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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 years ago
# @Time : 2020-06-05
# @Author : lework
# @Desc : 针对supervisor的应用进行健康检查
4 years ago
# @Version : 1.7
import os
4 years ago
import re
import sys
import time
import json
import yaml
import base64
import socket
5 years ago
import signal
import smtplib
import datetime
import platform
import threading
5 years ago
import subprocess
import hmac
from hashlib import sha256
from email.header import Header
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from collections import namedtuple
5 years ago
from supervisor.xmlrpc import SupervisorTransport
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY3:
import http.client as httplib
from xmlrpc.client import Transport, ServerProxy, Fault
5 years ago
def iterkeys(d, **kw):
return iter(d.keys(**kw))
5 years ago
def iteritems(d, **kw):
return iter(d.items(**kw))
import httplib
from xmlrpclib import Transport, ServerProxy, Fault
5 years ago
def iterkeys(d, **kw):
return d.iterkeys(**kw)
5 years ago
def iteritems(d, **kw):
return d.iteritems(**kw)
def shell(cmd):
:param cmd:
5 years ago
:return: (exitcode, stdout, stderr)
5 years ago
# with os.popen(cmd) as f:
# return
env_to_pass = dict(os.environ)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
return (proc.returncode,) + proc.communicate()
4 years ago
def drop_cache():
清除缓存, 1: pagecache, 2: dentries and inodes, 3: 1+2
cmd = "sync && echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"
exitcode, _, _ = shell(cmd)
return exitcode
def get_proc_cpu(pid):
:param pid:
pscommand = 'ps -opcpu= -p %s'
5 years ago
_, data, _ = shell(pscommand % pid)
if not data:
# 未获取到数据值,或者没有此pid信息
return None
5 years ago
cpu_utilization = data.strip()
cpu_utilization = float(cpu_utilization)
except ValueError:
# 获取的结果不包含数据,或者无法识别cpu_utilization
return None
return cpu_utilization
4 years ago
def get_proc_mem(pid, type="rss"):
:param pid:
4 years ago
:param type:
4 years ago
smaps_file = "/proc/%s/smaps" % pid
smaps_data = ""
if not os.path.exists(smaps_file):
print("[Error] not found %s" % smaps_file)
return None
with open("/proc/%s/smaps" % (pid)) as f:
smaps_data =
except Exception as e:
print("[Error] %s" % e)
return None
if type == "rss":
rss_re = re.compile(br"\nRss\:\s+(\d+)")
data = sum(map(int, rss_re.findall(smaps_data)))
elif type == "pss":
pss_re = re.compile(br"\nPss\:\s+(\d+)")
data = sum(map(int, pss_re.findall(smaps_data)))
elif type == "uss":
private_re = re.compile(br"\nPrivate.*:\s+(\d+)")
data = sum(map(int, private_re.findall(smaps_data)))
data = data / 1024 # rss 的单位是 KB, 这里返回MB单位
return data
4 years ago
class WorkerThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, target=None, args=(), kwargs={}, name=None):
super(WorkerThread, self).__init__(target=target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, name=name)
self._target = target
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
self.exception = None
def run(self):
if self._target:
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
except Exception as e:
# 记录线程异常
self.exception = sys.exc_info()
del self._target, self._args, self._kwargs
def get_exception(self):
return self.exception
class HealthCheck(object):
def __init__(self, config):
:param config:
self.mail_config = None
self.wechat_config = None
self.dingding_config = None
self.feishu_config = None
5 years ago
self.supervisord_url = 'unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock'
if 'config' in config:
self.mail_config = config['config'].get('mail')
self.wechat_config = config['config'].get('wechat')
4 years ago
self.dingding_config = config['config'].get('dingding')
self.feishu_config = config['config'].get('feishu')
5 years ago
self.supervisord_url = config['config'].get('supervisordUrl', self.supervisord_url)
self.supervisord_user = config['config'].get('supervisordUser', None)
self.supervisord_pass = config['config'].get('supervisordPass', None)
self.program_config = config
4 years ago
# 只保留通知action
self.notice_action = ['email', 'wechat', 'dingding', 'feishu']
4 years ago
self.periodSeconds = 5
self.failureThreshold = 3
self.successThreshold = 1
self.initialDelaySeconds = 1
5 years ago
self.sendResolved = False
4 years ago
self.mem_type = 'rss'
self.max_mem = 1024
self.max_cpu = 90
5 years ago
def get_supervisord_conn(self):
5 years ago
transport = SupervisorTransport(self.supervisord_user, self.supervisord_pass, self.supervisord_url)
s = ServerProxy('', transport=transport)
return s
5 years ago
def get_pid(self, program, kind, pid_file):
:param program:
:param kind:
5 years ago
:param pid_file:
5 years ago
pid = 0
err = ''
if kind == 'supervisor':
4 years ago
# 通过supervisor程序获取pid
5 years ago
5 years ago
s = self.get_supervisord_conn()
5 years ago
info = s.supervisor.getProcessInfo(program)
pid = info.get('pid')
err = info.get('description')
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, "PID: Can't get pid from supervisor %s ", e)
4 years ago
5 years ago
elif kind == 'name':
4 years ago
# 通过进程名称获取pid
pscommand = "ps -A -o pid,cmd | grep '[%s]%s' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1"
5 years ago
exitcode, stdout, stderr = shell(pscommand % (program[0], program[1:]))
if exitcode == 0:
pid = stdout.strip()
self.log(program, "PID: Can't get pid from name %s ", stderr)
pid = 0
err = stderr
elif kind == 'file':
4 years ago
# 通过文件获取pid
5 years ago
if pid_file:
with open(pid_file) as f:
pid =
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, "PID: Can't get pid from file %s ", e)
err = "Can't get pid from file"
4 years ago
err = "PID: pid file not set."
self.log(program, err)
4 years ago
5 years ago
if not pid:
pid = 0
return pid, err
def log(self, program, msg, *args):
写信息到 STDERR.
5 years ago
:param program:
:param msg:
:param args:
curr_dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
'%s [%s] %s\n' % (curr_dt, program, msg % args,))
def check(self, config):
:param config:
check_state = {}
4 years ago
program = config.get('program')
periodSeconds = config.get('periodSeconds', self.periodSeconds)
failureThreshold = config.get('failureThreshold', self.failureThreshold)
successThreshold = config.get('successThreshold', self.successThreshold)
initialDelaySeconds = config.get('initialDelaySeconds', self.initialDelaySeconds)
5 years ago
sendResolved = config.get('sendResolved', self.sendResolved)
4 years ago
action_type = config.get('action', 'restart')
check_type = config.get('type', 'http').lower()
4 years ago
if check_type == 'http':
check_method = self.http_check
elif check_type == 'tcp':
check_method = self.tcp_check
elif check_type == 'mem':
check_method = self.mem_check
elif check_type == 'cpu':
check_method = self.cpu_check
5 years ago
while 1:
if program not in check_state:
check_state[program] = {
'periodSeconds': 1,
'failure': 0,
'success': 0,
'action': False
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[CONFIG]: %s', config)
# self.log(program, '%s check state: %s', check_type, json.dumps(check_state[program]))
if check_state[program]['periodSeconds'] % periodSeconds == 0:
check_result = check_method(config)
5 years ago
check_status = check_result.get('status', None)
check_info = check_result.get('info', '')
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[%s check]: info(%s) state(%s)', check_type.upper(), check_info, check_status)
if check_status == 'failure':
check_state[program]['failure'] += 1
elif check_status == 'success':
check_state[program]['success'] += 1
# 先判断成功次数
if check_state[program]['success'] >= successThreshold:
5 years ago
# 只有开启恢复通知和检测失败并且执行操作后,才可以发送恢复通知
if sendResolved and check_state[program]['action']:
4 years ago
send_action = ','.join(list(set(action_type.split(',')) & set(self.notice_action)))
self.log(program, '[Resolved] Use %s.', send_action)
5 years ago
action_param = {
'check_status': check_status,
'action_type': send_action,
'msg': check_result.get('msg', '')
self.action(program, **action_param)
# 成功后,将项目状态初始化
check_state[program]['failure'] = 0
check_state[program]['success'] = 0
check_state[program]['action'] = False
# 再判断失败次数
if check_state[program]['failure'] >= failureThreshold:
5 years ago
# 失败后, 只触发一次action, 或者检测错误数可以整除2倍periodSeconds与initialDelaySeconds时触发(避免重启失败导致服务一直不可用)
if not check_state[program]['action'] or (
check_state[program]['failure'] != 0 and check_state[program]['failure'] % (
5 years ago
(periodSeconds + initialDelaySeconds) * 2) == 0):
5 years ago
action_param = {
4 years ago
'config': config,
5 years ago
'action_type': action_type,
5 years ago
'check_status': check_status,
5 years ago
'msg': check_result.get('msg', '')
5 years ago
5 years ago
self.action(program, **action_param)
check_state[program]['action'] = True
# 间隔时间清0
check_state[program]['periodSeconds'] = 0
check_state[program]['periodSeconds'] += 1
def http_check(self, config):
:param config:
:return: dict
program = config.get('program')
config_host = config.get('host', 'localhost')
config_path = config.get('path', '/')
config_port = config.get('port', '80')
config_method = config.get('method', 'GET')
config_timeoutSeconds = config.get('timeoutSeconds', 3)
config_body = config.get('body', '')
config_json = config.get('json', '')
config_hearders = config.get('hearders', '')
config_username = config.get('username', '')
config_password = config.get('password', '')
HEADERS = {'User-Agent': 'leops http_check'}
headers = HEADERS.copy()
if config_hearders:
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[http_check]: config_headers not loads: %s , %s', config_hearders, e)
if config_json:
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
if config_username and config_password:
auth_str = '%s:%s' % (config_username, config_password)
headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(auth_str.encode()).decode()
if config_json:
config_body = json.dumps(config_json)
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[http_check]: config_json not loads: %s , %s', json, e)
check_info = '%s %s %s %s %s %s' % (config_host, config_port, config_path, config_method,
5 years ago
config_body, headers)
httpClient = httplib.HTTPConnection(config_host, config_port, timeout=config_timeoutSeconds)
httpClient.request(config_method, config_path, config_body, headers=headers)
res = httpClient.getresponse()
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[http_check]: conn error, %s', e)
return {'status': 'failure', 'msg': '[http_check] %s' % e, 'info': check_info}
if httpClient:
if res.status != httplib.OK:
return {'status': 'failure', 'msg': '[http_check] return code %s' % res.status, 'info': check_info}
5 years ago
5 years ago
return {'status': 'success', 'msg': '[http_check] return code %s' % res.status, 'info': check_info}
def tcp_check(self, config):
:param config:
:return: dict
program = config.get('program')
host = config.get('host', 'localhost')
port = config.get('port', 80)
timeoutSeconds = config.get('timeoutSeconds', 3)
check_info = '%s %s' % (host, port)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((host, port))
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[tcp_check]: conn error, %s', e)
return {'status': 'failure', 'msg': '[tcp_check] %s' % e, 'info': check_info}
5 years ago
return {'status': 'success', 'msg': '[tcp_check] connection succeeded', 'info': check_info}
def mem_check(self, config):
:param config:
:return: dict
program = config.get('program')
4 years ago
max_mem = config.get('maxMem', self.max_mem)
mem_type = config.get('memType', self.mem_type)
5 years ago
pid_get = config.get('pidGet', 'supervisor')
pid_file = config.get('pidFile', )
4 years ago
check_info = 'max_mem:%sMB mem_type:%s' % (max_mem, mem_type)
5 years ago
pid, err = self.get_pid(program, pid_get, pid_file)
if pid == 0:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[mem_check]: check error, program not starting.')
5 years ago
return {'status': 'failure',
4 years ago
'msg': '[mem_check] program not starting, message: %s.' % err,
5 years ago
'info': check_info}
4 years ago
now_mem = get_proc_mem(pid, mem_type)
check_info = '%s now_mem:%sMB pid:%s' % (check_info, now_mem, pid)
if now_mem >= int(max_mem):
return {'status': 'failure', 'msg': '[mem_check] max_mem(%sMB) now_mem(%sMB)' % (max_mem, now_mem),
5 years ago
'info': check_info}
4 years ago
return {'status': 'success', 'msg': '[mem_check] max_mem(%sMB) now_mem(%sMB)' % (max_mem, now_mem),
5 years ago
'info': check_info}
def cpu_check(self, config):
:param config:
:return: dict
program = config.get('program')
5 years ago
max_cpu = config.get('maxCpu', self.max_cpu)
pid_get = config.get('pidGet', 'supervisor')
pid_file = config.get('pidFile', )
check_info = 'max_cpu:{cpu}%'.format(cpu=max_cpu)
5 years ago
pid, err = self.get_pid(program, pid_get, pid_file)
if pid == 0:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[cpu_check]: check error, program not starting.')
5 years ago
return {'status': 'failure',
4 years ago
'msg': '[cpu_check] program not starting, message: %s.' % err,
5 years ago
'info': check_info}
now_cpu = get_proc_cpu(pid)
check_info = '{info} now_cpu:{now}% pid:{pid}'.format(info=check_info, now=now_cpu, pid=pid)
if now_cpu >= int(max_cpu):
return {'status': 'failure',
'msg': '[cpu_check] max_cpu({max_cpu}%) now_cpu({now}%)'.format(max_cpu=max_cpu, now=now_cpu),
'info': check_info}
5 years ago
return {'status': 'success',
'msg': '[cpu_check] max_cpu({max_cpu}%) now_cpu({now}%)'.format(max_cpu=max_cpu, now=now_cpu),
'info': check_info}
5 years ago
def action(self, program, **args):
:param program:
5 years ago
:param args:
:return: None
5 years ago
action_type = args.get('action_type')
5 years ago
msg = args.get('msg')
check_status = args.get('check_status')
5 years ago
config = args.get('config')
4 years ago
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: %s]', action_type)
action_list = action_type.split(',')
5 years ago
if 'restart' in action_list:
5 years ago
restart_result = self.action_supervisor_restart(program)
msg += '\r\n**Restart**:%s' % restart_result
5 years ago
elif 'exec' in action_list:
5 years ago
action_exec_cmd = config.get('action_exec_cmd')
5 years ago
exec_result = self.action_exec(program, action_exec_cmd)
msg += '\r\n**Exec**:%s' % exec_result
5 years ago
elif 'kill' in action_list:
pid_get = config.get('pidGet', 'supervisor')
pid_file = config.get('pidFile', )
pid, err = self.get_pid(program, pid_get, pid_file)
kill_result = self.action_kill(program, pid)
msg += '\r\n**Kill**:%s' % kill_result
5 years ago
if 'email' in action_list and self.mail_config:
5 years ago
self.action_email(program, action_type, msg, check_status)
if 'wechat' in action_list and self.wechat_config:
5 years ago
self.action_wechat(program, action_type, msg, check_status)
4 years ago
if 'dingding' in action_list and self.dingding_config:
self.action_dingding(program, action_type, msg, check_status)
if 'feishu' in action_list and self.feishu_config:
self.action_feishu(program, action_type, msg, check_status)
5 years ago
def action_supervisor_restart(self, program):
:param program:
result = 'success'
5 years ago
s = self.get_supervisord_conn()
info = s.supervisor.getProcessInfo(program)
except Exception as e:
result = 'Get %s ProcessInfo Error: %s' % (program, e)
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: restart] %s' % result)
return result
if info['state'] == 20:
stop_result = s.supervisor.stopProcess(program)
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: restart] stop result %s', stop_result)
except Fault as e:
result = 'Failed to stop process %s, exiting: %s' % (program, e)
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: restart] stop error %s', result)
return result
info = s.supervisor.getProcessInfo(program)
4 years ago
drop_cache_state = drop_cache()
if drop_cache_state == 0:
self.log(program, '[Action: restart] drop pagecache success.')
self.log(program, '[Action: restart] drop pagecache error.')
if info['state'] != 20:
start_result = s.supervisor.startProcess(program)
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: restart] start result %s', start_result)
except Fault as e:
result = 'Failed to start process %s, exiting: %s' % (program, e)
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: restart] start error %s', result)
return result
return result
5 years ago
def action_exec(self, program, cmd):
:param program:
5 years ago
:param cmd:
5 years ago
result = 'success'
exitcode, stdout, stderr = shell(cmd)
if exitcode == 0:
4 years ago
self.log(program, "[Action: exec] result success")
5 years ago
result = 'Failed to exec %s, exiting: %s' % (program, exitcode)
4 years ago
self.log(program, "[Action: exec] result %s", result)
5 years ago
5 years ago
return result
4 years ago
5 years ago
def action_kill(self, program, pid):
:param program:
:param pid:
4 years ago
5 years ago
result = 'success'
4 years ago
5 years ago
if int(pid) < 3:
4 years ago
return 'Failed to kill %s, pid: %s ' % (program, pid)
5 years ago
cmd = "kill -9 %s" % pid
exitcode, stdout, stderr = shell(cmd)
if exitcode == 0:
4 years ago
self.log(program, "[Action: kill] result success")
5 years ago
result = 'Failed to kill %s, pid: %s exiting: %s' % (program, pid, exitcode)
4 years ago
self.log(program, "[Action: kill] result %s", result)
5 years ago
4 years ago
drop_cache_state = drop_cache()
if drop_cache_state == 0:
self.log(program, '[Action: kill] drop pagecache success.')
self.log(program, '[Action: kill] drop pagecache error.')
5 years ago
return result
5 years ago
def action_email(self, program, action_type, msg, check_status):
5 years ago
:param program:
:param action_type:
:param msg:
:param check_status:
ip = ""
5 years ago
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 80))
ip = s.getsockname()[0]
5 years ago
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: email] get ip error %s' % e)
hostname = platform.node().split('.')[0]
system_platform = platform.platform()
5 years ago
if check_status == 'success':
subject = "[Supervisor] %s Health check successful" % program
subject = "[Supervisor] %s Health check failed" % program
curr_dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
content = """
5 years ago
DateTime: {curr_dt}
Program: {program}
IP: {ip}
Hostname: {hostname}
Platfrom: {system_platform}
Action: {action}
Msg: {msg}
""".format(curr_dt=curr_dt, program=program, ip=ip, hostname=hostname, system_platform=system_platform,
5 years ago
action=action_type, msg=msg)
mail_port = self.mail_config.get('port', '')
mail_host = self.mail_config.get('host', '')
mail_user = self.mail_config.get('user', '')
mail_pass = self.mail_config.get('pass', '')
to_list = self.mail_config.get('to_list', [])
msg = MIMEText(content, _subtype='plain', _charset='utf-8')
msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
msg['From'] = mail_user
msg['to'] = ",".join(to_list)
s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(mail_host, mail_port)
s.login(mail_user, mail_pass)
s.sendmail(mail_user, to_list, msg.as_string())
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: email] send error %s' % e)
return False
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: email] send success.')
return True
5 years ago
def action_wechat(self, program, action_type, msg, check_status):
:param program:
:param action_type:
:param msg:
5 years ago
:param check_status:
host = ""
corpid = self.wechat_config.get('corpid')
secret = self.wechat_config.get('secret')
agentid = self.wechat_config.get('agentid')
touser = self.wechat_config.get('touser')
toparty = self.wechat_config.get('toparty')
totag = self.wechat_config.get('totag')
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
access_token_url = '/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid={id}&corpsecret={crt}'.format(id=corpid, crt=secret)
httpClient = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=10)
httpClient.request("GET", access_token_url, headers=headers)
response = httpClient.getresponse()
token = json.loads(['access_token']
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: wechat] get token error %s' % e)
return False
if httpClient:
send_url = '/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token={token}'.format(token=token)
ip = ""
5 years ago
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 80))
ip = s.getsockname()[0]
5 years ago
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: wechat] get ip error %s' % e)
hostname = platform.node().split('.')[0]
system_platform = platform.platform()
curr_dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
5 years ago
if check_status == 'success':
title = "<font color=\"info\">[Supervisor] %s Health check successful</font>" % program
title = "<font color=\"warning\">[Supervisor] %s Health check failed</font>" % program
content = "{title}\n \
> **详情信息**\n \
> DataTime: {curr_dt}\n \
> Program: <font color=\"warning\">{program}</font>\n \
> IP: {ip}\n \
> Hostname: {hostname}\n \
> Platfrom: {platfrom}\n \
> Action: {action}\n \
> Msg: {msg}".format(title=title, curr_dt=curr_dt, program=program, ip=ip, hostname=hostname,
platfrom=system_platform, action=action_type, msg=msg)
data = {
"msgtype": 'markdown',
"agentid": agentid,
"markdown": {'content': content},
"safe": 0
if touser:
data['touser'] = touser
if toparty:
data['toparty'] = toparty
if toparty:
data['totag'] = totag
httpClient = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=10)
httpClient.request("POST", send_url, json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
response = httpClient.getresponse()
result = json.loads(
if result['errcode'] != 0:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: wechat] send faild %s' % result)
return False
except Exception as e:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: wechat] send error %s' % e)
return False
if httpClient:
4 years ago
self.log(program, '[Action: wechat] send success')
return True
4 years ago
def action_dingding(self, program, action_type, msg, check_status):
curr_dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
hostname = platform.node().split('.')[0]
system_platform = platform.platform()
host = ""
access_token = self.dingding_config.get('access_token')
send_url = '/robot/send?access_token={access_token}'.format(access_token=access_token)
4 years ago
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
if check_status == 'success':
title = "[%s] Health check successful" % program
title = "[%s] Health check failed" % program
data = {
"msgtype": "markdown",
"markdown": {
"title": title,
"text": "#### 详情信息: \n> Program:%s \n\n> DataTime: %s \n\n> Hostname: %s \n\n> Platfrom: %s \n\n> Msg:%s" % (
program, curr_dt, hostname, system_platform, msg)
4 years ago
httpClient = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=10)
httpClient.request("POST", send_url, json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
response = httpClient.getresponse()
result = json.loads(
if result['errcode'] != 0:
self.log(program, '[Action: dingding] send faild %s' % result)
return False
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, '[Action: dingding] send error %s' % e)
return False
if httpClient:
self.log(program, '[Action: dingding] send success')
return True
def action_feishu(self, program, action_type, msg, check_status):
:param program:
:param action_type:
:param msg:
:param check_status:
host = ""
secret = self.feishu_config.get('secret')
webhook = self.feishu_config.get('webhook')
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
send_url = "/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/{webhook}".format(webhook=webhook)
ip = ""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 80))
ip = s.getsockname()[0]
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, '[Action: feishu] get ip error %s' % e)
hostname = platform.node().split('.')[0]
system_platform = platform.platform()
curr_dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if check_status == 'success':
title = "[Supervisor] %s Health check successful" % program
title_color = "green"
title = "[Supervisor] %s Health check failed" % program
title_color = "red"
content = "**DataTime**: {curr_dt}\n**Program**: {program}\n**IP**: {ip}\n**Hostname**: {hostname}\n**Platfrom**: {platfrom}\n**Action**: {action}\n**Msg**: {msg}".format(
curr_dt=curr_dt, program=program, ip=ip, hostname=hostname,
platfrom=system_platform, action=action_type, msg=msg)
data = {
"msg_type": "interactive",
"card": {
"config": {
"wide_screen_mode": True,
"enable_forward": True
"header": {
"title": {
"content": title,
"tag": "plain_text"
"template": title_color
"elements": [{
"tag": "div",
"text": {
"content": "详细信息:",
"tag": "lark_md"
"fields": [
"is_short": False,
"text": {
"tag": "lark_md",
"content": content
if secret != "":
msg = ""
timestamp = ""
if PY3:
timestamp = str(round(time.time()))
key = '{}\n{}'.format(timestamp, secret)
key_enc = key.encode('utf-8')
msg_enc = msg.encode('utf-8')
timestamp = long(round(time.time()))
key = '{}\n{}'.format(timestamp, secret)
key_enc = bytes(key).encode('utf-8')
msg_enc = bytes(msg).encode('utf-8')
hmac_code =, msg_enc, digestmod=sha256).digest()
sign = base64.b64encode(hmac_code).decode('utf-8')
data['timestamp'] = timestamp
data['sign'] = sign
httpClient = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=10)
httpClient.request("POST", send_url, json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
response = httpClient.getresponse()
result = json.loads(
if result.get('StatusCode', 1) != 0:
self.log(program, '[Action: feishu] send faild %s' % result)
return False
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, '[Action: feishu] send error [%s] %s' % (result, e))
return False
if httpClient:
self.log(program, '[Action: feishu] send success')
return True
def start(self):
4 years ago
self.log('healthCheck', 'start')
threads = []
4 years ago
threads_data = {}
for key, value in iteritems(self.program_config):
item = value
item['program'] = key
4 years ago
t = WorkerThread(target=self.check, args=(item,), name=key)
4 years ago
threads_data[key] = item
for t in threads:
4 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago
while 1:
4 years ago
for i, t in enumerate(threads):
4 years ago
if not t.isAlive():
thread_name = t.getName()
4 years ago
self.log('ERROR', 'Exception in %s (catch by main): %s' % (thread_name, t.get_exception()))
self.log('ERROR', 'Create new Thread!')
4 years ago
t = WorkerThread(target=self.check, args=(threads_data[thread_name],), name=thread_name)
threads[i] = t
if __name__ == '__main__':
5 years ago
# 信号处理
def sig_handler(signum, frame):
print("Exit check!")
4 years ago
5 years ago
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, sig_handler)
# 获取当前目录下的配置文件,没有的话就生成个模板
config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'config.yaml')
if not os.path.exists(config_file):
example_config = """
config: # 脚本配置名称,请勿更改
5 years ago
# supervisordUrl: http://localhost:9001/RPC2 # supervisor的接口地址, 默认使用本地socket文件unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock
# supervisordUser: user # supervisor中设置的username, 没有设置可不填
# supervisordPass: pass # supervisor中设置的password, 没有设置可不填
4 years ago
# mail: # 邮箱通知配置
# host: ''
# port': '465'
# user': ''
# pass': '123456'
# to_list: ['']
# wechat: # 企业微信通知配置
# corpid:
# secret:
# agentid:
# touser:
# toparty:
# totag:
4 years ago
# dingding: # 钉钉通知配置
# feishu: # 飞书通知配置
5 years ago
# 内存方式监控
cat1: # supervisor中配置的program名称
type: mem # 检查类型: http,tcp,mem,cpu 默认: http
4 years ago
maxMem: 1024 # 内存阈值, 超过则为检测失败. 单位MB, 默认: 1024
memType: rss # 内存使用分类:rss, pss, uss 默认:rss
5 years ago
pidGet: supervisor # 获取pid的方式: supervisor,name,file, 选择name时,按program名称搜索pid,选择file时,需指定pidFile 默认: supervisor
5 years ago
pidFile: /var/run/ # 指定pid文件的路径, 只在pidGet为file的时候有用
periodSeconds: 10 # 检查的频率(以秒为单位), 默认: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 10 # 首次检查等待的时间(以秒为单位), 默认: 1
failureThreshold: 3 # 检查成功后,最少连续检查失败多少次才被认定为失败, 默认: 3
successThreshold: 2 # 失败后检查成功的最小连续成功次数, 默认:1
action: restart,email # 触发的动作: restart,exec,kill,email,wechat,dingding,feishu (restart,exec,kill互斥,同时设置时restart生效) 默认: restart
5 years ago
execCmd: command # action exec 的执行命令
sendResolved: True # 是否发送恢复通知 默认: False
5 years ago
# cpu方式监控
cat2: # supervisor中配置的program名称
type: cpu # 检查类型: http,tcp,mem,cpu 默认: http
5 years ago
maxCpu: 80 # CPU阈值, 超过则为检测失败. 单位% 默认: 90%
5 years ago
pidGet: supervisor # 获取pid的方式: supervisor,name,file, 选择name时,按program名称搜索pid,选择file时,需指定pidFile 默认: supervisor
5 years ago
pidFile: /var/run/ # 指定pid文件的路径, 只在pidGet为file的时候有用
periodSeconds: 10 # 检查的频率(以秒为单位), 默认: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 10 # 首次检查等待的时间(以秒为单位), 默认: 1
failureThreshold: 3 # 检查成功后,最少连续检查失败多少次才被认定为失败, 默认: 3
successThreshold: 2 # 失败后检查成功的最小连续成功次数, 默认:1
action: restart,email # 触发的动作: restart,exec,kill,email,wechat,dingding,feishu (restart,exec,kill互斥,同时设置时restart生效) 默认: restart
5 years ago
execCmd: command # action exec 的执行命令
sendResolved: True # 是否发送恢复通知 默认: False
5 years ago
# HTTP方式监控
4 years ago
type: http
mode: POST # http动作:POST,GET 默认: GET
host: # 主机地址, 默认: localhost
path: / # URI地址,默认: /
port: 8080 # 检测端口,默认: 80
json: '{"a":"b"}' # POST的json数据
hearders: '{"c":1}' # http的hearder头部数据
username: test # 用于http的basic认证
password: pass # 用于http的basic认证
periodSeconds: 10 # 检查的频率(以秒为单位), 默认: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 10 # 首次检查等待的时间(以秒为单位), 默认: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5 # 检查超时的秒数, 默认: 3
failureThreshold: 3 # 检查成功后,最少连续检查失败多少次才被认定为失败, 默认: 3
successThreshold: 2 # 失败后检查成功的最小连续成功次数, 默认:1
action: restart,email # 触发的动作: restart,exec,kill,email,wechat,dingding,feishu (restart,exec,kill互斥,同时设置时restart生效) 默认: restart
5 years ago
execCmd: command # action exec 的执行命令
sendResolved: True # 是否发送恢复通知 默认: False
5 years ago
# TCP方式监控
4 years ago
type: tcp
host: # 主机地址, 默认: localhost
port: 8082 # 检测端口,默认: 80
periodSeconds: 10 # 检查的频率(以秒为单位), 默认: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 10 # 首次检查等待的时间(以秒为单位), 默认: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5 # 检查超时的秒数, 默认: 3
failureThreshold: 3 # 检查成功后,最少连续检查失败多少次才被认定为失败, 默认: 3
successThreshold: 2 # 失败后检查成功的最小连续成功次数, 默认:1
action: restart,email # 触发的动作: restart,exec,kill,email,wechat,dingding,feishu (restart,exec,kill互斥,同时设置时restart生效) 默认: restart
5 years ago
execCmd: command # action exec 的执行命令
sendResolved: True # 是否发送恢复通知 默认: False
with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
print("\r\n\r\nThe configuration file has been initialized, please modify the file to start.")
print("Config File: %s\r\n\r\n" % config_file)
with open(config_file) as f:
5 years ago
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
check = HealthCheck(config)