#!/bin/bash set -u LOG_DIR=/var/log/diagnostic LOG_FILE_NAME="i-uf63gv6j947wbfm1zodq20201104165109" LOG_FILE=${LOG_DIR}/${LOG_FILE_NAME} OSS_URL="" OS_RELEASE="aliyun" OS_BIG_VERSION='2' function check_fs() { echo "###fs-state" IFS_old=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for i in $(blkid) do blk=$(echo $i | awk -F: '{print $1}') fs_type=$(echo $i | egrep -o "TYPE=\"ext[0-9]\"|TYPE=\"xfs\"" | egrep -o "ext[0-9]|xfs") if [[ "${fs_type}" =~ "ext" ]] then echo ${blk} fsck -n /dev/vda1 > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $? elif [[ "${fs_type}" =~ "xfs" ]] then echo ${blk} xfs_repair -n ${blk} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $? fi done IFS=$IFS_old } function get_os() { if ! test -f "/etc/os-release"; then if test -f "/etc/redhat-release"; then OS_RELEASE="centos" else OS_RELEASE="freebsd" fi match=$(awk -F'=' '/^VERSION_ID/ {gsub("\"","",$NF); print $NF}' /etc/os-release) OS_BIG_VERSION=${match%%.*} fi if grep "Ubuntu" "/etc/os-release"; then OS_RELEASE="ubuntu" fi if grep "Debian" "/etc/os-release"; then OS_RELEASE="debian" fi if grep "CentOS" "/etc/os-release"; then OS_RELEASE="centos" fi if grep "SLES" "/etc/os-release"; then OS_RELEASE="suse" fi if grep -i "CoreOS" "/etc/os-release"; then OS_RELEASE="coreos" fi if grep "Aliyun" "/etc/os-release"; then OS_RELEASE="aliyun" fi } function eth0_network_dhcp(){ network_service_array=("Networking" "NetworkManager" "systemd-networkd" "netplan" "wicked" "others") network_service='${network_service[5]}' net_process_exit=false net_proto='static' #echo "***default" #mac=$(curl -s --connect-timeout 2 --fail #gateway=$(curl -s --connect-timeout 2 --fail$mac/gateway) if [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "centos"X ]; then echo "***centos" if [ "$OS_BIG_VERSION" == "7" ];then if [[ $(systemctl is-active network.service) == 'active' ]];then network_service=${network_service_array[0]} elif [[ $(systemctl is-active NetworkManager) == 'active' ]];then network_service=${network_service_array[1]} elif [[ $(systemctl is-active systemd-networkd) == 'active' ]];then network_service=${network_service_array[2]} else network_service=${network_service_array[5]} fi elif [ "$OS_BIG_VERSION" == "8" ];then network_service=${network_service_array[1]} else network_service=${network_service_array[0]} fi net_proto=$(grep "^BOOTPROTO=" /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') elif [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "aliyun"X ];then echo "***aliyun" network_service=${network_service_array[2]} systemd_dir=/etc/systemd/network/*.network for inet in `ls $systemd_dir`; do if grep -q "eth0" $inet && grep -q "DHCP=yes" $inet;then net_proto="dhcp" break fi done elif [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "ubuntu"X ];then echo "***ubuntu" network_service=${network_service_array[2]} net_proto="static" if [ "$OS_BIG_VERSION" -ge 18 ];then net_dir=/etc/netplan/*.yaml for inet in `ls $netplan_dir`; do if grep -q "eth0" $inet && grep -q "dhcp4:[[:space:]]*yes" $inet;then net_proto="dhcp" break fi done else interface_cfg=/etc/network/interfaces if grep -q "eth0[[:space:]]*inet[[:space:]]*dhcp" $interface_cfg;then net_proto="dhcp" fi fi elif [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "debian"X ];then echo "***debian" network_service=${network_service_array[2]} net_proto='static' interface_cfg=/etc/network/interfaces if grep -q "eth0[[:space:]]*inet[[:space:]]*dhcp" $interface_cfg;then net_proto="dhcp" fi elif [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "suse"X ];then echo "***suse" network_service=${network_service_array[4]} net_proto='static' sysconfig_cfg=/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 if grep -qE "^BOOTPROTO='dhcp4'|^BOOTPROTO='dhcp'" $sysconfig_cfg;then net_proto='dhcp' fi else echo "network_service:unknow" echo "net_proto:unknow" echo "net_process:unknow" return fi if [[ $network_service == ${network_service_array[0]} ]];then process="dhclient" elif [[ $network_service == ${network_service_array[1]} ]];then process="NetworkManager" elif [[ $network_service == ${network_service_array[2]} ]];then process="systemd-networkd" elif [[ $network_service == ${network_service_array[4]} ]];then process="wickedd" fi ps aux |grep $process |grep -v grep >/dev/null if [[ $? == 0 ]];then net_process_exit=true fi echo "network_service:$network_service" echo "net_proto:$net_proto" echo "net_process_exit:$net_process_exit" } function get_configs() { echo "##*problem_total_analyse" # check osinfo echo "###osinfo" if test -f "/etc/os-release"; then cat /etc/os-release | egrep "^NAME=|^VERSION=" else echo "no os-release" echo "no os-release" fi if test -f "/etc/redhat-release" ; then echo "redhat-release:" $(cat /etc/redhat-release) else echo "no redhat-release" fi echo "uname: " $(uname -a) echo "uname short\: " $(uname -r) # check the passwd format echo "###dos-ff" elf_pas="`cat /etc/passwd | hexdump |head -n 2|head -n 1 |awk '{print $NF}'|cut -c 1-2`" elf_sha="`cat /etc/shadow | hexdump |head -n 2|head -n 1 |awk '{print $NF}'|cut -c 1-2`" #elf_pam="`cat /etc/pam.d/* | hexdump |head -n 2|head -n 1 |awk '{print $NF}'|cut -c 1-2`" if [ "elf_pas" != "3a" ];then echo "/etc/passwd: ASCII text" else echo "/etc/passwd: ASCII text, with no line terminators" fi if [ "elf_sha" != "3a" ];then echo "/etc/shadow: ASCII text" else echo "/etc/shadow: ASCII text, with no line terminators" fi # check the limits echo "###limits" cat /etc/security/limits.conf | grep -Ev "^$|[#;]" # check the virtio driver exists echo "###virtio-net-multiqueue" for i in $(ip link | grep -E "^[0-9]+: .*:" -o | cut -d ":" -f 2 | grep -v lo); do echo $i ethtool -l $i 2>/dev/null | grep Combined done # check eth0 newtork dhcp echo "###eth0-network-dhcp" eth0_network_dhcp # check passwd only echo "###passwd" cat /etc/passwd echo "###cpu-top-5" top -b -n 1 | grep "%Cpu(s):" ps -eT -o%cpu,pid,tid,ppid,comm | grep -v CPU | sort -n -r | head -5 # check ssh permission format echo "###ssh-perm" if [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "centos"X ]; then echo "***centos" ls -l /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow /var/empty/* /etc/securetty* /etc/security/* /etc/ssh/* fi if [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "ubuntu"X ]; then echo "***ubuntu" ls -l /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow /etc/securetty* /etc/security/* /etc/ssh/* fi if [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "debian"X ]; then echo "***debian" ls -l /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow /etc/securetty* /etc/security/* /etc/ssh/* fi if [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "coreos"X ]; then echo "***coreos" ls -l /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow /var/empty/* /etc/securetty* /etc/security/* /etc/ssh/* fi # check blkid echo "###blkid" blkid # check the softlink echo "###softlink" ls -l / | grep "\->" # check iptables echo "###iptables" echo "***centos-5" service iptables status echo "***centos-6" service iptables status echo "***centos-7" firewall-cmd --state echo "***centos-8" firewall-cmd --state echo "***ubuntu" ufw status echo "***coreos" status="`systemctl status iptables 2>&1`" echo "$status" echo "***default" iptables -L # check the sysctl configuration echo "###sysctl" cat /etc/sysctl.conf | grep nr_hugepages echo -n "net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=" cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle echo -n "net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=" cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps echo -n "fs.nr_open=" cat /proc/sys/fs/nr_open echo -n "net.ipv4.tcp_sack=" && cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack # check fstab configuration echo "###fstab" if [ "$OS_RELEASE"X == "coreos"X ]; then cat /etc/mtab | grep -v 'proc\|sys\|tmpfs\|securityfs\|cgroup\|devpts\|selinux\|debug\|mqueue\|huge\|pstore\|bpf' else cat /etc/fstab | grep -Ev "^$|[#;]" fi # check dmesg info echo "###dmesg" cat /proc/uptime dmesg | grep "invoked oom-killer" | tail -n 1 # check the port usage # echo "###port-usage" # echo "***default" # netstat -tapn | grep LISTEN | grep -E 'sshd' # netstat -tapn | grep LISTEN | grep -E '' # netstat -tapn | grep LISTEN | grep -E '' # echo "***coreos" # #coreos sshd hosts by systemd # netstat -tapn | grep LISTEN | grep -E 'systemd' # netstat -tapn | grep LISTEN | grep -E '' # netstat -tapn | grep LISTEN | grep -E '' # check if the selinux on echo "###selinux" echo "***default" getenforce echo "***ubuntu" service selinux status > /dev/null; echo $? echo "***debian-8" service selinux status > /dev/null; echo $? echo "***debian-9" sestatus | grep "SELinux status" echo "***debian-10" sestatus | grep "SELinux status" # check the memroy info echo "###meminfo" cat /proc/meminfo | grep Hugepagesize cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal # check fs state check_fs # check sshd-config echo "###sshd-config" cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | egrep "PermitRootLogin|AllowUsers|AllowGroups|DenyUsers|DenyGroups" | egrep -v "^$|[#;]" # check inode usage echo "###disk-inode" df -i | egrep "/dev/x?vd" } # upload logs to OSS function upload() { cd $LOG_DIR curl -i -q -X PUT -T ${LOG_FILE} ${OSS_URL} } function rmlog() { test -f ${LOG_FILE} && rm -f ${LOG_FILE} } function main() { test -e ${LOG_DIR} || mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR} get_os get_configs >${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 upload } main "$@"