diff --git a/python/facts_os_check/ansible.py b/python/facts_os_check/ansible.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81beea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/facts_os_check/ansible.py
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @Time : 2019-10-09
+# @Author : lework
+import datetime
+import smtplib
+import os
+import json
+import codecs
+import copy
+from email.header import Header
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+import urllib.request
+from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment
+def deepupdate(target, src, overwrite=True):
+ """Deep update target list, dict or set or other iterable with src
+ For each k,v in src: if k doesn't exist in target, it is deep copied from
+ src to target. Otherwise, if v is a list, target[k] is extended with
+ src[k]. If v is a set, target[k] is updated with v, If v is a dict,
+ recursively deep-update it. If `overwrite` is False, existing values in
+ target will not be overwritten.
+ Examples:
+ \>>> t = {'name': 'Ferry', 'hobbies': ['programming', 'sci-fi']}
+ \>>> deepupdate(t, {'hobbies': ['gaming']})
+ \>>> print t
+ {'name': 'Ferry', 'hobbies': ['programming', 'sci-fi', 'gaming']}
+ """
+ for k, v in src.items():
+ if type(v) == list:
+ if not k in target:
+ target[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
+ elif overwrite is True:
+ target[k].extend(v)
+ elif type(v) == dict:
+ if not k in target:
+ target[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
+ else:
+ deepupdate(target[k], v, overwrite=overwrite)
+ elif type(v) == set:
+ if not k in target:
+ target[k] = v.copy()
+ elif overwrite is True:
+ if type(target[k]) == list:
+ target[k].extend(v)
+ elif type(target[k]) == set:
+ target[k].update(v)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Cannot update {} with {}".format(type(target[k]), type(v)))
+ else:
+ if k not in target or overwrite is True:
+ target[k] = copy.copy(v)
+def send_mail(mail_config, to_list, subject, content):
+ """
+ 发送HTML类型的邮件
+ :param mail_config: dict
+ :param to_list: list
+ :param subject: str
+ :param content: str
+ :return:
+ """
+ mail_port = mail_config.get('mail_port', '')
+ mail_host = mail_config.get('mail_host', '')
+ mail_user = mail_config.get('mail_user', '')
+ mail_pass = mail_config.get('mail_pass', '')
+ me = mail_user
+ msg = MIMEText(content, _subtype='html', _charset='utf-8')
+ msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
+ msg['From'] = me
+ msg['to'] = ",".join(to_list)
+ try:
+ s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(mail_host, mail_port)
+ s.login(mail_user, mail_pass)
+ s.sendmail(me, to_list, msg.as_string())
+ s.quit()
+ print("[Send mail] success.")
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("[Send mail] error. %s" % e)
+ return False
+class Ansible(object):
+ """
+ 生成主机信息
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fact_dirs, fact_cache=False):
+ self.fact_dirs = fact_dirs
+ self.fact_cache = fact_cache
+ self.host_data = {}
+ self.remote_timestamp = 0
+ # 条件
+ self.bad_threshold = 80
+ self.critical_threshold = 90
+ self.time_threshold = 10 * 60
+ self.default_host_info = [
+ 'ansible_hostname',
+ 'ansible_default_ipv4',
+ 'ansible_distribution',
+ 'ansible_distribution_version',
+ 'ansible_kernel',
+ 'ansible_dns',
+ 'ansible_uptime_seconds',
+ 'ansible_date_time',
+ 'ansible_memory_mb',
+ 'ansible_memfree_mb',
+ 'ansible_memtotal_mb',
+ 'ansible_mounts',
+ 'ansible_swaptotal_mb',
+ 'ansible_swapfree_mb'
+ ]
+ self.check_result = {
+ 'time': '',
+ 'summary': {
+ 'ok': 0,
+ 'bad': 0,
+ 'critical': 0,
+ 'total': 0,
+ 'error': 0
+ },
+ 'ok': [],
+ 'bad': [],
+ 'critical': [],
+ 'ok_item': {},
+ 'bad_item': {},
+ 'critical_item': {},
+ 'error_item': {}
+ }
+ for fact_dir in self.fact_dirs:
+ self._parse_fact_dir(fact_dir, self.fact_cache)
+ self._set_remote_timestamp()
+ def _parse_fact_dir(self, fact_dir, fact_cache=False):
+ if not os.path.isdir(fact_dir):
+ raise IOError("Not a directory: '{0}'".format(fact_dir))
+ flist = []
+ for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(fact_dir):
+ flist.extend(filenames)
+ break
+ for fname in flist:
+ if fname.startswith('.'):
+ continue
+ hostname = fname
+ fd = codecs.open(os.path.join(fact_dir, fname), 'r', encoding='utf8')
+ s = fd.readlines()
+ fd.close()
+ try:
+ x = json.loads(''.join(s))
+ # for compatibility with fact_caching=jsonfile
+ # which omits the "ansible_facts" parent key added by the setup module
+ if self.fact_cache:
+ x = json.loads('{ "ansible_facts": ' + ''.join(s) + ' }')
+ self.update_host(hostname, x)
+ self.update_host(hostname, {'name': hostname})
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # Ignore non-JSON files (and bonus errors)
+ print("Error parsing: %s: %s" % (fname, e))
+ def _set_remote_timestamp(self):
+ time_api = "http://api.m.taobao.com/rest/api3.do?api=mtop.common.getTimestamp"
+ try:
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(time_api)
+ result = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
+ self.remote_timestamp = int(result['data'].get('t', '0'))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.remote_timestamp = datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.now())
+ def check_time(self, host, item, now):
+ now_timestamp = datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime.strptime(now, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+ time_zone = 8 * 60 * 60
+ if abs(self.remote_timestamp - now_timestamp - time_zone) >= self.time_threshold:
+ self.check_result['critical'].append(host)
+ if host not in self.check_result['critical_item']:
+ self.check_result['critical_item'][host] = {'critical': [], 'bad': []}
+ self.check_result['critical_item'][host]['critical'].append(item)
+ def check_usedutilization(self, host, item, now):
+ if now >= self.critical_threshold:
+ self.check_result['critical'].append(host)
+ if host not in self.check_result['critical_item']:
+ self.check_result['critical_item'][host] = {'critical': [], 'bad': []}
+ self.check_result['critical_item'][host]['critical'].append(item)
+ elif now >= self.bad_threshold:
+ if host in self.check_result['critical']:
+ self.check_result['critical_item'][host]['bad'].append(item)
+ return
+ self.check_result['bad'].append(host)
+ if host not in self.check_result['bad_item']:
+ self.check_result['bad_item'][host] = {'bad': []}
+ self.check_result['bad_item'][host]['bad'].append(item)
+ else:
+ if host in self.check_result['critical'] or host in self.check_result['bad']:
+ return
+ self.check_result['ok'].append(host)
+ def update_host(self, hostname, key_values, overwrite=True):
+ """
+ Update a hosts information. This is called by various collectors such
+ as the ansible setup module output and the hosts parser to add
+ informatio to a host. It does some deep inspection to make sure nested
+ information can be updated.
+ """
+ default_empty_host = {
+ 'name': hostname,
+ }
+ host_info = self.host_data.get(hostname, default_empty_host)
+ deepupdate(host_info, key_values, overwrite=overwrite)
+ self.host_data[hostname] = host_info
+ def get_check_result(self):
+ for key, host in self.host_data.items():
+ print('[Check] %s' % key)
+ if 'ansible_facts' not in host:
+ self.check_result['summary']['error'] += 1
+ self.check_result['error_item'][key] = {'msg': host['msg']}
+ continue
+ usedutilization = {
+ 'os_time': '',
+ 'mem': '',
+ 'swap': '',
+ 'disk': []
+ }
+ iso8601 = host['ansible_facts']['ansible_date_time'].get('iso8601', None)
+ ansible_memtotal_mb = host['ansible_facts'].get('ansible_memtotal_mb', 0)
+ ansible_memfree_mb = host['ansible_facts'].get('ansible_memfree_mb', 0)
+ ansible_swaptotal_mb = host['ansible_facts'].get('ansible_swaptotal_mb', 0)
+ ansible_swapfree_mb = host['ansible_facts'].get('ansible_swapfree_mb', 0)
+ if ansible_memtotal_mb != 0:
+ usedutilization['mem'] = int(
+ (ansible_memtotal_mb - ansible_memfree_mb) / ansible_memtotal_mb * 10000) / 100
+ else:
+ usedutilization['mem'] = 0
+ if ansible_swaptotal_mb != 0:
+ usedutilization['swap'] = int(
+ (ansible_swaptotal_mb - ansible_swapfree_mb) / ansible_swaptotal_mb * 10000) / 100
+ else:
+ usedutilization['swap'] = 0
+ usedutilization['os_time'] = iso8601
+ for disk in host['ansible_facts'].get('ansible_mounts', []):
+ mount = disk.get('mount', '')
+ fstype = disk.get('fstype', '')
+ if 'containers' in mount or 'iso9660' in fstype:
+ continue
+ size_total = disk.get('size_total', 0)
+ size_available = disk.get('size_available', 0)
+ block_used = disk.get('block_used', 0)
+ block_total = disk.get('block_total', 0)
+ inode_total = disk.get('inode_total', 0)
+ inode_used = disk.get('inode_used', 0)
+ size_usedutilization = 0
+ block_usedutilization = 0
+ inode_usedutilization = 0
+ if size_total != 0:
+ size_usedutilization = int((size_total - size_available) / size_total * 10000) / 100
+ if block_total != 0:
+ block_usedutilization = int(block_used / block_total * 10000) / 100
+ if inode_total != 0:
+ inode_usedutilization = int(inode_used / inode_total * 10000) / 100
+ usedutilization['disk'].append(
+ {'mount': mount, 'size': size_usedutilization, 'block': block_usedutilization,
+ 'inode': inode_usedutilization})
+ self.check_usedutilization(key, 'mem', usedutilization['mem'])
+ self.check_usedutilization(key, 'swap', usedutilization['swap'])
+ for du in usedutilization['disk']:
+ self.check_usedutilization(key, 'mount_size_' + mount, du['size'])
+ self.check_usedutilization(key, 'mount_block_' + mount, du['block'])
+ self.check_usedutilization(key, 'mount_inode_' + mount, du['inode'])
+ # self.check_time(key, 'time', iso8601)
+ self.host_data[key]['usedutilization'] = usedutilization
+ self.check_result['ok'] = sorted(
+ list(set(self.check_result['ok']).difference(set(self.check_result['critical']))))
+ self.check_result['ok'] = sorted(list(set(self.check_result['ok']).difference(set(self.check_result['bad']))))
+ self.check_result['bad'] = sorted(
+ list(set(self.check_result['bad']).difference(set(self.check_result['critical']))))
+ self.check_result['critical'] = sorted(set(self.check_result['critical']))
+ self.check_result['total'] = len(self.host_data.values())
+ self.check_result['summary']['ok'] = len(self.check_result['ok'])
+ self.check_result['summary']['bad'] = len(self.check_result['bad'])
+ self.check_result['summary']['critical'] = len(self.check_result['critical'])
+ self.check_result['summary']['total'] = len(self.host_data.values()) + self.check_result['summary']['error']
+ self.check_result['time'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ for ok_item in self.check_result['ok']:
+ self.check_result['ok_item'][ok_item] = {}
+ for info in self.default_host_info:
+ self.check_result['ok_item'][ok_item][info] = self.host_data[ok_item]['ansible_facts'][info]
+ self.check_result['ok_item'][ok_item]['usedutilization'] = self.host_data[ok_item]['usedutilization']
+ for bad_item in self.check_result['bad']:
+ for info in self.default_host_info:
+ self.check_result['bad_item'][bad_item][info] = self.host_data[bad_item]['ansible_facts'][info]
+ self.check_result['bad_item'][bad_item]['usedutilization'] = self.host_data[bad_item]['usedutilization']
+ for critical_item in self.check_result['critical']:
+ for info in self.default_host_info:
+ self.check_result['critical_item'][critical_item][info] = \
+ self.host_data[critical_item]['ansible_facts'][
+ info]
+ self.check_result['critical_item'][critical_item]['usedutilization'] = self.host_data[critical_item][
+ 'usedutilization']
+ return self.check_result
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # 定义基础数据
+ print('[Init] Set configuration')
+ current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ now_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ report_path = os.path.join(current_path, 'report', 'report-%s.html' % now_date)
+ template_path = os.path.join(current_path, 'templates')
+ # template_file = 'report.html'
+ template_file = 'report_cssinline.html'
+ # 设置fact目录
+ fact_dirs = [os.path.join(current_path, 'facts')]
+ # 获取检查结果
+ print('[Check] Get Result')
+ ansible = Ansible(fact_dirs=fact_dirs)
+ check_result = ansible.get_check_result()
+ # 生成报告
+ print('[Check] Generate report')
+ TemplateLoader = FileSystemLoader(searchpath=template_path)
+ TemplateEnv = Environment(loader=TemplateLoader)
+ template = TemplateEnv.get_template(template_file)
+ html = template.render(data=check_result)
+ # 存储报告
+ print('[Check] Save report')
+ with open(report_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ f.write(html)
+ # 发送邮件
+ subject = 'System Check Report [%s]' % now_date
+ to_list = ['lework@ops.com']
+ mail_config = {
+ 'mail_host': 'smtp.lework.com',
+ 'mail_port': '465',
+ 'mail_user': 'ops@lework.com',
+ 'mail_pass': '123123'
+ }
+ print(json.dumps(check_result))
+ send_mail(mail_config, to_list, subject, html)
diff --git a/python/facts_os_check/run.sh b/python/facts_os_check/run.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..059b157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/facts_os_check/run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[ ! -d ./report ] && mkdir ./report
+[ ! -d ./facts ] && mkdir ./facts
+rm -rf ./facts
+ansible all -m setup --tree ./facts
+python3 ansible.py
diff --git a/python/facts_os_check/templates/report.html b/python/facts_os_check/templates/report.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdcbd53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/facts_os_check/templates/report.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14963 @@
+ 巡检报告
+ 生成时间:
+ {{ data.time }}
{{ data.summary.error}}
{{ data.summary.critical}}
{{ data.summary.bad}}
{{ data.summary.ok}}
{{ data.summary.total}}
Bad评判条件: 80 <= 使用率 < 90, Critical评判条件: 使用率 >= 90
+ {% if data.summary.error != 0 %}
Error List
+ Host |
+ msg |
+ {% for key, value in data.error_item.items() %}
+ {{ key }} |
+ {{ value.msg }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if data.summary.critical != 0 %}
Critical List
+ Hostname |
+ Main IP |
+ OS |
+ Mem Used |
+ Swap Used |
+ Disk Size Used |
+ Disk Inode Used |
+ Timestamp |
+ {% for key, value in data.critical_item.items() %}
+ {{ value.ansible_hostname }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_default_ipv4.address | default(key)}} |
+ {{ value.ansible_distribution }} {{ value.ansible_distribution_version }} |
+ {% if 'mem' in value.critical %}{% elif 'mem' in value.bad %}{%else%}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.mem }}% |
+ {% if 'swap' in value.critical %}{% elif 'swap' in value.bad %}{%else%}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.swap }}% |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {% if 'mount_size_' + d.mount in value.critical %}{% elif 'mount_size_' +d.mount in value.bad %}{%else%}{% endif %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.size }}%]
+ {% if not loop.last %}{% endif %}
+ {% endfor%}
+ |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {% if 'mount_inode_' + d.mount in value.critical %}{% elif 'mount_inode_' + d.mount in value.bad %} {% else %}{% endif %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.inode }}%]
+ {% if not loop.last %}{% endif %}
+ {% endfor%}
+ |
+ {% if 'time' in value.critical %}{% elif 'time' in value.bad %}{% else %}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.os_time }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if data.summary.bad != 0 %}
Bad List
+ Hostname |
+ Main IP |
+ OS |
+ Mem Used |
+ Swap Used |
+ Disk Size Used |
+ Disk Inode Used |
+ Timestamp |
+ {% for key, value in data.bad_item.items() %}
+ {{ value.ansible_hostname }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_default_ipv4.address | default(key) }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_distribution }} {{ value.ansible_distribution_version }} |
+ {% if 'mem' in value.bad %}{% else %}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.mem }}% |
+ {% if 'swap' in value.bad %}{% else %}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.swap }}% |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {% if 'mount_size_' + d.mount in value.bad %}{% else %} {% endif %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.size }}%]
+ {% if not loop.last %}{% endif %}
+ {% endfor%}
+ |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {% if 'mount_inode_' + d.mount in value.bad %} {% else %} {% endif %} >
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.inode }}%]
+ {% if not loop.last %}{% endif %}
+ {% endfor%}
+ |
+ {% if 'time' in value.bad %}{% else %}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.os_time }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if data.summary.ok != 0 %}
OK List
+ Hostname |
+ Main IP |
+ OS |
+ Mem Used |
+ Swap Used |
+ Disk Size Used |
+ Disk Inode Used |
+ Timestamp |
+ {% for key, value in data.ok_item.items() %}
+ {{ value.ansible_hostname }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_default_ipv4.address | default(key) }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_distribution }} {{ value.ansible_distribution_version }} |
+ {{ value.usedutilization.mem }}% |
+ {{ value.usedutilization.swap }}% |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.size }}%] {% if not loop.last %}{% endif %}
+ {% endfor%} |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.inode }}%] {% if not loop.last %}{% endif %}
+ {% endfor%} |
+ {{ value.usedutilization.os_time }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/facts_os_check/templates/report_cssinline.html b/python/facts_os_check/templates/report_cssinline.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23775b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/facts_os_check/templates/report_cssinline.html
@@ -0,0 +1,7793 @@
+ 巡检报告
+ 生成时间:
+ {{ data.time }}
{{ data.summary.error}}
{{ data.summary.critical}}
{{ data.summary.bad}}
{{ data.summary.ok}}
{{ data.summary.total}}
Bad评判条件: 80 <= 使用率 < 90, Critical评判条件: 使用率 >= 90
+ {% if data.summary.error != 0 %}
Error List
+ Host |
+ msg |
+ {% for key, value in data.error_item.items() %}
+ {{ key }} |
+ {{ value.msg }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if data.summary.critical != 0 %}
Critical List
+ Hostname |
+ Main IP |
+ OS |
+ Mem Used |
+ Swap Used |
+ Disk Size Used |
+ Disk Inode Used |
+ Timestamp |
+ {% for key, value in data.critical_item.items() %}
+ {{ value.ansible_hostname }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_default_ipv4.address | default(key)}} |
+ {{ value.ansible_distribution }} {{ value.ansible_distribution_version }} |
+ {% if 'mem' in value.critical %}{% elif 'mem' in value.bad %}{%else%}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.mem }}% |
+ {% if 'swap' in value.critical %}{% elif 'swap' in value.bad %}{%else%}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.swap }}% |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {% if 'mount_size_' + d.mount in value.critical %}{% elif 'mount_size_' +d.mount in value.bad %}{%else%}{% endif %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.size }}%]
+ {% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}
+ {% endfor%}
+ |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {% if 'mount_inode_' + d.mount in value.critical %}{% elif 'mount_inode_' + d.mount in value.bad %} {% else %}{% endif %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.inode }}%]
+ {% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}
+ {% endfor%}
+ |
+ {% if 'time' in value.critical %}{% elif 'time' in value.bad %}{% else %}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.os_time }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if data.summary.bad != 0 %}
Bad List
+ Hostname |
+ Main IP |
+ OS |
+ Mem Used |
+ Swap Used |
+ Disk Size Used |
+ Disk Inode Used |
+ Timestamp |
+ {% for key, value in data.bad_item.items() %}
+ {{ value.ansible_hostname }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_default_ipv4.address | default(key) }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_distribution }} {{ value.ansible_distribution_version }} |
+ {% if 'mem' in value.bad %}{% else %}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.mem }}% |
+ {% if 'swap' in value.bad %}{% else %}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.swap }}% |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {% if 'mount_size_' + d.mount in value.bad %}{% else %} {% endif %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.size }}%]
+ {% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}
+ {% endfor%}
+ |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {% if 'mount_inode_' + d.mount in value.bad %} {% else %} {% endif %} >
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.inode }}%]
+ {% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}
+ {% endfor%}
+ |
+ {% if 'time' in value.bad %}{% else %}{% endif %}{{ value.usedutilization.os_time }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if data.summary.ok != 0 %}
OK List
+ Hostname |
+ Main IP |
+ OS |
+ Mem Used |
+ Swap Used |
+ Disk Size Used |
+ Disk Inode Used |
+ Timestamp |
+ {% for key, value in data.ok_item.items() %}
+ {{ value.ansible_hostname }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_default_ipv4.address | default(key) }} |
+ {{ value.ansible_distribution }} {{ value.ansible_distribution_version }} |
+ {{ value.usedutilization.mem }}% |
+ {{ value.usedutilization.swap }}% |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.size }}%] {% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}
+ {% endfor%} |
+ {% for d in value.usedutilization.disk %}
+ {{ d.mount }} [{{ d.inode }}%] {% if not loop.last %} {% endif %}
+ {% endfor%} |
+ {{ value.usedutilization.os_time }} |
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file