#!/bin/bash ############################################################################### # # # Docker Operation # # # ############################################################################### #$1: container name func_docker_destroy_container(){ local exist=`docker ps -a |awk '{print $NF}'|grep $1` if [[ $exist == "" ]];then return 0 fi docker kill $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}') = 17.06.0* ]]; then # Workaround https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/33948. # TODO: remove when 17.06.0 is not relevant anymore DOCKER_API_VERSION=v1.29 docker wait "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true else docker wait "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true fi docker rm -f -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true } #$1: imagename:tag #ret: 0 exist, 1 not exist func_docker_image_exist(){ local ret=`docker images $1 |wc |awk '{ print $1 }'` if [[ $ret == "2" ]];then return 0 fi return 1 } #$1: imagename:tag func_docker_destroy_image(){ func_docker_image_exist $1 if [[ $? == "0" ]];then docker rmi $1 fi } ############################################################################### # # # Openssl Operation # # # ############################################################################### #$1: keyfile #$2: cafile #$3: valid_days func_self_signed_ca_interactive(){ local key=$1 local ca=$2 local days=$3 if [ ! -d `dirname $key` ];then mkdir -p `dirname $key` fi if [ ! -d `dirname $ca` ];then mkdir -p `dirname $ca` fi openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -days ${days} -keyout ${key} -out ${ca} } #$1: result config file #$2: prompt, yes/no #$3: bits #$4: keyfile #$5: email #$6: commonName #$7: subjectAltName func_cert_sign_req_config(){ local config_file=$1 local dir=`dirname $config_file` if [ ! -d $dir ];then mkdir -p $dir fi local prompt=$2 local bits=$3 local keyfile=$4 local email=$5 local commonName=$6 local subjectAltName=$7 cat > $config_file <<EOF [ req ] prompt = ${prompt} default_bits = ${bits} default_keyfile = ${keyfile} distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name attributes = req_attributes x509_extensions = v3_ca dirstring_type = nobmp [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = Country Name (2 letter code) countryName_default = CN countryName_min = 2 countryName_max = 2 localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) localityName_default = BeiJing organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) organizationalUnitName_default = no commonName = Common Name (eg, YOUR name) commonName_default = ${commonName} commonName_max = 64 emailAddress = Email Address emailAddress_default = ${email} emailAddress_max = 40 [ req_attributes ] challengePassword = A challenge password challengePassword_min = 4 challengePassword_max = 20 [ v3_ca ] subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always basicConstraints = CA:true subjectAltName=${subjectAltName} EOF } ############################################################################### # # # Cmd Params Operation # # # ############################################################################### #Generate config file from k8s style params #$1: Saved Config file #$2: command #$3..: command params func_gen_config_k8s(){ local file=$1 local cmd=$2 shift 2 echo "declare -A CONFIGS" >$file $cmd 2>&1 $* |sed '1d' |sed -E 's/.*(--[^:]*):(.*)/\#\2\n\1/' | sed -E 's/\[(.*)\]/\1/' | sed -E "s/--(.*)=(.*)/CONFIGS\[\1\]=\'--\1=\2\'/" >>$file } ############################################################################### # # # Time Operation # # # ############################################################################### func_since_1970(){ echo `date +"%s"` } func_cur_date(){ echo `date +"%Y%m%d"` } func_yesterday_date(){ echo `date -d yesterday +"%Y%m%d"` } func_before_yesterday_date(){ echo `date -d "-2 day" +"%Y%m%d"` } func_cur_time(){ echo `date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` } func_yesterday_time(){ echo `date -d yesterday +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` } ############################################################################### # # # Base Convert Operation # # # ############################################################################### #convert 16base into 10base # func_16to10(){ echo "ibase=16;obase=A; $1"|bc } ############################################################################### # # # Info Operation # # # ############################################################################### #Get the net interfaces's name func_nic_names(){ local names=`ip addr |grep \<.*\>|awk '{print $2}'|sed -e "s/://"` echo $names } ############################################################################### # # # Error Operation # # # ############################################################################### #$1: message func_fatal(){ echo -n -e "\033[31m" echo "Fatal Error: $1" echo -n -e "\033[0m" exit } ############################################################################### # # # Color Operation # # # ############################################################################### #Input is the command. #The command's execute output will use red color func_red_cmd(){ echo -n -e "\033[31m" $* echo -n -e "\033[0m" } #Input is the command. #The command's execute output will use yellow color func_yellow_cmd(){ echo -n -e "\033[33m" $* echo -n -e "\033[0m" } #Input is the command #If command is error, display the error func_error_cmd(){ $* local ret=$? if [ ! $ret -eq 0 ];then echo -n -e "\033[41;37m" echo "Error: [$ret] $*" echo -n -e "\033[0m" fi return 0 } #Input is the command #If command is error, display the error and eixt func_fatal_cmd(){ $* local ret=$? if [ ! $ret -eq 0 ];then echo -n -e "\033[41;37m" echo "Error: [$ret] $*" echo -n -e "\033[0m" exit 1 fi return 0 } #Input is a string. #The string will be displayed with green color func_green_str(){ echo -n -e "\033[32m" echo -e "$*" echo -n -e "\033[0m" } func_yellow_str(){ echo -n -e "\033[33m" echo -e "$*" echo -n -e "\033[0m" } #Input is a string. #The string will be displayed with red color func_red_str(){ echo -n -e "\033[31m" echo -e "$*" echo -n -e "\033[0m" } ############################################################################### # # # Systemd Service Operation # # # ############################################################################### #Start a systemd style Service func_start_sd_service(){ systemctl start $1 sleep 1 local sta=`systemctl status ${1} |grep "Active: failed"` if [ -n "$sta" ];then func_red_str "Start[Fail] $1" func_red_str " $sta" ret=1 else local x=`systemctl status ${1} | grep "Active:"` func_green_str "Start[OK] $1" func_green_str " $x" fi return $ret } #Start a systemd style Service func_stop_sd_service(){ systemctl stop $1 ret=$? local sta=`systemctl status ${1} |grep "Active:"` func_yellow_str "Stopping $1" func_yellow_str " $sta" } ############################################################################### # # # Directory Operation # # # ############################################################################### #Create Dirs: $1 $2 $3 ... func_create_dirs(){ for i in $* do if [ ! -d $i ];then mkdir -p $i fi done } #Force Copy: #$1: Destiation Directory #$2,$3,$4,...: Source File or Directories func_force_copy(){ local dest=$1 shift 1 if [ ! -d $dest ];then func_red_str "Dest Dir doesn't exist: $dest" return 1 fi for i in $* do if [ ! -e $i ];then func_red_str "Not Found: $i" return 1 fi done for i in $* do cp -rf $i $dest/ done } ############################################################################### # # # Git operation # # # ############################################################################### #$1: respositry url #$2:branch #$3: tag #$4: local directory func_git_check_tag(){ local url=$1 local branch=$2 local tag=$3 local dir=$4 if [ ! -e $dir ];then func_error_cmd git clone $url $dir if [ ! $? -eq 0 ];then func_red_str "Something is wrong in cloning" return 1 fi fi if [ ! -d $dir ];then func_red_str "The local respositry is not a directory" return 1 fi local cur=`pwd` cd $dir func_error_cmd git checkout master func_error_cmd git pull func_error_cmd git checkout $branch func_error_cmd git checkout $tag if [ ! $? -eq 0 ];then return 1 fi cd $cur } ############################################################################### # # # Daemon Command # # # ############################################################################### #$1: pidfile #$2: log file #$4: commands func_daemon_cmd(){ local pidfile=$1 local stdout="$2.stdout" local stderr="$2.stderr" shift 2 $* 1>>$stdout 2>>$stderr & local pid=$! echo $pid >$pidfile } #$1: pid func_check_pid(){ ps -p $1 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then return 0 fi return 1 } #$1: pid #$2: pid desc func_exit_no_pid(){ func_check_pid $1 if [ ! $? -eq 0 ];then func_red_str "Pid($1:$2) doesn't exist" exit 1 fi return 0 } #$1: pid file #$2: log file #$3: executuable binary file name #$4: command func_start_cmd(){ local pidf=$1 local logf=$2 local name=$3 shift 3 local cmd=$* if [ -e $pidf ];then func_red_str "The PID file has already existed, please check: $pidf" func_yellow_str "It may be running or hasn't delete the PID file when it was stopped last time" exit 1 fi func_daemon_cmd $pidf $logf $cmd sleep 1 func_exit_no_pid `cat $pidf` "[Fail]${name} is not running!" if [ $? -eq 0 ];then return 0 fi } #$1: pid file func_stop_cmd(){ local pidf=$1 if [ ! -e $pidf ];then func_red_str "The PID file doesn't exist': $pidf" func_yellow_str "It may be not running" exit 1 fi local pid=`cat $pidf` if [ "$pid" == "1" ];then func_red_str "You are not allowed to stop PID 1 !" exit 1 else kill -9 $pid rm -rf $pidf fi return 0 } #$1: Target executable file #$2: Log path #$3: An config Array's name, the Array must be global. Becareful, Just give Name, not value(no $) #$4: Other parametes from the command line, [start|stop] func_service_template_1(){ local TARGET=$1 local Logs=$2 eval config_2334200776=\${$3[@]} local cmdline=$4 CMD="${TARGET} ${config_2334200776[@]}" NAME=`basename ${TARGET}` PID_FILE="${Logs}/${NAME}.pid" LOG_FILE="${Logs}/${NAME}" OPERATE="${Logs}/${NAME}.operate" start(){ echo -e "`func_cur_time`: [start] $CMD" >>$OPERATE func_start_cmd $PID_FILE $LOG_FILE $NAME $CMD if [ $? == 0 ];then func_green_str "$TARGET is running" fi } stop(){ echo -e "`func_cur_time`: [stop]" >>$OPERATE func_stop_cmd $PID_FILE if [ $? == 0 ];then func_red_str "$TARGET is terminated" fi } case $cmdline in (start) start;; (stop) stop;; (restart) stop;start;; (*) echo "usage: $0 [stop|start|restart]" esac } ############################################################################### # # # Arrary Operation # # # ############################################################################### #$1: sep string #$2: prefix #$3: Array's name, the Array must be global. Becareful, Just give Name, not value(no $) #$4: postfix func_join_array(){ local sep=$1 local prefix=$2 local postfix=$4 eval array_doimgaeg3234553=(\${$3[@]}) local len=${#array_doimgaeg3234553[@]} if [ $len -eq 1 ];then echo ${prefix}${array_doimgaeg3234553[@]}${postfix} return 0 fi local i=0 local str=${prefix}${array_doimgaeg3234553[$i]}${postfix} i=$(($i+1)) while [ $i -lt $len ] do str=${str}${sep}${prefix}${array_doimgaeg3234553[$i]}${postfix} i=$(($i+1)) done echo $str return 0 } #if value is in array, return 0, else return 1 #$1: value #$2: Array's name, the Array must be global. Becareful, Just give Name, not value(no $) func_in_array(){ eval array_adfadfadfgli3323455=(\${$2[@]}) for i in ${array_adfadfadfgli3323455[@]} do if [ $i == $1 ];then return 0 fi done return 1 } ############################################################################### # # # System info # # # ############################################################################### #Get ipv4 address func_ipv4_addr(){ local ips=`ip addr |grep inet|grep -v inet6| awk '{print $2}'|sed "s/\/.*//"` echo $ips } # Get OS information get_os_name () { centos_flavor="centos" # Use lsb_release if possible if command -V lsb_release > /dev/null 2>&1; then os=`lsb_release -is | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` codename=`lsb_release -cs | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` release=`lsb_release -rs | sed 's/\..*$//'` if [ "$os" = "redhatenterpriseserver" -o "$os" = "oracleserver" ]; then os="centos" centos_flavor="red hat linux" fi # Otherwise it's getting a little bit more tricky else if ! ls /etc/*-release > /dev/null 2>&1; then os=`uname -s | \ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` else os=`cat /etc/*-release | grep '^ID=' | \ sed 's/^ID=["]*\([a-zA-Z]*\).*$/\1/' | \ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` if [ -z "$os" ]; then if grep -i "oracle linux" /etc/*-release > /dev/null 2>&1 || \ grep -i "red hat" /etc/*-release > /dev/null 2>&1; then os="rhel" else if grep -i "centos" /etc/*-release > /dev/null 2>&1; then os="centos" else os="linux" fi fi fi fi case "$os" in ubuntu) codename=`cat /etc/*-release | grep '^DISTRIB_CODENAME' | \ sed 's/^[^=]*=\([^=]*\)/\1/' | \ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` ;; debian) codename=`cat /etc/*-release | grep '^VERSION=' | \ sed 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/' | \ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` ;; centos) codename=`cat /etc/*-release | grep -i 'centos.*(' | \ sed 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/' | head -1 | \ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` # For CentOS grab release release=`cat /etc/*-release | grep -i 'centos.*[0-9]' | \ sed 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/' | head -1` ;; rhel|ol) codename=`cat /etc/*-release | grep -i 'red hat.*(' | \ sed 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/' | head -1 | \ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` # For Red Hat also grab release release=`cat /etc/*-release | grep -i 'red hat.*[0-9]' | \ sed 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/' | head -1` if [ -z "$release" ]; then release=`cat /etc/*-release | grep -i '^VERSION_ID=' | \ sed 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/' | head -1` fi os="centos" centos_flavor="red hat linux" ;; amzn) codename="amazon-linux-ami" release_amzn=`cat /etc/*-release | grep -i 'amazon.*[0-9]' | \ sed 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/' | \ head -1` amzn=`rpm --eval "%{amzn}"` if [ ${amzn} == 1 ]; then release="latest" else release=${amzn} fi os="amzn" centos_flavor="amazon linux" ;; *) codename="" release="" ;; esac fi } ############################################################################### # # # Update Operation # # # ############################################################################### #return 0: the file is updated 1: nothing is changed 2:remote is wrong. #must checksum by sha1sum #$1: local version file #$2: remote version url #$3: local file path #$4: remote file url func_update_file(){ if [ ! -e $1 ];then func_red_str "Can't found Local Version" exit 1 fi local lver=`cat $1` if [ "$lver" == "" ];then func_red_str "Local Version is NULL!" exit 1 fi local rver=`curl $2 2>/dev/null |grep -v \<` if [ "$rver" == "" ];then func_red_str "Can't get Remote Version" exit 1 fi if [ "$lver" == "$rver" ];then func_green_str "Local Version matches the Remote Version." return 1 fi local lfile=$3 curl -o $lfile $4 2>/dev/null local lsha1=`sha1sum $lfile|awk '{print $1}'` local rsha1=`echo $rver|awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$lsha1" == "$rsha1" ];then func_green_str "The Remote Version file lays: $lfile" return 0 else func_red_str "The Remote File dosen't match the Remote Version: $lfile" return 2 fi } #$1: local file path #$2: remote file url func_replace_lfile(){ curl -o $1 $2 2>/dev/null } #get a file and check the sha1 code #$1 local file #$2 file url #$3 sha1 code url func_curl_file_sha1(){ local rsha1=`curl $3 2>/dev/null|grep -v \<|awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$rsha1" == "" ];then func_red_str "Can't the file sha1 code!" return 1 fi curl -o $1 $2 local lsha1=`sha1sum $1|awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$lsha1" == "$rsha1" ];then func_green_str "The File lays: $lfile" return 0 else func_red_str "The File dosen't match the sha1 code: $1" return 2 fi } ############################################################################### # # # Interactive Operation # # # ############################################################################### #$1: password #$2...: cmds func_cmd_need_password(){ local password=$1 shift 1 expect -c " spawn $* expect { \"*password:\" {set timeout 300; send \"${password}\r\";} \"*yes/no\" {send \"yes\r\"; exp_continue;} } expect eof" } #$1: VARNAME #$2: prompt func_secret_input(){ echo -n "$2" stty -echo read $1 stty echo echo "" } # Check if a program is installed command_exists() { # check if command exists and fail otherwise command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "I require $1 but it's not installed. Abort." exit 1 fi }