mirror of https://github.com/lework/script
2 changed files with 212 additions and 0 deletions
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# coding:utf-8 |
import requests |
import urllib |
import base64 |
import hmac |
import time |
import json |
import uuid |
import logging |
from hashlib import sha1 |
import os |
# 阿里云rds数据库自动备份下载 |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, |
format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', |
datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', |
filename='H:\\download.log', |
filemode='a') |
################################################################################################# |
#定义一个StreamHandler,将INFO级别或更高的日志信息打印到标准错误,并将其添加到当前的日志处理对象# |
console = logging.StreamHandler() |
console.setLevel(logging.INFO) |
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') |
console.setFormatter(formatter) |
logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) |
def sign(accessKeySecret, parameters): |
#=========================================================================== |
# '''签名方法 |
# @param secret: 签名需要的密钥 |
# @param parameters: 支持字典和string两种 |
# ''' |
#=========================================================================== |
# 如果parameters 是字典类的话 |
sortedParameters = sorted(parameters.items(), key=lambda parameters: parameters[0]) |
canonicalizedQueryString = '' |
for (k,v) in sortedParameters: |
canonicalizedQueryString += '&' + percent_encode(k) + '=' + percent_encode(v) |
stringToSign = 'GET&%2F&' + percent_encode(canonicalizedQueryString[1:]) |
h = hmac.new(accessKeySecret + "&", stringToSign, sha1) |
signature = base64.encodestring(h.digest()).strip() |
return signature |
def percent_encode(encodeStr): |
encodeStr = str(encodeStr) |
res = urllib.quote(encodeStr, '') |
res = res.replace('+', '%20') |
res = res.replace('*', '%2A') |
res = res.replace('%7E', '~') |
return res |
def CreateBackup(apikey,apisecret): |
cdb_parameters = { \ |
'Format' : 'json', \ |
'Version' : '2014-08-15', \ |
'AccessKeyId' : apikey, \ |
'SignatureVersion' : '1.0', \ |
'SignatureMethod' : 'HMAC-SHA1', \ |
'SignatureNonce' : str(uuid.uuid1()), \ |
'TimeStamp' : timestamp, \ |
'Action' : 'CreateBackup', \ |
'DBInstanceId' : 'rdswb45274s******',\ |
'BackupMethod' : 'Physical',\ |
'BackupType' : 'FullBackup' |
} |
signature = sign(apisecret,cdb_parameters) |
cdb_parameters['Signature'] = signature |
url = "/?" + urllib.urlencode(cdb_parameters) |
try: |
apireq = requests.get(apiurl+url) |
except: |
logging.error(u'网络连接失败') |
exit() |
return apireq.json() |
def getdownurl(apikey,apisecret): |
parameters = { \ |
'Format' : 'json', \ |
'Version' : '2014-08-15', \ |
'AccessKeyId' : apikey, \ |
'SignatureVersion' : '1.0', \ |
'SignatureMethod' : 'HMAC-SHA1', \ |
'SignatureNonce' : str(uuid.uuid1()), \ |
'TimeStamp' : timestamp, \ |
'Action' : 'DescribeBackups', \ |
'DBInstanceId' : 'rdswb452********',\ |
'StartTime' : starttime,\ |
'EndTime' : endtime |
} |
signature = sign(apisecret,parameters) |
parameters['Signature'] = signature |
url = "/?" + urllib.urlencode(parameters) |
try: |
apireq = requests.get(apiurl+url) |
except: |
logging.error(u'网络连接失败') |
exit() |
try: |
url = apireq.json()['Items']['Backup'][0]['BackupDownloadURL'] |
print apireq.json()['Items']['Backup'] |
except: |
logging.error(u'没有获取到下载地址') |
exit() |
return url |
def downurl(url,PWD): |
Name = url.split('?')[0] |
Name = Name.split('/')[4] |
if os.path.isfile(PWD+Name): |
logging.error(u'文件已存在: %s' % Name) |
else: |
try: |
r = requests.get(url,stream=True) |
with open(PWD+Name, 'wb') as fd: |
for chunk in r.iter_content(): |
fd.write(chunk) |
except: |
logging.ERROR(u'下载文件失败') |
exit() |
logging.info(u'数据库下载完成:%s' % str(url)) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
apiurl = 'http://rds.aliyuncs.com' |
apikey = 'vSs*********' |
apisecret = '' |
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) |
starttime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00Z", time.gmtime()) |
result = CreateBackup(apikey,apisecret) |
logging.info(u'创建备份任务 %s' % str(result)) |
logging.info(u'等待300秒钟') |
time.sleep(300) |
endtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ", time.gmtime()) |
dburl = getdownurl(apikey,apisecret) |
logging.info(u'获取备份数据库下载地址: %s' % str(dburl)) |
logging.info(u'开始下载') |
downurl(dburl,u"H:\\db\\") |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#coding:utf-8 |
import httplib |
import urllib |
# Desc: 云片网批量发通知 |
# 服务地址 |
host = "yunpian.com" |
# 端口号 |
port = 80 |
# 版本号 |
version = "v1" |
# 查账户信息的URI |
user_get_uri = "/" + version + "/user/get.json" |
# 智能匹配模版短信接口的URI |
sms_send_uri = "/" + version + "/sms/send.json" |
# 模板短信接口的URI |
sms_tpl_send_uri = "/" + version + "/sms/tpl_send.json" |
def get_user_info(apikey): |
""" |
取账户信息 |
""" |
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port=port) |
conn.request('GET', user_get_uri + "?apikey=" + apikey) |
response = conn.getresponse() |
response_str = response.read() |
conn.close() |
return response_str |
def send_sms(apikey, text, mobile): |
""" |
能用接口发短信 |
""" |
params = urllib.urlencode({'apikey': apikey, 'text': text, 'mobile':mobile}) |
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"} |
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port=port, timeout=30) |
conn.request("POST", sms_send_uri, params, headers) |
response = conn.getresponse() |
response_str = response.read() |
conn.close() |
return response_str |
def tpl_send_sms(apikey, tpl_id, tpl_value, mobile): |
""" |
模板接口发短信 |
""" |
params = urllib.urlencode({'apikey': apikey, 'tpl_id':tpl_id, 'tpl_value': tpl_value, 'mobile':mobile}) |
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"} |
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port=port, timeout=30) |
conn.request("POST", sms_tpl_send_uri, params, headers) |
response = conn.getresponse() |
response_str = response.read() |
conn.close() |
return response_str |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
apikey = "dd65ef486************" |
text = "【签名】内容" |
with open(u"sj2.txt", 'r') as urlfile: |
for line in urlfile.readlines(): |
mobile=line.strip('\n') |
print(send_sms(apikey, text, mobile)) |
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