exit 1; }
_jread() {
read -r _TOKEN || _eof_error
[ "$1" = . ] && echo "$_TOKEN"
_jarr() {
if _is_match "$1" 0; then _jval "$@"; else _jval; fi || {
[ "$_TOKEN" = ']' ] && return || _token_error
while :; do
_jread "$1";
case $_TOKEN in "]") return 0;;
",") [ "$1" -ge 0 ] 2>/dev/null && _TMP=$(( $1 - 1)) && shift && set -- "$_TMP" "$@";;
*) _token_error;;
if _is_match "$1" 0; then _jval "$@"; else _jval; fi || _token_error
_jobj() {
_jread "$1"; [ "$_TOKEN" = "}" ] && return 0
while :; do
case $_TMP in '"'*'"')
_jread "$1"
[ "$_TOKEN" = ":" ] || _token_error
if _is_match "$1" "$_TMP"; then _jval "$@"; else _jval; fi || _token_error
_jread "$1"
[ "$_TOKEN" = "}" ] && return 0
[ "$_TOKEN" != "," ] && _token_error
_jread "$1"
_jval() {
[ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "$*" = . ] || shift
_jread "$1"
case $_TOKEN in '{') _jobj "$@";;
"[") _jarr "$@";;
true|false|null|-*|[0-9]*|'"'*'"') [ "$1" = \* ] && echo "$_TOKEN"; :;;
*) return 1;;
sed -e "s/\($__JTOK\)/\n\1\n/g" | sed -e "/^\s*$/d;/$__JTOK/!{q255};" | { _jval "" "$@" . && ! read -r; } || {
echo "JSON string invalid."
exit 1