#!/usr/bin/env bash set -x current_dir=$(pwd) timestamp=$(date +%s) diagnose_dir=/tmp/diagnose_${timestamp} mkdir -p $diagnose_dir is_ps_hang=false run() { echo echo "-----------------run $@------------------" timeout 10s $@ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "failed to collect info: $@" fi echo "------------End of ${1}----------------" } os_env() { grep -q "Ubuntu" /etc/os-release && export OS="Ubuntu" && return grep -q "SUSE" /etc/os-release && export OS="SUSE" && return grep -q "Red Hat" /etc/os-release && export OS="RedHat" && return grep -q "CentOS Linux" /etc/os-release && export OS="CentOS" && return grep -q "Kylin Linux" /etc/os-release && export OS="CentOS" && return grep -q "Aliyun Linux" /etc/os-release && export OS="AliyunOS" && return grep -q "Alibaba Group Enterprise Linux" /etc/os-release && export OS="AliOS" && return echo "unknown os... exit." exit 1 } dist() { cat /etc/issue* } command_exists() { command -v "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 } # Service status service_status() { run service firewalld status | tee $diagnose_dir/service_status run service ntpd status | tee $diagnose_dir/service_status run service chronyd status | tee $diagnose_dir/service_status } #system info system_info() { # mkdir -p ${diagnose_dir}/system_info run uname -a | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_info run uname -r | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_info run dist | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_info if command_exists lsb_release; then run lsb_release | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_info fi run ulimit -a | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_info run sysctl -a | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_info } #network network_info() { # mkdir -p ${diagnose_dir}/network_info #run ifconfig run ip --details ad show | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/network_info run ip --details link show | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/network_info run ip route show | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/network_info run iptables-save | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/network_info netstat -nt | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/network_info netstat -nu | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/network_info netstat -ln | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/network_info } # check ps -ef command is hung check_ps_hang() { echo "check if ps -ef command hang" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/ps_command_status checkD=$(timeout -s 9 2 ps -ef) if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "ps -ef command is hung" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/ps_command_status is_ps_hang=true echo "start to check which process lead to ps -ef command hang" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/ps_command_status for f in `find /proc/*/task -name status` do checkD=$(cat $f|grep "State.*D") if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then cmdline=$(echo ${f%%status}"cmdline") pid=$(echo ${f%%status}"") stack=$(echo ${f%%status}"stack") timeout -s 9 2 cat $cmdline if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "process $pid is in State D and lead to ps -ef process hang,stack info:" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/ps_command_status cat $stack | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/ps_command_status fi fi done echo "finish to check which process lead to ps -ef command hang" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/ps_command_status else echo "ps -ef command works fine" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/ps_command_status fi } #system status system_status() { #mkdir -p ${diagnose_dir}/system_status run uptime | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status run top -b -n 1 | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status if [ "$is_ps_hang" == "false" ]; then run ps -ef | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status else echo "ps -ef command hang, skip [ps -ef] check" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status fi run netstat -nt | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status run netstat -nu | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status run netstat -ln | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status run df -h | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status run cat /proc/mounts | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status if [ "$is_ps_hang" == "false" ]; then run pstree -al | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status else echo "ps -ef command hang, skip [pstree -al] check" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status fi run lsof | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status ( cd /proc find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '[0-9]*' \ -exec bash -c "ls {}/fd/ | wc -l | tr '\n' ' '" \; \ -printf "fds (PID = %P), command: " \ -exec bash -c "tr '\0' ' ' < {}/cmdline" \; \ -exec echo \; | sort -rn | head | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/system_status ) } daemon_status() { run systemctl status docker -l | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/docker_status run systemctl status containerd -l | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/containerd_status run systemctl status container-storaged -l | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/container-storaged_status run systemctl status kubelet -l | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/kubelet_status } docker_status() { #mkdir -p ${diagnose_dir}/docker_status echo "check dockerd process" if [ "$is_ps_hang" == "false" ]; then run ps -ef|grep -E 'dockerd|docker daemon'|grep -v grep| tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/docker_status else echo "ps -ef command hang, skip [ps -ef|grep -E 'dockerd|docker daemon'] check" | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/docker_status fi #docker info run docker info | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/docker_status run docker version | tee -a ${diagnose_dir}/docker_status sudo kill -SIGUSR1 $(cat /var/run/docker.pid) cp /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/containerd/events.log ${diagnose_dir}/containerd_events.log sleep 10 cp /var/run/docker/*.log ${diagnose_dir} } showlog() { local file=$1 if [ -f "$file" ]; then tail -n 200 $file fi } #collect log common_logs() { log_tail_lines=10000 mkdir -p ${diagnose_dir}/logs run dmesg -T | tail -n ${log_tail_lines} | tee ${diagnose_dir}/logs/dmesg.log tail -c 500M /var/log/messages &> ${diagnose_dir}/logs/messages pidof systemd && journalctl -n ${log_tail_lines} -u docker.service &> ${diagnose_dir}/logs/docker.log || tail -n ${log_tail_lines} /var/log/upstart/docker.log &> ${diagnose_dir}/logs/docker.log } archive() { tar -zcvf ${current_dir}/diagnose_${timestamp}.tar.gz ${diagnose_dir} echo "please get diagnose_${timestamp}.tar.gz for diagnostics" } varlogmessage(){ grep cloud-init /var/log/messages > $diagnose_dir/varlogmessage.log } cluster_dump(){ kubectl cluster-info dump > $diagnose_dir/cluster_dump.log } events(){ kubectl get events > $diagnose_dir/events.log } core_component() { local comp="$1" local label="$2" mkdir -p $diagnose_dir/cs/$comp/ local pods=`kubectl get -n kube-system po -l $label=$comp | awk '{print $1}'|grep -v NAME` for po in ${pods} do kubectl logs -n kube-system ${po} &> $diagnose_dir/cs/${comp}/${po}.log done } etcd() { journalctl -u etcd -xe &> $diagnose_dir/cs/etcd.log } storageplugins() { mkdir -p ${diagnose_dir}/storage/ cp /var/log/alicloud/* ${diagnose_dir}/storage/ } sandbox_runtime_status() { if [[ ! -z $(pidof dockerd) || -z $(pidof containerd) ]]; then return 0 fi wget http://aliacs-k8s-cn-hangzhou.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/public/diagnose/sandbox-runtime-status.tgz -q -O ${diagnose_dir}/sandbox-runtime-status.tgz tar -xzvf ${diagnose_dir}/sandbox-runtime-status.tgz -C ${diagnose_dir} pushd ${diagnose_dir}/sandbox-runtime-status bash script_collect.sh >> $diagnose_dir/sandbox_runtime.status popd } upload_oss() { if [[ "$UPLOAD_OSS" == "" ]]; then return 0 fi bucket_path=${UPLOAD_OSS} diagnose_file=diagnose_${timestamp}.tar.gz if ! command_exists ossutil; then curl -o /usr/local/bin/ossutil http://gosspublic.alicdn.com/ossutil/1.6.10/ossutil64 chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/ossutil fi region=$(curl endpoint="oss-$region.aliyuncs.com" if [[ "$ACCESS_KEY_ID" == "" ]]; then roleName=$(curl echo " [Credentials] language = CH endpoint = $endpoint [AkService] ecsAk=$roleName" > ./config else echo " [Credentials] language = CH endpoint = $endpoint accessKeyID = $ACCESS_KEY_ID accessKeySecret = $ACCESS_KEY_SECRET " > ./config fi bucket_name=${bucket_path%%/*} oss_endpoint=$(ossutil stat oss://$bucket_name --config-file ./config | grep ExtranetEndpoint | awk '{print $3}') if [[ "$oss_endpoint" != "" ]]; then endpoint=$oss_endpoint fi ossutil cp ./${diagnose_file} oss://$bucket_path/$diagnose_file --config-file ./config --endpoint $endpoint if [[ "$OSS_PUBLIC_LINK" != "" ]]; then ossutil sign --timeout 7200 oss://$bucket_path/$diagnose_file --config-file ./config --endpoint $endpoint fi } parse_args() { while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in --oss) export UPLOAD_OSS=$2 shift ;; --oss-public-link) export OSS_PUBLIC_LINK="true" ;; --access-key-id) export ACCESS_KEY_ID=$2 shift ;; --access-key-secret) export ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=$2 shift ;; *) echo "unknown option [$key]" ;; esac shift done } pd_collect() { os_env system_info service_status network_info check_ps_hang system_status docker_status sandbox_runtime_status common_logs varlogmessage core_component "cloud-controller-manager" "app" core_component "kube-apiserver" "component" core_component "kube-controller-manager" "component" core_component "kube-scheduler" "component" events storageplugins etcd cluster_dump archive } parse_args "$@" pd_collect upload_oss echo "请上传 diagnose_${timestamp}.tar.gz"