mirror of https://github.com/lework/script
3 changed files with 1429 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
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import boto3 |
import json |
cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch') |
def del_alarm(type, name_prefix): |
print("[delete %s alarm.]" % type) |
rep = cloudwatch.describe_alarms(AlarmNamePrefix=name_prefix, ) |
alarm_names = [] |
for m in rep.get('MetricAlarms'): |
alarm_names.append(m.get('AlarmName')) |
response = cloudwatch.delete_alarms( |
AlarmNames=alarm_names |
) |
print('alarm_names', alarm_names) |
print('response', response) |
def del_dashboards(type, name_prefix): |
print("[delete %s dashboards.]" % type) |
rep = cloudwatch.list_dashboards(DashboardNamePrefix=name_prefix) |
dashboard_names = [] |
for m in rep.get('DashboardEntries'): |
dashboard_names.append(m.get('DashboardName')) |
response = cloudwatch.delete_dashboards( |
DashboardNames=dashboard_names |
) |
print('dashboard_names', dashboard_names) |
print('response', response) |
def lambda_handler(event, context): |
# TODO implement |
print(event) |
detail = event.get('detail', {}) |
event_source = detail.get('eventSource') |
event_name = detail.get('eventName') |
event_response = detail.get('responseElements', {}) |
if event_source == 'ec2.amazonaws.com': |
if event_name == 'TerminateInstances': |
instances = event_response.get('instancesSet', {}) |
for item in instances.get('items', []): |
instance_id = item.get('instanceId') |
if instance_id: |
del_alarm('ec2', 'AWS_EC2_%s' % instance_id) |
del_dashboards('ec2', 'AWS_EC2_%s' % instance_id) |
elif event_source == 'rds.amazonaws.com': |
if event_name == 'DeleteDBInstance': |
dBInstanceIdentifier = event_response.get('dBInstanceIdentifier') |
engine = event_response.get('engine') |
if engine == 'mysql': |
del_alarm('mysql', 'AWS_MYSQL_%s' % dBInstanceIdentifier) |
del_dashboards('mysql', 'AWS_MYSQL_%s' % dBInstanceIdentifier) |
elif event_source == 'elasticache.amazonaws.com': |
if event_name == 'DeleteReplicationGroup': |
group_id = event_response.get('replicationGroupId') |
del_alarm('redis', 'AWS_REDIS_%s' % group_id) |
del_dashboards('redis', 'AWS_REDIS_%s' % group_id) |
elif event_source == 'elasticloadbalancing.amazonaws.com': |
if event_name == 'DeleteLoadBalancer': |
requestParameters = detail.get('requestParameters', {}) |
loadBalancerArn = requestParameters.get('loadBalancerArn') |
instance_name = loadBalancerArn.split(':loadbalancer/')[1].split('/')[1] |
del_alarm('elb', 'AWS_ELB_%s' % instance_name) |
del_dashboards('elb', 'AWS_ELB_%s' % instance_name) |
return { |
'statusCode': 200, |
'body': json.dumps('add success.') |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import json |
from botocore.vendored import requests |
def lambda_handler(event, context): |
# TODO implement |
url = "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com" |
corpid = "" |
secret = "" |
agentid = "" |
touser = '' |
toparty = '' |
totag = '' |
headers={ |
'Content-Type':'application/json' |
} |
access_token_url = '{url}/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid={id}&corpsecret={crt}'.format(url=url, id=corpid, crt=secret) |
access_token_response = requests.get(url=access_token_url, headers=headers) |
token = json.loads(access_token_response.text)['access_token'] |
send_url = '{url}/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token={token}'.format(url=url, token=token) |
message = event['Records'][0]['Sns'] |
Timestamp = message['Timestamp'] |
Subject = message['Subject'] |
sns_message = json.loads(message['Message']) |
region = message['TopicArn'].split(':')[-3] |
state_exclude = ['INSUFFICIENT_DATA'] |
if sns_message['OldStateValue'] in state_exclude: |
return |
if "ALARM" in Subject: |
title='<font color=\"info\">[aws] 警报!!警报!!</font>' |
elif "OK" in Subject: |
title='<font color=\"info\">[aws] 故障恢复</font>' |
else: |
title='<font color=\"info\">[aws]</font>' |
content = title \ |
+ "\n> **详情信息**" \ |
+ "\n> 时间: " + Timestamp \ |
+ "\n> 内容: " + Subject \ |
+ "\n> 状态: <font color=\"comment\">{old}</font> => <font color=\"warning\">{new}</font>".format(old=sns_message['OldStateValue'], new=sns_message['NewStateValue']) \ |
+ "\n> " \ |
+ "\n> Region: " + sns_message['Region'] \ |
+ "\n> Namespace: " + sns_message['Trigger']['Namespace'] \ |
+ "\n> MetricName: " + sns_message['Trigger']['MetricName'] \ |
+ "\n> " \ |
+ "\n> AlarmName: " + sns_message['AlarmName'] \ |
+ "\n> AlarmDescription: " + sns_message['AlarmDescription'] \ |
+ "\n> " \ |
+ "\n> 详情请点击:[Alarm](https://{region}.console.amazonaws.cn/cloudwatch/home?region={region}#s=Alarms&alarm={alarm})".format(region=region, alarm=sns_message['AlarmName']) |
msg = { |
"msgtype": 'markdown', |
"agentid": agentid, |
"markdown": {'content': content }, |
"safe": 0 |
} |
if touser: |
msg['touser'] = touser |
if toparty: |
msg['toparty'] = toparty |
if toparty: |
msg['totag'] = totag |
response = requests.post(url=send_url, data=json.dumps(msg), headers=headers) |
errcode = json.loads(response.text)['errcode'] |
if errcode == 0: |
print('Succesfully') |
else: |
print(response.json()) |
print('Failed') |
Reference in new issue