mirror of https://github.com/lework/script
3 changed files with 1331 additions and 8 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
#!/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/ruby |
# Authors: gitlab.com/cody |
# This script provides a unified method of gathering system information and |
# GitLab application information. Please consider this script to be in an Alpha |
# state. |
require 'json' |
require 'tmpdir' |
require 'fileutils' |
require 'open3' |
require 'logger' |
require 'optparse' |
require 'pathname' |
# allows logging to stdout and a log file |
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/6407200 |
class MultiIO |
def initialize(*targets) |
@targets = targets |
end |
def write(*args) |
@targets.each { |t| t.write(*args) } |
end |
def close |
@targets.each(&:close) |
end |
end |
module GitLabSOS |
# If you intend to add a large file to this list, you'll need to change the |
# file.read call to something that streams rather than slurps |
module Files |
def list_files |
[ |
{ source: '/opt/gitlab/version-manifest.json', destination: './opt/gitlab/version-manifest.json' }, |
{ source: '/opt/gitlab/version-manifest.txt', destination: './opt/gitlab/version-manifest.txt' }, |
{ source: '/var/log/messages', destination: './var/log/messages' }, |
{ source: '/var/log/syslog', destination: './var/log/syslog' }, |
{ source: '/proc/mounts', destination: 'mount' }, |
{ source: '/proc/meminfo', destination: 'meminfo' }, |
{ source: '/proc/cpuinfo', destination: 'cpuinfo' }, |
{ source: '/etc/selinux/config', destination: './etc/selinux/config' }, |
{ source: '/proc/sys/kernel/tainted', destination: 'tainted' }, |
{ source: '/etc/os-release', destination: './etc/os-release' }, |
{ source: '/etc/fstab', destination: './etc/fstab' }, |
{ source: '/etc/security/limits.conf', destination: './etc/security/limits.conf' }, |
{ source: '/proc/sys/vm/swappiness', destination: 'running_swappiness' }, |
{ source: '/proc/pressure/io', destination: 'pressure_io.txt' }, |
{ source: '/proc/pressure/memory', destination: 'pressure_mem.txt' }, |
{ source: '/proc/pressure/cpu', destination: 'pressure_cpu.txt' } |
] |
end |
def run_files |
list_files.each do |file_info| |
dest = File.join(tmp_dir, file_info[:destination]) |
logger.debug "processing #{file_info[:source]}.." |
result = begin |
# this works better than FileUtils.cp for stuff like /proc/mounts |
`tail -c #{options[:max_file_size]} #{file_info[:source]}` |
rescue Errno::ENOENT => e |
# file doesn't exist |
e.message |
end |
FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) |
logger.debug "writing #{result.bytesize} bytes to #{dest}" |
File.write(dest, result) |
end |
end |
def run_gitlab_rb |
return unless options[:grab_config] |
# don't run if __dir__ can't be resolved (i.e. downloaded via curl) |
return unless __dir__ |
sanitizer = File.join(__dir__, 'sanitizer/sanitizer') |
if File.file?(sanitizer) |
logger.info 'Sanitizer module found. `gitlab.rb` file will be collected.' |
logger.info 'A copy will be printed on the screen for you to review.' |
else |
logger.info 'Sanitizer not found. `gitlab.rb` file will not be collected' |
return |
end |
dest = File.join(tmp_dir, 'etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb') |
FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) |
logger.info 'Sanitizing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file' |
`/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/ruby #{sanitizer} --save #{dest}` |
# We use 'puts' to show the sanitized gitlab.rb file without |
# logging it in gitlabsos.log |
puts '' |
puts '======================== Sanitized gitlab.rb ========================' |
puts '=====================================================================' |
puts File.read(dest) |
puts '=====================================================================' |
puts 'NOTICE: You can skip this with --skip-config' |
puts '=====================================================================' |
puts '' |
end |
end |
module Commands |
# Add commands to this list that could help collect useful information |
# cmd is the command that you want to run, including its options |
# result_path is the filename for the output of the cmd that you want to run. |
def list_commands |
[ |
{ cmd: 'dmesg -T', result_path: 'dmesg' }, |
{ cmd: 'uname -a', result_path: 'uname' }, |
{ cmd: 'su - git -c "ulimit -a"', result_path: 'ulimit' }, |
{ cmd: 'hostname --fqdn', result_path: 'hostname' }, |
{ cmd: 'getenforce', result_path: 'getenforce' }, |
{ cmd: 'sestatus', result_path: 'sestatus' }, |
{ cmd: 'systemctl list-unit-files', result_path: 'systemctl_unit_files' }, |
{ cmd: 'uptime', result_path: 'uptime' }, |
{ cmd: 'df -hT', result_path: 'df_hT' }, |
{ cmd: 'df -iT', result_path: 'df_inodes' }, |
{ cmd: 'free -m', result_path: 'free_m' }, |
{ cmd: 'ps -eo user,pid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,stat,start,time,wchan:24,command', result_path: 'ps' }, |
{ cmd: 'netstat -txnpl', result_path: 'netstat' }, |
{ cmd: 'netstat -i', result_path: 'netstat_i' }, |
{ cmd: 'vmstat -w 1 10', result_path: 'vmstat' }, |
{ cmd: 'mpstat -P ALL 1 10', result_path: 'mpstat' }, |
{ cmd: 'pidstat -l 1 15', result_path: 'pidstat' }, |
{ cmd: 'iostat -xz 1 10', result_path: 'iostat' }, |
{ cmd: 'nfsiostat 1 10', result_path: 'nfsiostat' }, |
{ cmd: 'nfsstat -v', result_path: 'nfsstat' }, |
{ cmd: 'iotop -aoPqt -b -d 1 -n 10', result_path: 'iotop' }, |
{ cmd: 'top -c -b -n 1 -o %CPU', result_path: 'top_cpu' }, |
{ cmd: 'top -c -b -n 1 -o RES', result_path: 'top_res' }, |
{ cmd: 'rpm -vV gitlab-ee', result_path: 'rpm_verify' }, |
{ cmd: 'sar -n DEV 1 10', result_path: 'sar_dev' }, |
{ cmd: 'sar -n TCP,ETCP 1 10', result_path: 'sar_tcp' }, |
{ cmd: 'lscpu', result_path: 'lscpu' }, |
{ cmd: 'ntpq -pn', result_path: 'ntpq' }, |
{ cmd: 'timedatectl', result_path: 'timedatectl' }, |
{ cmd: 'gitlab-ctl status', result_path: 'gitlab_status' }, |
{ cmd: 'gitlab-rake db:migrate:status', result_path: 'gitlab_migrations' }, |
{ cmd: 'ss -paxioe', result_path: 'sockstat' }, |
{ cmd: 'sysctl -a', result_path: 'sysctl_a' }, |
{ cmd: 'ifconfig', result_path: 'ifconfig' }, |
{ cmd: 'ip address', result_path: 'ip_address' } |
] |
end |
def run_commands |
logger.info 'Collecting diagnostics. This will probably take a few minutes..' |
list_commands.each do |cmd_info| |
dest = File.join(tmp_dir, cmd_info[:result_path]) |
full_cmd = "#{cmd_info[:cmd]} | tail -c #{options[:max_file_size]}" |
logger.debug "exec: #{full_cmd}" |
result = begin |
out, err, _status = Open3.capture3(full_cmd) |
out + err |
end |
File.write(dest, result) |
end |
end |
end |
module LogDirectories |
def run_log_dirs |
logger.info 'Getting GitLab logs..' |
logger.debug 'determining log directories..' |
# Ensure empty array if gitlab config file couldn't found or read |
log_dirs = config.key?('normal') ? deep_fetch(config['normal'], 'log_directory') : [] |
log_dirs << '/var/log/gitlab' |
logger.debug "using #{log_dirs}" |
log_dirs.uniq.each do |log_dir| |
unless Dir.exist?(log_dir) |
logger.warn "log directory '#{log_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory" |
next |
end |
logger.debug "searching #{log_dir} for log files.." |
find_files(log_dir).each do |log| |
process_log(log) if log.mtime > Time.now - (60 * 60 * 12) && log.basename.to_s !~ /.*.gz|^@|lock/ |
end |
end |
end |
def process_log(log) |
begin # rubocop:disable Style/RedundantBegin -- To maintain compatibility with Ruby < 2.5 |
logger.debug "processing log - #{log}.." |
content = `tail -c #{options[:max_file_size]} #{log}` |
content = content.lines.drop(1).join unless content.lines.count < 2 |
FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(File.join(tmp_dir, log))) |
logger.debug "writing #{content.bytesize} bytes to #{File.join(tmp_dir, log)}" |
File.write(File.join(tmp_dir, log), content) |
rescue => e |
logger.error "could not process log - #{log}" |
logger.error e.message |
end |
end |
def find_files(*paths) |
paths.flatten.map do |path| |
path = Pathname.new(path) |
path.file? ? [path] : find_files(path.children) |
end.flatten |
end |
end |
# This is the first itteration designed to make |
# https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support/toolbox/gitlabsos/issues/11 and |
# https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support/toolbox/gitlabsos/issues/7 easier and |
# any aditional options/filter we can think of in the futher. |
class Client |
attr_accessor :options, :logger, :log_file, :tmp_dir, :config |
include Files |
include Commands |
include LogDirectories |
HOSTNAME = `hostname`.strip |
REPORT_NAME = "gitlabsos.#{HOSTNAME}_#{Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}".freeze |
TMP_DIR = File.join(ENV['TMP'] || ENV['TMPDIR'] || '/tmp', REPORT_NAME) |
def initialize(args) |
@args = args |
parse_options! |
setup_logger |
root_check |
setup_config |
run |
end |
def setup_config |
self.config = {} |
config_file = Dir.glob('/opt/gitlab/embedded/nodes/*.json').max_by { |f| File.mtime(f) } |
# Ignore if missing |
return nil unless config_file |
# Grab first file |
self.config = JSON.parse File.read(config_file) |
end |
def default_options |
{ |
output_file: File.expand_path("./#{REPORT_NAME}.tar.gz"), |
logs_only: false, |
log_level: Logger::INFO, |
root_check: true, |
max_file_size: 10 * 1_000_000, # 10MB |
grab_config: true |
} |
end |
def root_check |
raise 'Script must be run as root' unless Process.uid.zero? || !options[:root_check] |
end |
def create_temp_directory |
self.tmp_dir = FileUtils.mkdir_p(TMP_DIR).join |
rescue Errno::ENOENT => e |
# TODO: Handle error Permission denied. |
e.message |
end |
def setup_logger |
create_temp_directory |
self.log_file ||= File.open(File.join(TMP_DIR, 'gitlabsos.log'), 'a') |
self.logger = Logger.new MultiIO.new(STDOUT, log_file) |
logger.level = options[:log_level] |
logger.progname = 'gitlabsos' |
logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| |
"[#{datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N')}] #{severity} -- #{progname}: #{msg}\n" |
end |
end |
# this method is used to fetch all values out of a hash for any given key |
# I'm just using it to get custom log directories |
def deep_fetch(hash, key) |
hash.values.map do |obj| |
next if obj.class != Hash |
if obj.key? key |
obj[key] |
else |
deep_fetch(obj, key) |
end |
end.flatten.compact |
end |
def parse_options! |
self.options = default_options |
OptionParser.new do |opts| |
opts.banner = 'Usage: gitlabsos.rb [options]' |
opts.on('-o FILE', '--output-file FILE', 'Write gitlabsos report to FILE') do |file| |
options[:output_file] = File.expand_path(file) |
end |
opts.on('--debug', 'Set the log level to debug') do |
options[:log_level] = Logger::DEBUG |
end |
opts.on('--skip-root-check', 'Run the script as non-root. Warning: script might fail') do |
options[:root_check] = false |
end |
opts.on('--skip-config', 'Don\'t include a sanitized copy of the gitlab.rb configuration file.') do |
options[:grab_config] = false |
end |
opts.on('--max-file-size MB', 'Set the max file size (in megabytes) for any file in the report') do |mb| |
options[:max_file_size] = mb.to_i * 1_000_000 |
end |
opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Prints this help') do |
puts opts |
exit |
end |
end.parse!(@args) |
end |
def run |
logger.info 'Starting gitlabsos report' |
logger.info 'Gathering configuration and system info..' |
run_files |
run_commands |
run_log_dirs |
run_gitlab_rb |
logger.info 'Report finished.' |
log_file.close |
puts "Saving to: '#{options[:output_file]}'" |
system("tar -czf #{options[:output_file]} #{File.basename(TMP_DIR)}", |
chdir: File.dirname(TMP_DIR)) |
FileUtils.remove_dir(TMP_DIR) |
end |
end |
end |
GitLabSOS::Client.new(ARGV) |
@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# |
# Program: SSL Certificate Check <ssl-cert-check> |
# |
# Source code home: https://github.com/Matty9191/ssl-cert-check |
# |
# Documentation: http://prefetch.net/articles/checkcertificate.html |
# |
# Author: Matty < matty at prefetch dot net > |
# |
# Last Updated: 11-12-2020 |
# |
# Revision History: |
# |
# Version 4.14 |
# - Fixed HOST / PORT discovery @mhow2 |
# |
# Version 4.13 |
# - Reverted the file checking logic which breaks $RETCODE |
# |
# Version 4.12 |
# - Fixed various logic errors and typos -- Daniel Lewart |
# |
# Version 4.10 |
# - Replace tabs with spaces |
# - More shllcheck cleanup work |
# - Remove unused DEBUG variable |
# - Fixed an innocuous whitespace bug in TLSFLAG variable creation |
# - Set the default TLS version to 1.1 (can be overridden with -v) |
# - Switched openssl CLI options to use an array. The reasons why |
# are documented here: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/050 |
# |
# Version 4.9 |
# - Add a signal handler to call the cleanup funtion |
# if the script doesn't exit() cleanly -- Timothe Litt |
# |
# Version 4.8 |
# - More mail client fixes |
# |
# Version 4.7 |
# - Revert SENDER to "" |
# - More shellcheck cleanup |
# |
# Version 4.6 |
# - Fixed programming logic error |
# |
# Version 4.5 |
# - Re-work mailx support for FreeBSD |
# - More shellcheck fixes |
# |
# Version 4.4 |
# - Use command -v instead of which utility to satisfy shellcheck. |
# - Fix unquoted MAIL and MAILMODE variables in help output |
# - More shellcheck fixes |
# |
# Version 4.3 |
# - Fixed a typo in the program version |
# |
# Version 4.2 |
# - Change CERTDAYS to CERTDIFF in the e-mail subject. |
# |
# Version 4.1 |
# - Fix usage output |
# |
# Version 4.0 |
# - Updated the script syntax to align with UNIX shell programming |
# - Check for DNS resolution failures |
# - First round of updates to make shellcheck happy |
# - Rework the logic to call mailx. |
# - Print the version with the "-V" option. |
# - Define the version in the PROGRAMVERSION variable |
# |
# Version 3.31 |
# - Fixed the test for the -servername flag -- Kitson Consulting. |
# |
# Version 3.30 |
# - Use highest returncode for Nagios output -- Marcel Pennewiss |
# - Set RETCODE to 3 (unknown) if a certificate file does not exist -- Marcel Pennewiss |
# - Add a "-d" option to specify a directory or file mask pattern -- Marcel Pennewiss |
# - Add a "-N" option to create summarized Nagios output -- Marcel Pennewiss |
# - Cleaned up many formatting -- Marcel Pennewiss |
# |
# Versione 3.29a |
# - Added option to specify email sender address |
# |
# Version 3.29 |
# - Add the openssl -servername flag if it shows up in help. |
# |
# Version 3.28 |
# - Added a DEBUG option to assist with debugging folks who use the script |
# |
# Version 3.27 |
# - Allow white spaces to exist in the certificate file list |
# - Add an additional check to pick up bad / non-existent certificates |
# - Add a check to look for the existence of a mail program. Error out if it's not present. |
# - Enable the TLS -servername extension by default - Juergen Knaack & Johan Denoyer |
# |
# Version 3.26 |
# - Allow the certificate type (PEM, DER, NET) to be passed on the command line |
# |
# Version 3.25 |
# - Check for "no route to host" errors -- Dan Doyle |
# - Set RETCODE to 3 (unknown) if a connection error occurs -- Dan Doyle |
# - Documentation fixes |
# |
# Version 3.24 |
# - Utilize the -clcerts option to limit the results to client certificates - Eitan Katznelson |
# |
# Version 3.23 |
# - Fixed typo in date2julian routine -- Ken Cook |
# |
# Version 3.22 |
# - Change the validation option to "-V" |
# - Add a "-v" option to specify a specific protocol version (ssl2, ssl3 or tls) |
# |
# Version 3.21 |
# - Adjust e-mail checking to avoid exiting if notifications aren't enabled -- Nick Anderson |
# - Added the number of days until expiration to the Nagios output -- Nick Anderson |
# |
# Version 3.20 |
# - Fixed a bug in certificate length checking -- Tim Nowaczyk |
# |
# Version 3.19 |
# - Added check to verify the certificate retrieved is valid |
# |
# Version 3.18 |
# - Add support for connecting to FTP servers -- Paul A Sand |
# |
# Version 3.17 |
# - Add support for connecting to imap servers -- Joerg Pareigis |
# |
# Version 3.16 |
# - Add support for connecting to the mail sbmission port -- Luis E. Munoz |
# |
# Version 3.15 |
# - Adjusted the file checking logic to use the correct certificate -- Maciej Szudejko |
# - Add sbin to the default search paths for OpenBSD compatibility -- Alex Popov |
# - Use cut instead of substring processing to ensure compatibility -- Alex Popov |
# |
# Version 3.14 |
# - Fixed the Common Name parser to handle DN's where the CN is not the last item |
# eg. EmailAddr -- Jason Brothers |
# - Added the ability to grab the serial number -- Jason Brothers |
# - Added the "-b" option to print results without a header -- Jason Brothers |
# - Added the "-v" option for certificate validation -- Jason Brothers |
# |
# Version 3.13 |
# - Updated the subject line to include the hostname as well as |
# the common name embedded in the X509 certificate (if it's |
# available) -- idea proposed by Mike Burns |
# |
# Version 3.12 |
# - Updated the license to allow redistribution and modification |
# |
# Version 3.11 |
# - Added ability to comment out lines in files passed |
# to the "-f" option -- Brett Stauner |
# - Fixed comment next to file processing logic |
# |
# Version 3.10 |
# - Fixed POP3 port -- Simon Matter |
# |
# Version 3.9 |
# - Switched binary location logic to use which utility |
# |
# Version 3.8 |
# - Fixed display on 80 column displays |
# - Cleaned up the formatting |
# |
# Version 3.7 |
# - Fixed bug in NAGIOS tests -- Ben Allen |
# |
# Version 3.6 |
# - Added support for certificates stored in PKCS#12 databases -- Ken Gallo |
# - Cleaned up comments |
# - Adjusted variables to be more consistent |
# |
# Version 3.5 |
# - Added support for NAGIOS -- Quanah Gibson-Mount |
# - Added additional checks for mail -- Quanah Gibson-Mount |
# - Convert tabs to spaces -- Quanah Gibson-Mount |
# - Cleaned up usage() routine |
# - Added additional checks for openssl |
# |
# Version 3.4 |
# - Added a missing "{" to line 364 -- Ken Gallo |
# - Move mktemp to the start of the main body to avoid errors |
# - Adjusted default binary paths to make sure the script just works |
# w/ Solaris, BSD and Linux hosts |
# |
# Version 3.3 |
# - Added common name from X.509 certificate file to E-mail body / header -- Doug Curtis |
# - Fixed several documentation errors |
# - Use mktemp to create temporary files |
# - Convert printf, sed and awk to variables |
# - Check for printf, sed, awk and mktemp binaries |
# - Add additional logic to make sure mktemp returned a valid temporary file |
# |
# Version 3.2 |
# - Added option to list certificates in the file passed to "-f". |
# |
# Version 3.1 |
# - Added handling for starttls for smtp -- Marco Amrein |
# - Added handling for starttls for pop3 (without s) -- Marco Amrein |
# - Removed extra spacing at end of script |
# |
# Version 3.0 |
# - Added "-i" option to print certificate issuer |
# - Removed $0 from Subject line of outbound e-mails |
# - Fixed some typographical errors |
# - Removed redundant "-b" option |
# |
# Version 2.0 |
# - Fixed an issue with e-mails formatting incorrectly |
# - Added additional space to host column -- Darren-Perot Spruell |
# - Replaced GNU date dependency with CHRIS F. A. JOHNSON's |
# date2julian shell function. This routine can be found on |
# page 170 of Chris's book "Shell Scripting Recipes: A |
# Problem-Solution Approach," ISBN #1590594711. Julian function |
# was created based on a post to comp.unix.shell by Tapani Tarvainen. |
# - Cleaned up function descriptions |
# - Removed several lines of redundant code |
# - Adjusted the help message |
# |
# Version 1.1 |
# - Added "-c" flag to report expiration status of a PEM encoded |
# certificate -- Hampus Lundqvist |
# - Updated the prints messages to display the reason a connection |
# failed (connection refused, connection timeout, bad cert, etc) |
# - Updated the GNU date checking routines |
# - Added checks for each binary required |
# - Added checks for connection timeouts |
# - Added checks for GNU date |
# - Added a "-h" option |
# - Cleaned up the documentation |
# |
# Version 1.0 |
# Initial Release |
# |
# Purpose: |
# ssl-cert-check checks to see if a digital certificate in X.509 format |
# has expired. ssl-cert-check can be run in interactive and batch mode, |
# and provides facilities to alarm if a certificate is about to expire. |
# |
# License: |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# Requirements: |
# Requires openssl |
# |
# Installation: |
# Copy the shell script to a suitable location |
# |
# Tested platforms: |
# -- Solaris 9 using /bin/bash |
# -- Solaris 10 using /bin/bash |
# -- OS X 10.4.2 using /bin/bash |
# -- OpenBSD using /bin/sh |
# -- FreeBSD using /bin/sh |
# -- Centos Linux 3, 4, 5 & 6 using /bin/bash |
# -- Redhat Enterprise Linux 3, 4, 5 & 6 using /bin/bash |
# -- Gentoo using /bin/bash |
# |
# Usage: |
# Refer to the usage() sub-routine, or invoke ssl-cert-check |
# with the "-h" option. |
# |
# Examples: |
# Please refer to the following site for documentation and examples: |
# http://prefetch.net/articles/checkcertificate.html |
# Cleanup temp files if they exist |
trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM QUIT |
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/ssl/bin:/usr/sfw/bin |
export PATH |
# Who to page when an expired certificate is detected (cmdline: -e) |
ADMIN="root" |
# Email sender address for alarm notifications |
# Number of days in the warning threshhold (cmdline: -x) |
# If QUIET is set to TRUE, don't print anything on the console (cmdline: -q) |
# Don't send E-mail by default (cmdline: -a) |
# Don't run as a Nagios plugin by default (cmdline: -n) |
# Don't summarize Nagios output by default (cmdline: -N) |
# NULL out the PKCSDBPASSWD variable for later use (cmdline: -k) |
# Type of certificate (PEM, DER, NET) (cmdline: -t) |
CERTTYPE="pem" |
# Location of system binaries |
AWK=$(command -v awk) |
DATE=$(command -v date) |
GREP=$(command -v grep) |
OPENSSL=$(command -v openssl) |
PRINTF=$(command -v printf) |
SED=$(command -v sed) |
MKTEMP=$(command -v mktemp) |
FIND=$(command -v find) |
# Try to find a mail client |
if [ -f /usr/bin/mailx ]; then |
MAIL="/usr/bin/mailx" |
MAILMODE="mailx" |
elif [ -f /bin/mail ]; then |
MAIL="/bin/mail" |
MAILMODE="mail" |
elif [ -f /usr/bin/mail ]; then |
MAIL="/usr/bin/mail" |
MAILMODE="mail" |
elif [ -f /sbin/mail ]; then |
MAIL="/sbin/mail" |
MAILMODE="mail" |
elif [ -f /usr/sbin/mail ]; then |
MAIL="/usr/sbin/mail" |
MAILMODE="mail" |
elif [ -f /usr/sbin/sendmail ]; then |
MAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail" |
MAILMODE="sendmail" |
else |
MAIL="cantfindit" |
MAILMODE="cantfindit" |
fi |
# Return code used by nagios. Initialize to 0. |
# Certificate counters and minimum difference. Initialize to 0. |
# Set the default umask to be somewhat restrictive |
umask 077 |
##################################################### |
# Purpose: Remove temporary files if the script doesn't |
# exit() cleanly |
##################################################### |
cleanup() { |
if [ -f "${CERT_TMP}" ]; then |
rm -f "${CERT_TMP}" |
fi |
if [ -f "${ERROR_TMP}" ]; then |
rm -f "${ERROR_TMP}" |
fi |
} |
##################################################### |
### Send email |
### Accepts three parameters: |
### $1 -> sender email address |
### $2 -> email to send mail |
### $3 -> Subject |
### $4 -> Message |
##################################################### |
send_mail() { |
FROM="${1}" |
TO="${2}" |
SUBJECT="${3}" |
MSG="${4}" |
case "${MAILMODE}" in |
"mail") |
echo "$MSG" | "${MAIL}" -r "$FROM" -s "$SUBJECT" "$TO" |
;; |
"mailx") |
echo "$MSG" | "${MAIL}" -s "$SUBJECT" "$TO" |
;; |
"sendmail") |
(echo "Subject:$SUBJECT" && echo "TO:$TO" && echo "FROM:$FROM" && echo "$MSG") | "${MAIL}" "$TO" |
;; |
"*") |
echo "ERROR: You enabled automated alerts, but the mail binary could not be found." |
echo "FIX: Please modify the \${MAIL} and \${MAILMODE} variable in the program header." |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
} |
############################################################################# |
# Purpose: Convert a date from MONTH-DAY-YEAR to Julian format |
# Acknowledgements: Code was adapted from examples in the book |
# "Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach" |
# ( ISBN 1590594711 ) |
# Arguments: |
# $1 -> Month (e.g., 06) |
# $2 -> Day (e.g., 08) |
# $3 -> Year (e.g., 2006) |
############################################################################# |
date2julian() { |
if [ "${1}" != "" ] && [ "${2}" != "" ] && [ "${3}" != "" ]; then |
## Since leap years add aday at the end of February, |
## calculations are done from 1 March 0000 (a fictional year) |
d2j_tmpmonth=$((12 * $3 + $1 - 3)) |
## If it is not yet March, the year is changed to the previous year |
d2j_tmpyear=$(( d2j_tmpmonth / 12)) |
## The number of days from 1 March 0000 is calculated |
## and the number of days from 1 Jan. 4713BC is added |
echo $(( (734 * d2j_tmpmonth + 15) / 24 |
- 2 * d2j_tmpyear + d2j_tmpyear/4 |
- d2j_tmpyear/100 + d2j_tmpyear/400 + $2 + 1721119 )) |
else |
echo 0 |
fi |
} |
############################################################################# |
# Purpose: Convert a string month into an integer representation |
# Arguments: |
# $1 -> Month name (e.g., Sep) |
############################################################################# |
getmonth() |
{ |
case ${1} in |
Jan) echo 1 ;; |
Feb) echo 2 ;; |
Mar) echo 3 ;; |
Apr) echo 4 ;; |
May) echo 5 ;; |
Jun) echo 6 ;; |
Jul) echo 7 ;; |
Aug) echo 8 ;; |
Sep) echo 9 ;; |
Oct) echo 10 ;; |
Nov) echo 11 ;; |
Dec) echo 12 ;; |
*) echo 0 ;; |
esac |
} |
############################################################################# |
# Purpose: Calculate the number of seconds between two dates |
# Arguments: |
# $1 -> Date #1 |
# $2 -> Date #2 |
############################################################################# |
date_diff() |
{ |
if [ "${1}" != "" ] && [ "${2}" != "" ]; then |
echo $((${2} - ${1})) |
else |
echo 0 |
fi |
} |
##################################################################### |
# Purpose: Print a line with the expiraton interval |
# Arguments: |
# $1 -> Hostname |
# $2 -> TCP Port |
# $3 -> Status of certification (e.g., expired or valid) |
# $4 -> Date when certificate will expire |
# $5 -> Days left until the certificate will expire |
# $6 -> Issuer of the certificate |
# $7 -> Common Name |
# $8 -> Serial Number |
##################################################################### |
prints() |
{ |
if [ "${NAGIOSSUMMARY}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
return |
fi |
if [ "${QUIET}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${ISSUER}" = "TRUE" ] && [ "${VALIDATION}" != "TRUE" ]; then |
MIN_DATE=$(echo "$4" | "${AWK}" '{ printf "%3s %2d %4d", $1, $2, $4 }') |
if [ "${NAGIOS}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
${PRINTF} "%-35s %-17s %-8s %-11s %s\n" "$1:$2" "$6" "$3" "$MIN_DATE" "|days=$5" |
else |
${PRINTF} "%-35s %-17s %-8s %-11s %4d\n" "$1:$2" "$6" "$3" "$MIN_DATE" "$5" |
fi |
elif [ "${QUIET}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${ISSUER}" = "TRUE" ] && [ "${VALIDATION}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
${PRINTF} "%-35s %-35s %-32s %-17s\n" "$1:$2" "$7" "$8" "$6" |
elif [ "${QUIET}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${VALIDATION}" != "TRUE" ]; then |
MIN_DATE=$(echo "$4" | "${AWK}" '{ printf "%3s %2d, %4d", $1, $2, $4 }') |
if [ "${NAGIOS}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
${PRINTF} "%-47s %-12s %-12s %s\n" "$1:$2" "$3" "$MIN_DATE" "|days=$5" |
else |
${PRINTF} "%-47s %-12s %-12s %4d\n" "$1:$2" "$3" "$MIN_DATE" "$5" |
fi |
elif [ "${QUIET}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${VALIDATION}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
${PRINTF} "%-35s %-35s %-32s\n" "$1:$2" "$7" "$8" |
fi |
} |
#################################################### |
# Purpose: Print a heading with the relevant columns |
# Arguments: |
# None |
#################################################### |
print_heading() |
{ |
if [ "${NOHEADER}" != "TRUE" ]; then |
if [ "${QUIET}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${ISSUER}" = "TRUE" ] && [ "${NAGIOS}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${VALIDATION}" != "TRUE" ]; then |
${PRINTF} "\n%-35s %-17s %-8s %-11s %-4s\n" "Host" "Issuer" "Status" "Expires" "Days" |
echo "----------------------------------- ----------------- -------- ----------- ----" |
elif [ "${QUIET}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${ISSUER}" = "TRUE" ] && [ "${NAGIOS}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${VALIDATION}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
${PRINTF} "\n%-35s %-35s %-32s %-17s\n" "Host" "Common Name" "Serial #" "Issuer" |
echo "----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------------" |
elif [ "${QUIET}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${NAGIOS}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${VALIDATION}" != "TRUE" ]; then |
${PRINTF} "\n%-47s %-12s %-12s %-4s\n" "Host" "Status" "Expires" "Days" |
echo "----------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ----" |
elif [ "${QUIET}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${NAGIOS}" != "TRUE" ] && [ "${VALIDATION}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
${PRINTF} "\n%-35s %-35s %-32s\n" "Host" "Common Name" "Serial #" |
echo "----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------" |
fi |
fi |
} |
#################################################### |
# Purpose: Print a summary for nagios |
# Arguments: |
# None |
#################################################### |
print_summary() |
{ |
if [ "${NAGIOSSUMMARY}" != "TRUE" ]; then |
return |
fi |
if [ ${SUMMARY_WILL_EXPIRE} -eq 0 ] && [ ${SUMMARY_EXPIRED} -eq 0 ]; then |
${PRINTF} "%s valid certificate(s)|days=%s\n" "${SUMMARY_VALID}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_DIFF}" |
elif [ ${SUMMARY_EXPIRED} -ne 0 ]; then |
${PRINTF} "%s certificate(s) expired (%s:%s on %s)|days=%s\n" "${SUMMARY_EXPIRED}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_HOST}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_PORT}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_DATE}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_DIFF}" |
elif [ ${SUMMARY_WILL_EXPIRE} -ne 0 ]; then |
${PRINTF} "%s certificate(s) will expire (%s:%s on %s)|days=%s\n" "${SUMMARY_WILL_EXPIRE}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_HOST}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_PORT}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_DATE}" "${SUMMARY_MIN_DIFF}" |
fi |
} |
############################################################# |
# Purpose: Set returncode to value if current value is lower |
# Arguments: |
# $1 -> New returncorde |
############################################################# |
set_returncode() |
{ |
if [ "${RETCODE}" -lt "${1}" ]; then |
RETCODE="${1}" |
fi |
} |
######################################################################## |
# Purpose: Set certificate counters and informations for nagios summary |
# Arguments: |
# $1 -> Status of certificate (0: valid, 1: will expire, 2: expired) |
# $2 -> Hostname |
# $3 -> TCP Port |
# $4 -> Date when certificate will expire |
# $5 -> Days left until the certificate will expire |
######################################################################## |
set_summary() |
{ |
if [ "${1}" -eq 0 ]; then |
elif [ "${1}" -eq 1 ]; then |
else |
fi |
if [ "${5}" -lt "${SUMMARY_MIN_DIFF}" ] || [ "${SUMMARY_MIN_DIFF}" -eq 0 ]; then |
fi |
} |
########################################## |
# Purpose: Describe how the script works |
# Arguments: |
# None |
########################################## |
usage() |
{ |
echo "Usage: $0 [ -e email address ] [-E sender email address] [ -x days ] [-q] [-a] [-b] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-N] [-v]" |
echo " { [ -s common_name ] && [ -p port] } || { [ -f cert_file ] } || { [ -c cert file ] } || { [ -d cert dir ] }" |
echo "" |
echo " -a : Send a warning message through E-mail" |
echo " -b : Will not print header" |
echo " -c cert file : Print the expiration date for the PEM or PKCS12 formatted certificate in cert file" |
echo " -d cert directory : Print the expiration date for the PEM or PKCS12 formatted certificates in cert directory" |
echo " -e E-mail address : E-mail address to send expiration notices" |
echo " -E E-mail sender : E-mail address of the sender" |
echo " -f cert file : File with a list of FQDNs and ports" |
echo " -h : Print this screen" |
echo " -i : Print the issuer of the certificate" |
echo " -k password : PKCS12 file password" |
echo " -n : Run as a Nagios plugin" |
echo " -N : Run as a Nagios plugin and output one line summary (implies -n, requires -f or -d)" |
echo " -p port : Port to connect to (interactive mode)" |
echo " -q : Don't print anything on the console" |
echo " -s commmon name : Server to connect to (interactive mode)" |
echo " -S : Print validation information" |
echo " -t type : Specify the certificate type" |
echo " -V : Print version information" |
echo " -x days : Certificate expiration interval (eg. if cert_date < days)" |
echo "" |
} |
########################################################################## |
# Purpose: Connect to a server ($1) and port ($2) to see if a certificate |
# has expired |
# Arguments: |
# $1 -> Server name |
# $2 -> TCP port to connect to |
########################################################################## |
check_server_status() { |
PORT="$2" |
case "$PORT" in |
smtp|25|submission|587) TLSFLAG="-starttls smtp";; |
pop3|110) TLSFLAG="-starttls pop3";; |
imap|143) TLSFLAG="-starttls imap";; |
ftp|21) TLSFLAG="-starttls ftp";; |
xmpp|5222) TLSFLAG="-starttls xmpp";; |
xmpp-server|5269) TLSFLAG="-starttls xmpp-server";; |
irc|194) TLSFLAG="-starttls irc";; |
postgres|5432) TLSFLAG="-starttls postgres";; |
mysql|3306) TLSFLAG="-starttls mysql";; |
lmtp|24) TLSFLAG="-starttls lmtp";; |
nntp|119) TLSFLAG="-starttls nntp";; |
sieve|4190) TLSFLAG="-starttls sieve";; |
ldap|389) TLSFLAG="-starttls ldap";; |
*) TLSFLAG="";; |
esac |
if [ "${TLSSERVERNAME}" = "FALSE" ]; then |
OPTIONS="-connect ${1}:${2} $TLSFLAG" |
else |
OPTIONS="-connect ${1}:${2} -servername ${1} $TLSFLAG" |
fi |
echo "" | "${OPENSSL}" s_client $OPTIONS 2> "${ERROR_TMP}" 1> "${CERT_TMP}" |
if "${GREP}" -i "Connection refused" "${ERROR_TMP}" > /dev/null; then |
prints "${1}" "${2}" "Connection refused" "Unknown" |
set_returncode 3 |
elif "${GREP}" -i "No route to host" "${ERROR_TMP}" > /dev/null; then |
prints "${1}" "${2}" "No route to host" "Unknown" |
set_returncode 3 |
elif "${GREP}" -i "gethostbyname failure" "${ERROR_TMP}" > /dev/null; then |
prints "${1}" "${2}" "Cannot resolve domain" "Unknown" |
set_returncode 3 |
elif "${GREP}" -i "Operation timed out" "${ERROR_TMP}" > /dev/null; then |
prints "${1}" "${2}" "Operation timed out" "Unknown" |
set_returncode 3 |
elif "${GREP}" -i "ssl handshake failure" "${ERROR_TMP}" > /dev/null; then |
prints "${1}" "${2}" "SSL handshake failed" "Unknown" |
set_returncode 3 |
elif "${GREP}" -i "connect: Connection timed out" "${ERROR_TMP}" > /dev/null; then |
prints "${1}" "${2}" "Connection timed out" "Unknown" |
set_returncode 3 |
elif "${GREP}" -i "Name or service not known" "${ERROR_TMP}" > /dev/null; then |
prints "${1}" "${2}" "Unable to resolve the DNS name ${1}" "Unknown" |
set_returncode 3 |
else |
check_file_status "${CERT_TMP}" "${1}" "${2}" |
fi |
} |
##################################################### |
### Check the expiration status of a certificate file |
### Accepts three parameters: |
### $1 -> certificate file to process |
### $2 -> Server name |
### $3 -> Port number of certificate |
##################################################### |
check_file_status() { |
CERTFILE="${1}" |
HOST="${2}" |
PORT="${3}" |
### Check to make sure the certificate file exists |
if [ ! -r "${CERTFILE}" ] || [ ! -s "${CERTFILE}" ]; then |
echo "ERROR: The file named ${CERTFILE} is unreadable or doesn't exist" |
echo "ERROR: Please check to make sure the certificate for ${HOST}:${PORT} is valid" |
set_returncode 3 |
return |
fi |
### Grab the expiration date from the X.509 certificate |
if [ "${PKCSDBPASSWD}" != "" ]; then |
# Extract the certificate from the PKCS#12 database, and |
# send the informational message to /dev/null |
"${OPENSSL}" pkcs12 -nokeys -in "${CERTFILE}" \ |
-out "${CERT_TMP}" -clcerts -password pass:"${PKCSDBPASSWD}" 2> /dev/null |
# Extract the expiration date from the certificate |
CERTDATE=$("${OPENSSL}" x509 -in "${CERT_TMP}" -enddate -noout | \ |
"${SED}" 's/notAfter\=//') |
# Extract the issuer from the certificate |
CERTISSUER=$("${OPENSSL}" x509 -in "${CERT_TMP}" -issuer -noout | \ |
"${AWK}" 'BEGIN {RS=", " } $0 ~ /^O =/ |
{ print substr($0,5,17)}') |
### Grab the common name (CN) from the X.509 certificate |
COMMONNAME=$("${OPENSSL}" x509 -in "${CERT_TMP}" -subject -noout | \ |
"${SED}" -e 's/.*CN = //' | \ |
"${SED}" -e 's/, .*//') |
### Grab the serial number from the X.509 certificate |
SERIAL=$("${OPENSSL}" x509 -in "${CERT_TMP}" -serial -noout | \ |
"${SED}" -e 's/serial=//') |
else |
# Extract the expiration date from the ceriticate |
CERTDATE=$("${OPENSSL}" x509 -in "${CERTFILE}" -enddate -noout -inform "${CERTTYPE}" | \ |
"${SED}" 's/notAfter\=//') |
# Extract the issuer from the certificate |
CERTISSUER=$("${OPENSSL}" x509 -in "${CERTFILE}" -issuer -noout -inform "${CERTTYPE}" | \ |
"${AWK}" 'BEGIN {RS=", " } $0 ~ /^O =/ { print substr($0,5,17)}') |
### Grab the common name (CN) from the X.509 certificate |
COMMONNAME=$("${OPENSSL}" x509 -in "${CERTFILE}" -subject -noout -inform "${CERTTYPE}" | \ |
"${SED}" -e 's/.*CN = //' | \ |
"${SED}" -e 's/, .*//') |
### Grab the serial number from the X.509 certificate |
SERIAL=$("${OPENSSL}" x509 -in "${CERTFILE}" -serial -noout -inform "${CERTTYPE}" | \ |
"${SED}" -e 's/serial=//') |
fi |
### Split the result into parameters, and pass the relevant pieces to date2julian |
set -- ${CERTDATE} |
MONTH=$(getmonth "${1}") |
# Convert the date to seconds, and get the diff between NOW and the expiration date |
CERTJULIAN=$(date2julian "${MONTH#0}" "${2#0}" "${4}") |
CERTDIFF=$(date_diff "${NOWJULIAN}" "${CERTJULIAN}") |
if [ "${CERTDIFF}" -lt 0 ]; then |
if [ "${ALARM}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
send_mail "${SENDER}" "${ADMIN}" "Certificate for ${HOST} \"(CN: ${COMMONNAME})\" has expired!" \ |
"The SSL certificate for ${HOST} \"(CN: ${COMMONNAME})\" has expired!" |
fi |
prints "${HOST}" "${PORT}" "Expired" "${CERTDATE}" "${CERTDIFF}" "${CERTISSUER}" "${COMMONNAME}" "${SERIAL}" |
elif [ "${CERTDIFF}" -lt "${WARNDAYS}" ]; then |
if [ "${ALARM}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
send_mail "${SENDER}" "${ADMIN}" "Certificate for ${HOST} \"(CN: ${COMMONNAME})\" will expire in ${CERTDIFF} days or less" \ |
"The SSL certificate for ${HOST} \"(CN: ${COMMONNAME})\" will expire on ${CERTDATE}" |
fi |
prints "${HOST}" "${PORT}" "Expiring" "${CERTDATE}" "${CERTDIFF}" "${CERTISSUER}" "${COMMONNAME}" "${SERIAL}" |
else |
prints "${HOST}" "${PORT}" "Valid" "${CERTDATE}" "${CERTDIFF}" "${CERTISSUER}" "${COMMONNAME}" "${SERIAL}" |
fi |
set_returncode "${RETCODE_LOCAL}" |
MIN_DATE=$(echo "${CERTDATE}" | "${AWK}" '{ print $1, $2, $4 }') |
set_summary "${RETCODE_LOCAL}" "${HOST}" "${PORT}" "${MIN_DATE}" "${CERTDIFF}" |
} |
################################# |
### Start of main program |
################################# |
while getopts abc:d:e:E:f:hik:nNp:qs:St:Vx: option |
do |
case "${option}" in |
a) ALARM="TRUE";; |
e) ADMIN=${OPTARG};; |
h) usage |
exit 1;; |
i) ISSUER="TRUE";; |
n) NAGIOS="TRUE";; |
q) QUIET="TRUE";; |
exit 0 |
;; |
\?) usage |
exit 1;; |
esac |
done |
### Check to make sure a openssl utility is available |
if [ ! -f "${OPENSSL}" ]; then |
echo "ERROR: The openssl binary does not exist in ${OPENSSL}." |
echo "FIX: Please modify the \${OPENSSL} variable in the program header." |
exit 1 |
fi |
### Check to make sure a date utility is available |
if [ ! -f "${DATE}" ]; then |
echo "ERROR: The date binary does not exist in ${DATE} ." |
echo "FIX: Please modify the \${DATE} variable in the program header." |
exit 1 |
fi |
### Check to make sure a grep and find utility is available |
if [ ! -f "${GREP}" ] || [ ! -f "${FIND}" ]; then |
echo "ERROR: Unable to locate the grep and find binary." |
echo "FIX: Please modify the \${GREP} and \${FIND} variables in the program header." |
exit 1 |
fi |
### Check to make sure the mktemp and printf utilities are available |
if [ ! -f "${MKTEMP}" ] || [ -z "${PRINTF}" ]; then |
echo "ERROR: Unable to locate the mktemp or printf binary." |
echo "FIX: Please modify the \${MKTEMP} and \${PRINTF} variables in the program header." |
exit 1 |
fi |
### Check to make sure the sed and awk binaries are available |
if [ ! -f "${SED}" ] || [ ! -f "${AWK}" ]; then |
echo "ERROR: Unable to locate the sed or awk binary." |
echo "FIX: Please modify the \${SED} and \${AWK} variables in the program header." |
exit 1 |
fi |
### Check to make sure a mail client is available it automated notifications are requested |
if [ "${ALARM}" = "TRUE" ] && [ ! -f "${MAIL}" ]; then |
echo "ERROR: You enabled automated alerts, but the mail binary could not be found." |
echo "FIX: Please modify the ${MAIL} variable in the program header." |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Send along the servername when TLS is used |
if ${OPENSSL} s_client -help 2>&1 | grep '-servername' > /dev/null; then |
else |
fi |
# Place to stash temporary files |
CERT_TMP=$($MKTEMP /var/tmp/cert.XXXXXX) |
ERROR_TMP=$($MKTEMP /var/tmp/error.XXXXXX) |
### Baseline the dates so we have something to compare to |
MONTH=$(${DATE} "+%m") |
DAY=$(${DATE} "+%d") |
YEAR=$(${DATE} "+%Y") |
NOWJULIAN=$(date2julian "${MONTH#0}" "${DAY#0}" "${YEAR}") |
### Touch the files prior to using them |
if [ -n "${CERT_TMP}" ] && [ -n "${ERROR_TMP}" ]; then |
touch "${CERT_TMP}" "${ERROR_TMP}" |
else |
echo "ERROR: Problem creating temporary files" |
echo "FIX: Check that mktemp works on your system" |
exit 1 |
fi |
### If a HOST was passed on the cmdline, use that value |
if [ "${HOST}" != "" ]; then |
print_heading |
check_server_status "${HOST}" "${PORT:=443}" |
print_summary |
### If a file is passed to the "-f" option on the command line, check |
### each certificate or server / port combination in the file to see if |
### they are about to expire |
elif [ -f "${SERVERFILE}" ]; then |
print_heading |
IFS=$'\n' |
for LINE in $(grep -E -v '(^#|^$)' "${SERVERFILE}") |
do |
HOST=${LINE%% *} |
PORT=${LINE##* } |
IFS=" " |
if [ "$PORT" = "FILE" ]; then |
check_file_status "${HOST}" "FILE" "${HOST}" |
else |
check_server_status "${HOST}" "${PORT}" |
fi |
done |
print_summary |
### Check to see if the certificate in CERTFILE is about to expire |
elif [ "${CERTFILE}" != "" ]; then |
print_heading |
check_file_status "${CERTFILE}" "FILE" "${CERTFILE}" |
print_summary |
### Check to see if the certificates in CERTDIRECTORY are about to expire |
elif [ "${CERTDIRECTORY}" != "" ] && ("${FIND}" -L "${CERTDIRECTORY}" -type f > /dev/null 2>&1); then |
print_heading |
for FILE in $("${FIND}" -L "${CERTDIRECTORY}" -type f); do |
check_file_status "${FILE}" "FILE" "${FILE}" |
done |
print_summary |
### There was an error, so print a detailed usage message and exit |
else |
usage |
exit 1 |
fi |
### Exit with a success indicator |
if [ "${NAGIOS}" = "TRUE" ]; then |
exit "${RETCODE}" |
else |
exit 0 |
fi |
Reference in new issue