<# .SYNOPSIS Creates an HTML report describing the On-Premises Exchange environment. Thomas Stensitzki THIS CODE IS MADE AVAILABLE AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE USE OR THE RESULTS FROM THE USE OF THIS CODE REMAINS WITH THE USER. Version 2.2 January 2020 Based on the original 1.6.2 version by Steve Goodman Ideas, comments and suggestions to support@granikos.eu .DESCRIPTION This script creates an HTML report showing the following information about an Exchange 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and, to a lesser extent, 2007 and 2003 environment. The reports shows the following: * Report Generation Time * Total Servers per Exchange Version (2003 > 2010 or 2007 > 2019) * Total Mailboxes per Exchange Version, Office 365, and Organisation * Total Roles in the environment Then, per site: * Total Mailboxes per site * Internal, External and CAS Array Hostnames * Exchange Servers with: o Exchange Server Version o Service Pack o Number of preferred and maximum active databases o Update Rollup and rollup version o Roles installed on server and mailbox counts o OS Version and Service Pack Then, per Database availability group (Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019): * Total members per DAG * Member list * Databases, detailing: o Mailbox Count and Average Size o Archive Mailbox Count and Average Size (Only shown if DAG includes Archive Mailboxes) o Database Size and whitespace o Database and log disk free o Last Full Backup (Only shown if one or more DAG database has been backed up) o Circular Logging Enabled (Only shown if one or more DAG database has Circular Logging enabled) o Mailbox server hosting active copy o List of mailbox servers hosting copies and number of copies Finally, per Database (Non DAG DBs/Exchange 2007/Exchange 2003) * Databases, detailing: o Storage Group (if applicable) and DB name o Server hosting database o Mailbox Count and Average Size o Archive Mailbox Count and Average Size (Only shown if DAG includes Archive Mailboxes) o Database Size and whitespace o Database and log disk free o Last Full Backup (Only shown if one or more DAG database has been backed up) o Circular Logging Enabled (Only shown if one or more DAG database has Circular Logging enabled) This does not detail public folder infrastructure, or examine Exchange 2007/2003 CCR/SCC clusters (although it attempts to detect Clustered Exchange 2007/2003 servers, signified by ClusMBX). IMPORTANT NOTE: The script requires WMI and Remote Registry access to Exchange servers from the server it is run from to determine OS version, Update Rollup, Exchange 2007/2003 cluster and DB size information. .LINK http://scripts.granikos.eu .PARAMETER HTMLReport Filename to write HTML Report to .PARAMETER SendMail Send Mail after completion. Set to $True to enable. If enabled, -MailFrom, -MailTo, -MailServer are mandatory .PARAMETER MailFrom Email address to send from. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -From .PARAMETER MailTo Email address to send to. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -To .PARAMETER MailServer SMTP Mail server to attempt to send through. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -SmtpServer .PARAMETER ViewEntireForest By default, true. Set the option in Exchange 2007 or 2010 to view all Exchange servers and recipients in the forest. .PARAMETER ServerFilter Use a text based string to filter Exchange Servers by, e.g., NL-* Note the use of the wildcard (*) character to allow for multiple matches. .PARAMETER ShowDriveNames Include drive names of EDB file path and LOG file folder in database report table .EXAMPLE Generate the HTML report .\Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.ps1 -HTMLReport .\report.html .EXAMPLE Generate am HTML report and send the result as HTML email with attachment to the specified recipient using a dedicated smart host .\Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.ps1 -HTMReport ExchangeEnvironment.html -SendMail -ViewEntireForet $true -MailFrom roaster@mcsmemail.de -MailTo grillmaster@mcsmemail.de -MailServer relay.mcsmemail.de .EXAMPLE Generate the HTML report including EDB and LOG drive names .\Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.ps1 -ShowDriveNames -HTMLReport .\report.html #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Position=0,Mandatory,HelpMessage='Filename to write HTML report to')][string]$HTMLReport, [switch]$SendMail, [string]$MailFrom = '', [string]$MailTo = '', [string]$MailServer = '', [bool]$ViewEntireForest=$true, [string]$ServerFilter='*', [switch]$ShowDriveNames ) # Warning Limits, adjust as needed $MinFreeDiskspace = 10 # Mark free space less than this value (%) in red $MaxDatabaseSize = 250 # Mark database larger than this value (GB) in red # Default variables $NotAvailable = 'N/A' # Sub-Function to Get Database Information. Shorter than expected.. function Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param( $DAG ) @{Name = $DAG.Name.ToUpper() MemberCount = $DAG.Servers.Count Members = [array]($DAG.Servers | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }) Databases = @() } } # Sub-Function to Get Database Information function Get-DatabaseInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Database, $ExchangeEnvironment, $Mailboxes, $ArchiveMailboxes, $E2010 ) # Circular Logging, Last Full Backup if ($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled) { $CircularLoggingEnabled='Yes' } else { $CircularLoggingEnabled = 'No' } if ($Database.LastFullBackup) { $LastFullBackup=$Database.LastFullBackup.ToString() } else { $LastFullBackup = 'Not Available' } # Drive Letter, GitHub issue #4 $DriveNameEdb = '' try { $DriveNameEdb = $Database.EdbFilePath.DriveName } catch { $DriveNameEdb = $NotAvailable } $DriveNameLog = '' try { $DriveNameLog = $Database.LogFolderPath.DriveName } catch { $DriveNameLog = $NotAvailable } # Mailbox Average Sizes $MailboxStatistics = [array]($ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].MailboxStatistics | Where-Object {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity}) if ($MailboxStatistics) { [long]$MailboxItemSizeB = 0 $MailboxStatistics | ForEach-Object{ $MailboxItemSizeB+=$_.TotalItemSizeB } [long]$MailboxAverageSize = $MailboxItemSizeB / $MailboxStatistics.Count } else { $MailboxAverageSize = 0 } # Free Disk Space Percentage if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].Disks) { foreach ($Disk in $ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].Disks) { if ($Database.EdbFilePath.PathName -like ('{0}*' -f $Disk.Name)) { $FreeDatabaseDiskSpace = $Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity * 100 } if ($Database.ExchangeVersion.ExchangeBuild.Major -ge 14) { if ($Database.LogFolderPath.PathName -like ('{0}*' -f $Disk.Name)) { $FreeLogDiskSpace = ($Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity) * 100 } } else { $StorageGroupDN = $Database.DistinguishedName.Replace(('CN={0},' -f $Database.Name),'') $Adsi=[adsi]"LDAP://$($Database.OriginatingServer)/$($StorageGroupDN)" if ($Adsi.msExchESEParamLogFilePath -like ('{0}*' -f $Disk.Name)) { $FreeLogDiskSpace = $Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity * 100 } } } } else { $FreeLogDiskSpace=$null $FreeDatabaseDiskSpace=$null } if ($Database.ExchangeVersion.ExchangeBuild.Major -ge 14 -and $E2010) { # Exchange 2010 Database Only $CopyCount = [int]$Database.Servers.Count if ($Database.MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup.Name -ne $Database.Server.Name) { $Copies = [array]($Database.Servers | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }) } else { $Copies = @() } # Archive Info $ArchiveMailboxCount = [int]([array]($ArchiveMailboxes | Where-Object {$_.ArchiveDatabase -eq $Database.Name})).Count $ArchiveStatistics = [array]($ArchiveMailboxes | Where-Object {$_.ArchiveDatabase -eq $Database.Name} | Get-MailboxStatistics -Archive ) if ($ArchiveStatistics) { [long]$ArchiveItemSizeB = 0 $ArchiveStatistics | ForEach-Object{ $ArchiveItemSizeB+=$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes() } [long]$ArchiveAverageSize = $ArchiveItemSizeB / $ArchiveStatistics.Count } else { $ArchiveAverageSize = 0 } # DB Size / Whitespace Info [long]$Size = $Database.DatabaseSize.ToBytes() [long]$Whitespace = $Database.AvailableNewMailboxSpace.ToBytes() $StorageGroup = $null } else { $ArchiveMailboxCount = 0 $CopyCount = 0 $Copies = @() # 2003 & 2007, Use WMI (Based on code by Gary Siepser, http://bit.ly/kWWMb3) $Size = [long](get-wmiobject -Class cim_datafile -ComputerName $Database.Server.Name -Filter ('name=''' + $Database.edbfilepath.pathname.replace('\','\\') + '''')).filesize if (!$Size) { Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot detect database size via WMI for {0}' -f $Database.Server.Name) [long]$Size = 0 [long]$Whitespace = 0 } else { [long]$MailboxDeletedItemSizeB = 0 if ($MailboxStatistics) { $MailboxStatistics | ForEach-Object{ $MailboxDeletedItemSizeB+=$_.TotalDeletedItemSizeB } } # Calculate database whitespace $Whitespace = $Size - $MailboxItemSizeB - $MailboxDeletedItemSizeB if ($Whitespace -lt 0) { $Whitespace = 0 } } $StorageGroup =$Database.DistinguishedName.Split(',')[1].Replace('CN=','') } @{Name = $Database.Name StorageGroup= $StorageGroup ActiveOwner = $Database.Server.Name.ToUpper() MailboxCount = [long]([array]($Mailboxes | Where-Object {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity})).Count MailboxAverageSize = $MailboxAverageSize ArchiveMailboxCount = $ArchiveMailboxCount ArchiveAverageSize = $ArchiveAverageSize CircularLoggingEnabled = $CircularLoggingEnabled LastFullBackup = $LastFullBackup Size = $Size Whitespace = $Whitespace Copies = $Copies CopyCount = $CopyCount FreeLogDiskSpace = $FreeLogDiskSpace FreeDatabaseDiskSpace = $FreeDatabaseDiskSpace DriveNameEdb = $DriveNameEdb DriveNameLog = $DriveNameLog } } # Sub-Function to get mailbox count per server. # New in 1.5.2 function Get-ExchangeServerMailboxCount { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Mailboxes, $ExchangeServer, $Databases ) # The following *should* work, but it doesn't. Apparently, ServerName is not always returned correctly which may be the cause of # reports of counts being incorrect #([array]($Mailboxes | Where {$_.ServerName -eq $ExchangeServer.Name})).Count # ..So as a workaround, I'm going to check what databases are assigned to each server and then get the mailbox counts on a per- # database basis and return the resulting total. As we already have this information resident in memory it should be cheap, just # not as quick. $MailboxCount = 0 foreach ($Database in [array]($Databases | Where-Object {$_.Server -eq $ExchangeServer.Name})) { $MailboxCount+=([array]($Mailboxes | Where-Object {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity})).Count } $MailboxCount } # Sub-Function to Get Exchange Server information function Get-ExchangeServerInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param($E2010,$ExchangeServer,$Mailboxes,$Databases,$Hybrids) # Set Basic Variables $MailboxCount = 0 $RollupLevel = 0 $RollupVersion = '' $ExtNames = @() $IntNames = @() $CASArrayName = '' # 2019-05-20 TST Added to handle max preferred/active databases per server $MaxPrefDatabases = 0 $MaxActiveDatabases = 0 $NotSet = '--' # Get WMI Information: Operatin System $tWMI = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($tWMI) { $OSVersion = $tWMI.Caption.Replace('(R)','').Replace('Microsoft ','').Replace('Enterprise','Ent').Replace('Standard','Std').Replace(' Edition','') $OSServicePack = $tWMI.CSDVersion $RealName = $tWMI.CSName.ToUpper() } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot detect OS information via WMI for {0}' -f $ExchangeServer.Name) $OSVersion = $NotAvailable $OSServicePack = $NotAvailable $RealName = $ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper() } # Get WMI Information: Disk Space $tWMI=Get-WmiObject -Query 'Select * from Win32_Volume' -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($tWMI) { $Disks=$tWMI | Select-Object -Property Name,Capacity,FreeSpace | Sort-Object -Property Name } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot detect OS information via WMI for {0}' -f $ExchangeServer.Name) $Disks=$null } # Get Exchange Version if ($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq 6) { $ExchangeMajorVersion = [double]('{0}.{1}' -f $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major, $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor) $ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.FilePatchLevelDescription.Replace('Service Pack ','') } elseif ($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq 15 -and $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor -ge 1) { $ExchangeMajorVersion = [double]('{0}.{1}' -f $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major, $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor) $ExchangeSPLevel = 0 } else { $ExchangeMajorVersion = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major $ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor } # Exchange 2007+ if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 8) { # Get Roles $MailboxStatistics=$null [array]$Roles = $ExchangeServer.ServerRole.ToString().Replace(' ','').Split(',') # Add Hybrid "Role" for report if ($Hybrids -contains $ExchangeServer.Name) { $Roles+='Hybrid' } if ($Roles -contains 'Mailbox') { $MailboxCount = Get-ExchangeServerMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases if ($ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper() -ne $RealName) { $Roles = [array]($Roles | Where-Object {$_ -ne 'Mailbox'}) $Roles += 'ClusteredMailbox' } # Get Mailbox Statistics the normal way, return in a consitent format # 2019-05-20 TST, try/catch added try { $MailboxStatistics = Get-MailboxStatistics -Server $ExchangeServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,@{Name='TotalItemSizeB';Expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes()}},@{Name='TotalDeletedItemSizeB';Expression={$_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToBytes()}},Database } catch { $MailboxStatistics = $null Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot get mailbox statistics for server {0}' -f $ExchangeServer) } if($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 14) { $mailboxServer = Get-MailboxServer -Identity $($ExchangeServer.Name) # 2019-05-20 TST Gather max active/max preferred database config if($ExchangeMajorVersion -lt 15) { # Exchange 2010 $MaxActiveDatabases = $mailboxServer.MaximumActiveDatabases } else { # Exchange 2013+ if($null -ne $mailboxServer.MaximumPreferredActiveDatabases) { $MaxPrefDatabases = $mailboxServer.MaximumPreferredActiveDatabases } else { $MaxPrefDatabases = $NotSet } if($null -ne $mailboxServer.MaximumActiveDatabases) { $MaxActiveDatabases = $mailboxServer.MaximumActiveDatabases } else { $MaxActiveDatabases = $NotSet } } } } # Get HTTPS Names (Exchange 2010 only due to time taken to retrieve data) # 2019-05-16 TST | Update to support 'Mailbox' role for gathering namespace information if (($Roles -contains 'ClientAccess' -and $E2010) -or ($Roles -contains 'Mailbox' -and $E2010)) { Get-OWAVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | ForEach-Object{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host } Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | ForEach-Object{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host } Get-OABVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | ForEach-Object{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host } Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | ForEach-Object{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host } if (Get-Command -Name Get-MAPIVirtualDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Get-MAPIVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | ForEach-Object{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host } } if (Get-Command -Name Get-ClientAccessService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $IntNames+=(Get-ClientAccessService -Identity $ExchangeServer.Name).AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI.Host } else { # Fallback to use Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet $IntNames+=(Get-ClientAccessServer -Identity $ExchangeServer.Name).AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI.Host } if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 14) { Get-ECPVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | ForEach-Object{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; } } $IntNames = $IntNames | Sort-Object -Unique $ExtNames = $ExtNames | Sort-Object -Unique $CASArray = Get-ClientAccessArray -Site $ExchangeServer.Site.Name if ($CASArray) { $CASArrayName = $CASArray.Fqdn } } # Rollup Level / Versions (Thanks to Bhargav Shukla https://bhargavs.com/index.php/2009/12/14/how-do-i-check-update-rollup-version-on-exchange-20xx-server/) switch([string]$ExchangeMajorVersion) { # Exchange Server 2016 / 2019 '15.2' {$RegKey="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Products\\442189DC8B9EA5040962A6BED9EC1F1F\\Patches"} '15.1' {$RegKey="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Products\\442189DC8B9EA5040962A6BED9EC1F1F\\Patches"} # Exchange Server 2010 / 2013 '15' {$RegKey="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Products\\AE1D439464EB1B8488741FFA028E291C\\Patches"} '14' {$RegKey="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Products\\AE1D439464EB1B8488741FFA028E291C\\Patches"} # Exchange 2007 default {$RegKey="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Products\\461C2B4266EDEF444B864AD6D9E5B613\\Patches"} } # 2019-05-17 Thomas Stensitzki, try/catch added try { $RemoteRegistry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $ExchangeServer.Name) } catch { $RemoteRegistry = $null } if ($null -ne $RemoteRegistry) { $RUKeys = $RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($RegKey).GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object {"$RegKey\\$_"} if ($RUKeys) { [array]($RUKeys | ForEach-Object{$RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($_).GetValue('DisplayName')}) | ` ForEach-Object{ if ($_ -like 'Update Rollup *') { $tRU = $_.Split(' ')[2] if ($tRU -like '*-*') { $tRUV=$tRU.Split('-')[1]; $tRU=$tRU.Split('-')[0] } else { $tRUV='' } if ([int]$tRU -ge [int]$RollupLevel) { $RollupLevel=$tRU; $RollupVersion=$tRUV } } } } } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot detect Rollup Version via Remote Registry for {0}' -f $ExchangeServer.Name) } # Exchange 2013+ CU or SP Level if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 15) { $RegKey="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Microsoft Exchange v15" # 2019-05-17 Thomas Stensitzki, try/catch added try { $RemoteRegistry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $ExchangeServer.Name) } catch { $RemoteRegistry = $null } if ($RemoteRegistry) { $ExchangeSPLevel = $RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($RegKey).GetValue('DisplayName') if ($ExchangeSPLevel -like '*Service Pack*' -or $ExchangeSPLevel -like '*Cumulative Update*') { $ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace('Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 ','') $ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace('Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 ','') $ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace('Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 ','') $ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace('Service Pack ','SP') $ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace('Cumulative Update ','CU') } else { $ExchangeSPLevel = 0 } } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot detect CU/SP via Remote Registry for {0}' -f $ExchangeServer.Name) } } } # Exchange 2003 if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -eq 6.5) { # Mailbox Count $MailboxCount = Get-ExchangeServerMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases # Get Role via WMI $tWMI = Get-WMIObject -Class Exchange_Server -Namespace 'root\microsoftexchangev2' -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -Filter "Name='$($ExchangeServer.Name)'" if ($tWMI) { if ($tWMI.IsFrontEndServer) { $Roles=@('FE') } else { $Roles=@('BE') } } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot detect Front End/Back End Server information via WMI for {0}' -f $ExchangeServer.Name) $Roles+='Unknown' } # Get Mailbox Statistics using WMI, return in a consistent format $tWMI = Get-WMIObject -class Exchange_Mailbox -Namespace ROOT\MicrosoftExchangev2 -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -Filter ("ServerName='$($ExchangeServer.Name)'") if ($tWMI) { $MailboxStatistics = $tWMI | Select-Object -Property @{Name='DisplayName';Expression={$_.MailboxDisplayName}},@{Name='TotalItemSizeB';Expression={$_.Size}},@{Name='TotalDeletedItemSizeB';Expression={$_.DeletedMessageSizeExtended }},@{Name='Database';Expression={((Get-MailboxDatabase -Identity "$($_.ServerName)\$($_.StorageGroupName)\$($_.StoreName)").Identity)}} } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot retrieve Mailbox Statistics via WMI for {0}' -f $ExchangeServer.Name) $MailboxStatistics = $null } } # Exchange 2000 if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -eq '6.0') { # Mailbox Count $MailboxCount = Get-ExchangeServerMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases # Get Role via ADSI $tADSI=[ADSI]"LDAP://$($ExchangeServer.OriginatingServer)/$($ExchangeServer.DistinguishedName)" if ($tADSI) { if ($tADSI.ServerRole -eq 1) { $Roles=@('FE') } else { $Roles=@('BE') } } else { Write-Warning -Message ('Cannot detect Front End/Back End Server information via ADSI for {0}' -f $ExchangeServer.Name) $Roles+='Unknown' } $MailboxStatistics = $null } # Return Hashtable @{Name = $ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper() RealName = $RealName ExchangeMajorVersion = $ExchangeMajorVersion ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel Edition = $ExchangeServer.Edition Mailboxes = $MailboxCount OSVersion = $OSVersion; OSServicePack = $OSServicePack Roles = $Roles RollupLevel = $RollupLevel RollupVersion = $RollupVersion Site = $ExchangeServer.Site.Name MailboxStatistics = $MailboxStatistics Disks = $Disks IntNames = $IntNames ExtNames = $ExtNames CASArrayName = $CASArrayName MaximumPreferredDatabases = $MaxPrefDatabases MaximumActiveDatabases = $MaxActiveDatabases } } # Sub Function to Get Totals by Version function Get-TotalsByVersion { [CmdletBinding()] param( $ExchangeEnvironment ) # Create empty hash table $TotalMailboxesByVersion=@{} if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Sites) { foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($Server in $Site.Value) { if (!$TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"]) { $TotalMailboxesByVersion.Add("$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)",@{ServerCount=1;MailboxCount=$Server.Mailboxes}) } else { $TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"].ServerCount++ $TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"].MailboxCount+=$Server.Mailboxes } } } } if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007) { foreach ($FakeSite in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($Server in $FakeSite.Value) { if (!$TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"]) { $TotalMailboxesByVersion.Add("$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)",@{ServerCount=1;MailboxCount=$Server.Mailboxes}) } else { $TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"].ServerCount++ $TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"].MailboxCount+=$Server.Mailboxes } } } } $TotalMailboxesByVersion } # Sub Function to Get Totals by Role function Get-TotalsByRole { [CmdletBinding()] param( $ExchangeEnvironment ) # Add Roles We Always Show $TotalServersByRole=@{ 'ClientAccess' = 0 'HubTransport' = 0 'UnifiedMessaging' = 0 'Mailbox' = 0 'Edge' = 0 } if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Sites) { foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($Server in $Site.Value) { foreach ($Role in $Server.Roles) { if ($null -eq $TotalServersByRole[$Role]) { $TotalServersByRole.Add($Role,1) } else { $TotalServersByRole[$Role]++ } } } } } if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007['Pre 2007 Servers']) { foreach ($Server in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007['Pre 2007 Servers']) { foreach ($Role in $Server.Roles) { if ($null -eq $TotalServersByRole[$Role]) { $TotalServersByRole.Add($Role,1) } else { $TotalServersByRole[$Role]++ } } } } $TotalServersByRole } # Sub Function to return HTML Table for Sites/Pre 2007 function Get-HtmlOverview { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Servers, $ExchangeEnvironment, $ExRoleStrings, $Pre2007=$False ) if ($Pre2007) { $BGColHeader='#880099' $BGColSubHeader='#8800CC' $Prefix='' $IntNamesText='' $ExtNamesText='' $CASArrayText='' $ColClass = 'pre2007overviewcolheader' $ColSubClass = 'pre2007overviewcolsubheader' } else { $BGColHeader='#000099' $BGColSubHeader='#0000FF' $Prefix='Site:' $IntNamesText='' $ExtNamesText='' $CASArrayText='' $IntNames=@() $ExtNames=@() $CASArrayName='' $ColClass = 'overviewcolheader' $ColSubClass = 'overviewcolsubheader' foreach ($Server in $Servers.Value) { $IntNames+=$Server.IntNames $ExtNames+=$Server.ExtNames $CASArrayName=$Server.CASArrayName } $IntNames = $IntNames | Sort-Object -Unique $ExtNames = $ExtNames | Sort-Object -Unique $IntNames = [string]::Join(',',$IntNames) $ExtNames = [string]::Join(',',$ExtNames) if ($IntNames) { $IntNamesText=('Internal Names: {0}' -f $IntNames) $ExtNamesText=('External Names: {0}
' -f $ExtNames) } if ($CASArrayName) { $CASArrayText="CAS Array: $($CASArrayName)" } } $Output="" $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object{$Output+=""} $Output+="" $TotalMailboxes=0 $Servers.Value | ForEach-Object{$TotalMailboxes += $_.Mailboxes} $Output+="" $Output+="" $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object{$Output+=""} # 2016-04-19 Thomas Stensitzki Pref/Max Databases added $Output+="" $AlternateRow=0 foreach ($Server in $Servers.Value) { $Output+='' $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object{ $Output+='' -f $Server.Mailboxes) } } # 2016-04-19 Thomas Stensitzki Max Databases added if($Server.Roles -contains 'Mailbox') { $Output+="" } else { $Output+=('' -f $Server.OSVersion, $Server.OSServicePack) } # $Output+=""; } $Output+='
$($Prefix) $($Servers.Key) $($ExtNamesText)$($IntNamesText) $($CASArrayText)  
Mailboxes: $($TotalMailboxes)Exchange Version$($ExRoleStrings[$_.Key].Short)Databases Pref/MaxOS VersionOS Service Pack
{0}' -f $Server.Name) if ($Server.RealName -ne $Server.Name) { $Output+=(' ({0})' -f $Server.RealName) } $Output+="$($ExVersionStrings["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"].Long)" if ($Server.RollupLevel -gt 0) { $Output+=(' UR{0}' -f $Server.RollupLevel) if ($Server.RollupVersion) { $Output+=(' {0}' -f $Server.RollupVersion) } } $Output+='$($Server.MaximumPreferredDatabases) / $($Server.MaximumActiveDatabases)$($Server.OSVersion)$($Server.OSServicePack)
Not Applicable{0}{1}

' $Output } # Sub Function to return HTML Table for Databases function Get-HtmlDatabaseInformationTable { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Databases ) # Only Show Archive Mailbox Columns, Backup Columns and Circ Logging if at least one DB has an Archive mailbox, backed up or Cir Log enabled. $ShowArchiveDBs = $False $ShowLastFullBackup = $False $ShowCircularLogging = $False $ShowStorageGroups = $False $ShowCopies = $False $ShowFreeDatabaseSpace = $False $ShowFreeLogDiskSpace = $False foreach ($Database in $Databases) { if ($Database.ArchiveMailboxCount -gt 0) { $ShowArchiveDBs=$True } if ($Database.LastFullBackup -ne 'Not Available') { $ShowLastFullBackup=$True } if ($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled -eq 'Yes') { $ShowCircularLogging=$True } if ($Database.StorageGroup) { $ShowStorageGroups=$True } if ($Database.CopyCount -gt 0) { $ShowCopies=$True } if ($Database.FreeDatabaseDiskSpace -ne $null) { $ShowFreeDatabaseSpace=$true } if ($Database.FreeLogDiskSpace -ne $null) { $ShowFreeLogDiskSpace=$true } } $Output="" #region database table header $Output +="" if ($ShowStorageGroups) { $Output+='' } $Output+='' if ($ShowArchiveDBs) { $Output+='' } $Output+='' if ($ShowFreeDatabaseSpace) { $Output+='' } if ($ShowFreeLogDiskSpace) { $Output+='' } if ($ShowLastFullBackup) { $Output+='' } if ($ShowCircularLogging) { $Output+='' } if ($ShowCopies) { $Output+='' } # Drive names, issue #4 if($ShowDriveNames) { $Output+='' } $Output+='' #endregion $AlternateRow=0 foreach ($Database in $Databases) { $Output+='' -f $Database.ActiveOwner) if ($ShowStorageGroups) { $Output+=('>' -f $Database.StorageGroup) } $Output+="" if ($ShowArchiveDBs) { $Output+="" } if([double]($Database.Size/1GB) -le $MaxDatabaseSize) { $Output+="" } else { $Output+="" } $Output+="" # $Output+="" if ($ShowFreeDatabaseSpace) { if([double]($Database.FreeDatabaseDiskSpace) -gt $MinFreeDiskspace) { $Output+="" } else { $Output+="" } } if ($ShowFreeLogDiskSpace) { if([double]($Database.FreeLogDiskSpace) -gt $MinFreeDiskspace) { $Output+="" } else { $Output+="" } } if ($ShowLastFullBackup) { $Output+="" } if ($ShowCircularLogging) { $Output+="" } if ($ShowCopies) { $Output+="" } # Drive names, issue #4 if ($ShowDriveNames) { $Output+="" } $Output+='' } $Output+='
ServerStorage GroupDatabase Name Standard Mailboxes Av. Mailbox SizeArchive MailboxesAv. Archive SizeDB SizeDB WhitespaceDatabase Disk FreeLog Disk FreeLast Full BackupCircular LoggingDB Copies (n)EDB / LOG
{0}{0}$($Database.Name) $($Database.MailboxCount) $("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.MailboxAverageSize/1MB)) MB$($Database.ArchiveMailboxCount) $("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.ArchiveAverageSize/1MB)) MB$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.Size/1GB)) GB $("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.Size/1GB)) GB $("{0:N2} GB" -f ($Database.Whitespace/1GB))$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.Size/1GB)) GB $("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.Whitespace/1GB)) GB$("{0:N1}" -f $Database.FreeDatabaseDiskSpace)%$("{0:N1}" -f $Database.FreeDatabaseDiskSpace)%$("{0:N1}" -f $Database.FreeLogDiskSpace)%$("{0:N1}" -f $Database.FreeLogDiskSpace)%$($Database.LastFullBackup)$($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled)$($Database.Copies | ForEach-Object{$_}) ($($Database.CopyCount))$("{0} / {1}" -f $Database.DriveNameEdb, $Database.DriveNameLog)

' $Output += '


' $Output += ("

Maximum mailbox database size: {0} GB
Minimum free disk space: {1}%

" -f $MaxDatabaseSize, $MinFreeDiskspace) $Output } function Get-HtmlReportHeader { [CmdletBinding()] param( $ExchangeEnvironment, $Path ) # Labels and stuff $LabelTotalServers = 'Total Servers' $LabelTotalMailboxes = 'Total Mailboxes' $LabelTotalRoles = 'Total Roles' $DateLabelFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' $CssFileName = 'EnvironmentReport.css' $UseCss = $true # Header $Output=' Exchange Environment Report' if($UseCss -and (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Parent $Path) -ChildPath $CssFileName))) { $Output += "" } else { $Output += "" } $Output += ("

Exchange Environment Report

Organization: {3}

Generated {0}

" -f (Get-Date -Format $DateLabelFormat), $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count, $LabelTotalServers, $ExchangeEnvironment.OrganizationName) if ($ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes) { $Output+=("" -f ($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count+2), $LabelTotalMailboxes) } else { $Output+=("" -f ($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count+1), $LabelTotalMailboxes) } $Output+=("" -f $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.Count, $LabelTotalRoles) # Show Column Headings based on the Exchange versions we have $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object{$Output+=""} $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object{$Output+=""} if ($ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes) { $Output+="" } $Output+="" # Exchange Server Roles $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort-Object -Property Name| ForEach-Object{$Output+=""} $Output += '' $Output += "" $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort-Object -Property Name| ForEach-Object{$Output+="" } $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort-Object -Property Name| ForEach-Object{$Output+="" } if ($RemoteMailboxes) { $Output+="" } $Output += "" $ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort-Object -Property Name| ForEach-Object{$Output+=""} #$Output+="
$($ExVersionStrings[$_.Key].Short)$($ExVersionStrings[$_.Key].Short)Office 365Org$($ExRoleStrings[$_.Key].Short)

" $Output += '
' $Output } function Get-HtmlDagHeader { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $DAG ) # Database Availability Group Header $Output+="
Database Availability Group NameMember Count# Databases Database Availability Group Members
$($DAG.Name)$($DAG.MemberCount)$(($DAG.Databases | Measure-Object).Count)" $DAG.Members | ForEach-Object { $Output+=('{0} ' -f $_) } $Output += '

' $Output } # Sub Function to neatly update progress function Show-ProgressBar { [CmdletBinding()] param( [int]$PercentComplete, [string]$Status, [int]$Stage ) $TotalStages=5 Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport' -Status $Status -PercentComplete (($PercentComplete/$TotalStages)+(1/$TotalStages*$Stage*100)) } # 1. Initial Startup # 1.0 Check Powershell Version if ((Get-Host).Version.Major -eq 1) { throw 'Powershell Version 1 not supported' } # 1.1 Check Exchange Management Shell, attempt to load if (!(Get-Command -Name Get-ExchangeServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # 2019-05-17 Thomas Stensitzki, Support for Exchange Scripts located in non-default locations # Use $env:ExchangeInstallPath for Exchange 2010/2013+ installations $ExchangeInstallPath = $env:ExchangeInstallPath if (($ExchangeInstallPath -eq '') -or ($ExchangeInstallPath -eq $null)) { # $env:ExchangeInstallPath not available on Exchange Server 2007 Setups try { $ExchangeInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup).MsiInstallPath } catch {} } Write-Verbose -Message ('Exchange Install Path: {0}' -f $ExchangeInstallPath) $RemoteExchangePath = Join-Path -Path $ExchangeInstallPath -ChildPath 'bin\RemoteExchange.ps1' $LocalExchangePath = Join-Path -Path $ExchangeInstallPath -ChildPath 'bin\Exchange.ps1' if (Test-Path -Path $RemoteExchangePath) { . $RemoteExchangePath Connect-ExchangeServer -auto } elseif (Test-Path -Path $LocalExchangePath) { Add-PSSnapIn -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin . $LocalExchangePath } else { throw 'Exchange Management Shell cannot be loaded' } } # 1.2 Check if -SendMail parameter set and if so check -MailFrom, -MailTo and -MailServer are set if ($SendMail) { if (!$MailFrom -or !$MailTo -or !$MailServer) { throw 'If -SendMail specified, you must also specify -MailFrom, -MailTo and -MailServer' } } # 1.3 Check Exchange Management Shell Version if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $E2010 = $false; if (Get-ExchangeServer | Where-Object {$_.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -gt 14}) { Write-Warning -Message "Exchange 2010 or higher detected. You'll get better results if you run this script from the latest management shell" } } else{ $E2010 = $true # 2019-05-17 Thomas Stensitzki, Support for Exchange 2013+ servers with installed management tools $localversion = $localserver = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup).MsiProductMajor if ($localversion -eq 15) { $E2013 = $true } } # 1.4 Check view entire forest if set (by default, true) if ($E2010) { Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest:$ViewEntireForest } else { $global:AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = $ViewEntireForest } # 1.5 Initial Variables # 1.5.1 Hashtable to update with environment data $ExchangeEnvironment = @{ Sites = @{} Pre2007 = @{} Servers = @{} DAGs = @() NonDAGDatabases = @() OrganizationName = '' } # 1.5.7 Exchange Major Version String Mapping $ExMajorVersionStrings = @{ '6.0' = @{Long='Exchange 2000';Short='E2000'} '6.5' = @{Long='Exchange 2003';Short='E2003'} '8' = @{Long='Exchange 2007';Short='E2007'} '14' = @{Long='Exchange 2010';Short='E2010'} '15' = @{Long='Exchange 2013';Short='E2013'} '15.1' = @{Long='Exchange 2016';Short='E2016'} '15.2' = @{Long='Exchange 2019';Short='E2019'} #2019-05-17 TST Exchange Server 2019 added } # 1.5.8 Exchange Service Pack String Mapping $ExSPLevelStrings = @{ '0' = 'RTM' '1' = 'SP1' '2' = 'SP2' '3' = 'SP3' '4' = 'SP4' 'SP1' = 'SP1' 'SP2' = 'SP2'} # Add many CUs for ($i = 1; $i -le 40; $i++) { $ExSPLevelStrings.Add("CU$($i)","CU$($i)"); } # 1.5.9 Populate Full Mapping using above info $ExVersionStrings = @{} foreach ($Major in $ExMajorVersionStrings.GetEnumerator()) { foreach ($Minor in $ExSPLevelStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $ExVersionStrings.Add("$($Major.Key).$($Minor.Key)",@{Long="$($Major.Value.Long) $($Minor.Value)";Short="$($Major.Value.Short)$($Minor.Value)"}) } } # 1.5.10 Exchange Role String Mapping $ExRoleStrings = @{'ClusteredMailbox' = @{Short='ClusMBX';Long='CCR/SCC Clustered Mailbox'} 'Mailbox' = @{Short='MBX';Long='Mailbox'} 'ClientAccess' = @{Short='CAS';Long='Client Access'} 'HubTransport' = @{Short='HUB';Long='Hub Transport'} 'UnifiedMessaging' = @{Short='UM';Long='Unified Messaging'} 'Edge' = @{Short='EDGE';Long='Edge Transport'} 'FE' = @{Short='FE';Long='Front End'} 'BE' = @{Short='BE';Long='Back End'} 'Hybrid' = @{Short='HYB'; Long='Hybrid'} 'Coexistence' = @{Short='COEX'; Long='Coexistence'} #2019-05-17 TST Coexistence added 'Unknown' = @{Short='Unknown';Long='Unknown'}} # 2 Get Relevant Exchange Information Up-Front # 2.1 Get Server, Exchange and Mailbox Information Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 1 -Status 'Getting Exchange Server List' -Stage 1 $ExchangeServers = [array](Get-ExchangeServer $ServerFilter | Sort-Object Name) if (!$ExchangeServers) { throw ('No Exchange Servers matched by -ServerFilter {0}' -f $ServerFilter) } $HybridServers=@() if (Get-Command -Name Get-HybridConfiguration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $HybridConfig = Get-HybridConfiguration $HybridConfig.ReceivingTransportServers | ForEach-Object{ $HybridServers+=$_.Name } $HybridConfig.SendingTransportServers | ForEach-Object{ $HybridServers+=$_.Name } $HybridServers = $HybridServers | Sort-Object -Unique } Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 10 -Status 'Getting Mailboxes' -Stage 1 $Mailboxes = [array](Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited) | Where-Object {$_.ServerName -like $ServerFilter} if ($E2010) { Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 60 -Status 'Getting Archive Mailboxes' -Stage 1 $ArchiveMailboxes = [array](Get-Mailbox -Archive -ResultSize Unlimited) | Where-Object {$_.ServerName -like $ServerFilter} Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 70 -Status 'Getting Remote Mailboxes' -Stage 1 $RemoteMailboxes = [array](Get-RemoteMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited) $ExchangeEnvironment.Add('RemoteMailboxes',$RemoteMailboxes.Count) Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 90 -Status 'Getting Databases' -Stage 1 if ($E2013) { # 2019-05-17 TST Sorting added $Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2013 -Status) | Sort-Object -Property Name | Where-Object {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter} } elseif ($E2010) { # 2019-05-17 TST Sorting added $Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2010 -Status) | Sort-Object -Property Name | Where-Object {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter} } $DAGs = [array](Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup) | Where-Object {$_.Servers -like $ServerFilter} } else { $ArchiveMailboxes = $null $ArchiveMailboxStats = $null $DAGs = $null Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 90 -Status 'Getting Databases' -Stage 1 $Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2007 -Status) | Where-Object {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter} $ExchangeEnvironment.Add('RemoteMailboxes',0) } # 2.3 Populate Information we know $ExchangeEnvironment.Add('TotalMailboxes',$Mailboxes.Count + $ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes) # 2.4 Organizational Info $ExchangeEnvironment.OrganizationName = (Get-OrganizationConfig).Name # 3 Process High-Level Exchange Information # 3.1 Collect Exchange Server Information for ($i=0; $i -lt $ExchangeServers.Count; $i++) { Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete ($i/$ExchangeServers.Count*100) -Status 'Getting Exchange Server Information' -Stage 2 # Get Exchange Info $ExSvr = Get-ExchangeServerInformation -E2010 $E2010 -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServers[$i] -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -Databases $Databases -Hybrids $HybridServers # Add to site or pre-Exchange 2007 list if ($ExSvr.Site) { # Exchange 2007 or higher if (!$ExchangeEnvironment.Sites[$ExSvr.Site]) { $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.Add($ExSvr.Site,@($ExSvr)) } else { $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites[$ExSvr.Site]+=$ExSvr } } else { # Exchange 2003 or lower if (!$ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007['Pre 2007 Servers']) { $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.Add('Pre 2007 Servers',@($ExSvr)) } else { $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007['Pre 2007 Servers']+=$ExSvr } } # Add to Servers List $ExchangeEnvironment.Servers.Add($ExSvr.Name,$ExSvr) } # 3.2 Calculate Environment Totals for Version/Role using collected data Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 1 -Status 'Getting Totals' -Stage 3 $ExchangeEnvironment.Add('TotalMailboxesByVersion',(Get-TotalsByVersion -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment)) $ExchangeEnvironment.Add('TotalServersByRole',(Get-TotalsByRole -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment)) # 3.4 Populate Environment DAGs Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 5 -Status 'Getting DAG Info' -Stage 3 if ($DAGs) { foreach($DAG in $DAGs) { $ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs+=(Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupInformation -DAG $DAG) } } # 3.5 Get Database information Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 60 -Status 'Getting Database Info' -Stage 3 for ($i=0; $i -lt $Databases.Count; $i++) { $Database = Get-DatabaseInformation -Database $Databases[$i] -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ArchiveMailboxes $ArchiveMailboxes -E2010 $E2010 $DAGDB = $false for ($j=0; $j -lt $ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs.Count; $j++) { if ($ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs[$j].Members -contains $Database.ActiveOwner) { $DAGDB=$true $ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs[$j].Databases += $Database } } if (!$DAGDB) { $ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases += $Database } } # 4 Write Information Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 5 -Status 'Writing HTML Report Header' -Stage 4 $Output = Get-HtmlReportHeader -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # Sites and Servers Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 20 -Status 'Writing HTML Site Information' -Stage 4 foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator()) { $Output+=Get-HtmlOverview -Servers $Site -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -ExRoleStrings $ExRoleStrings } Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 40 -Status 'Writing HTML Pre-2007 Information' -Stage 4 foreach ($FakeSite in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.GetEnumerator()) { $Output+=Get-HtmlOverview -Servers $FakeSite -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -ExRoleStrings $ExRoleStrings -Pre2007:$true } Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 60 -Status 'Writing HTML DAG Information' -Stage 4 foreach ($DAG in $ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs) { if ($DAG.MemberCount -gt 0) { # Get DAG Header $Output += Get-HtmlDagHeader -DAG $DAG # Get Table HTML for DAG databases $Output += Get-HtmlDatabaseInformationTable -Databases $DAG.Databases } } if ($ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases.Count) { Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 80 -Status 'Writing HTML Non-DAG Database Information' -Stage 4 $Output+='
Mailbox Databases (Non-DAG)
' # Get Table HTML for non-DAG databases $Output+=Get-HtmlDatabaseInformationTable -Databases $ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases } # End Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 90 -Status 'Finishing off..' -Stage 4 $Output+='' # 2019-05-20 TST Updated to ensure script path as storage location $HtmlReportFullPath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -ChildPath $HTMLReport $Output | Out-File -FilePath $HtmlReportFullPath -Force -Encoding utf8 if ($SendMail) { Show-ProgressBar -PercentComplete 95 -Status 'Sending mail message..' -Stage 4 # 2019-05-17 TST, Changed to .NET send method to work as scheduled job $smtpMail = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($MailServer) $smtpMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $MailFrom, $MailTo if(Test-Path -Path $HtmlReportFullPath) { $smtpAttachment = New-Object Net.Mail.Attachment($HtmlReportFullPath, 'text/plain') $smtpMessage.Attachments.Add($smtpAttachment) } $smtpMessage.Subject = 'Exchange Environment Report' $smtpMessage.Body = $Output $smtpMessage.IsBodyHtml = $true $smtpMail.Send($smtpMessage) Return 0 }