#!/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/ruby # Authors: gitlab.com/cody # This script provides a unified method of gathering system information and # GitLab application information. Please consider this script to be in an Alpha # state. require 'json' require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'open3' require 'logger' require 'optparse' require 'pathname' # allows logging to stdout and a log file # https://stackoverflow.com/a/6407200 class MultiIO def initialize(*targets) @targets = targets end def write(*args) @targets.each { |t| t.write(*args) } end def close @targets.each(&:close) end end module GitLabSOS # If you intend to add a large file to this list, you'll need to change the # file.read call to something that streams rather than slurps module Files def list_files [ { source: '/opt/gitlab/version-manifest.json', destination: './opt/gitlab/version-manifest.json' }, { source: '/opt/gitlab/version-manifest.txt', destination: './opt/gitlab/version-manifest.txt' }, { source: '/var/log/messages', destination: './var/log/messages' }, { source: '/var/log/syslog', destination: './var/log/syslog' }, { source: '/proc/mounts', destination: 'mount' }, { source: '/proc/meminfo', destination: 'meminfo' }, { source: '/proc/cpuinfo', destination: 'cpuinfo' }, { source: '/etc/selinux/config', destination: './etc/selinux/config' }, { source: '/proc/sys/kernel/tainted', destination: 'tainted' }, { source: '/etc/os-release', destination: './etc/os-release' }, { source: '/etc/fstab', destination: './etc/fstab' }, { source: '/etc/security/limits.conf', destination: './etc/security/limits.conf' }, { source: '/proc/sys/vm/swappiness', destination: 'running_swappiness' }, { source: '/proc/pressure/io', destination: 'pressure_io.txt' }, { source: '/proc/pressure/memory', destination: 'pressure_mem.txt' }, { source: '/proc/pressure/cpu', destination: 'pressure_cpu.txt' } ] end def run_files list_files.each do |file_info| dest = File.join(tmp_dir, file_info[:destination]) logger.debug "processing #{file_info[:source]}.." result = begin # this works better than FileUtils.cp for stuff like /proc/mounts `tail -c #{options[:max_file_size]} #{file_info[:source]}` rescue Errno::ENOENT => e # file doesn't exist e.message end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) logger.debug "writing #{result.bytesize} bytes to #{dest}" File.write(dest, result) end end def run_gitlab_rb return unless options[:grab_config] # don't run if __dir__ can't be resolved (i.e. downloaded via curl) return unless __dir__ sanitizer = File.join(__dir__, 'sanitizer/sanitizer') if File.file?(sanitizer) logger.info 'Sanitizer module found. `gitlab.rb` file will be collected.' logger.info 'A copy will be printed on the screen for you to review.' else logger.info 'Sanitizer not found. `gitlab.rb` file will not be collected' return end dest = File.join(tmp_dir, 'etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb') FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) logger.info 'Sanitizing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file' `/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/ruby #{sanitizer} --save #{dest}` # We use 'puts' to show the sanitized gitlab.rb file without # logging it in gitlabsos.log puts '' puts '======================== Sanitized gitlab.rb ========================' puts 'PLEASE CAREFULLY REVIEW THIS FILE FOR ANY SENSITIVE INFO' puts 'THE BELOW INFO WILL BE INCLUDED (SANITIZED) IN YOUR GITLABSOS ARCHIVE' puts '=====================================================================' puts File.read(dest) puts '=====================================================================' puts 'NOTICE: You can skip this with --skip-config' puts '=====================================================================' puts '' end end module Commands # Add commands to this list that could help collect useful information # cmd is the command that you want to run, including its options # result_path is the filename for the output of the cmd that you want to run. def list_commands [ { cmd: 'dmesg -T', result_path: 'dmesg' }, { cmd: 'uname -a', result_path: 'uname' }, { cmd: 'su - git -c "ulimit -a"', result_path: 'ulimit' }, { cmd: 'hostname --fqdn', result_path: 'hostname' }, { cmd: 'getenforce', result_path: 'getenforce' }, { cmd: 'sestatus', result_path: 'sestatus' }, { cmd: 'systemctl list-unit-files', result_path: 'systemctl_unit_files' }, { cmd: 'uptime', result_path: 'uptime' }, { cmd: 'df -hT', result_path: 'df_hT' }, { cmd: 'df -iT', result_path: 'df_inodes' }, { cmd: 'free -m', result_path: 'free_m' }, { cmd: 'ps -eo user,pid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,stat,start,time,wchan:24,command', result_path: 'ps' }, { cmd: 'netstat -txnpl', result_path: 'netstat' }, { cmd: 'netstat -i', result_path: 'netstat_i' }, { cmd: 'vmstat -w 1 10', result_path: 'vmstat' }, { cmd: 'mpstat -P ALL 1 10', result_path: 'mpstat' }, { cmd: 'pidstat -l 1 15', result_path: 'pidstat' }, { cmd: 'iostat -xz 1 10', result_path: 'iostat' }, { cmd: 'nfsiostat 1 10', result_path: 'nfsiostat' }, { cmd: 'nfsstat -v', result_path: 'nfsstat' }, { cmd: 'iotop -aoPqt -b -d 1 -n 10', result_path: 'iotop' }, { cmd: 'top -c -b -n 1 -o %CPU', result_path: 'top_cpu' }, { cmd: 'top -c -b -n 1 -o RES', result_path: 'top_res' }, { cmd: 'rpm -vV gitlab-ee', result_path: 'rpm_verify' }, { cmd: 'sar -n DEV 1 10', result_path: 'sar_dev' }, { cmd: 'sar -n TCP,ETCP 1 10', result_path: 'sar_tcp' }, { cmd: 'lscpu', result_path: 'lscpu' }, { cmd: 'ntpq -pn', result_path: 'ntpq' }, { cmd: 'timedatectl', result_path: 'timedatectl' }, { cmd: 'gitlab-ctl status', result_path: 'gitlab_status' }, { cmd: 'gitlab-rake db:migrate:status', result_path: 'gitlab_migrations' }, { cmd: 'ss -paxioe', result_path: 'sockstat' }, { cmd: 'sysctl -a', result_path: 'sysctl_a' }, { cmd: 'ifconfig', result_path: 'ifconfig' }, { cmd: 'ip address', result_path: 'ip_address' } ] end def run_commands logger.info 'Collecting diagnostics. This will probably take a few minutes..' list_commands.each do |cmd_info| dest = File.join(tmp_dir, cmd_info[:result_path]) full_cmd = "#{cmd_info[:cmd]} | tail -c #{options[:max_file_size]}" logger.debug "exec: #{full_cmd}" result = begin out, err, _status = Open3.capture3(full_cmd) out + err end File.write(dest, result) end end end module LogDirectories def run_log_dirs logger.info 'Getting GitLab logs..' logger.debug 'determining log directories..' # Ensure empty array if gitlab config file couldn't found or read log_dirs = config.key?('normal') ? deep_fetch(config['normal'], 'log_directory') : [] log_dirs << '/var/log/gitlab' logger.debug "using #{log_dirs}" log_dirs.uniq.each do |log_dir| unless Dir.exist?(log_dir) logger.warn "log directory '#{log_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory" next end logger.debug "searching #{log_dir} for log files.." find_files(log_dir).each do |log| process_log(log) if log.mtime > Time.now - (60 * 60 * 12) && log.basename.to_s !~ /.*.gz|^@|lock/ end end end def process_log(log) begin # rubocop:disable Style/RedundantBegin -- To maintain compatibility with Ruby < 2.5 logger.debug "processing log - #{log}.." content = `tail -c #{options[:max_file_size]} #{log}` content = content.lines.drop(1).join unless content.lines.count < 2 FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(File.join(tmp_dir, log))) logger.debug "writing #{content.bytesize} bytes to #{File.join(tmp_dir, log)}" File.write(File.join(tmp_dir, log), content) rescue => e logger.error "could not process log - #{log}" logger.error e.message end end def find_files(*paths) paths.flatten.map do |path| path = Pathname.new(path) path.file? ? [path] : find_files(path.children) end.flatten end end # This is the first itteration designed to make # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support/toolbox/gitlabsos/issues/11 and # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support/toolbox/gitlabsos/issues/7 easier and # any aditional options/filter we can think of in the futher. class Client attr_accessor :options, :logger, :log_file, :tmp_dir, :config include Files include Commands include LogDirectories HOSTNAME = `hostname`.strip REPORT_NAME = "gitlabsos.#{HOSTNAME}_#{Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}".freeze TMP_DIR = File.join(ENV['TMP'] || ENV['TMPDIR'] || '/tmp', REPORT_NAME) def initialize(args) @args = args parse_options! setup_logger root_check setup_config run end def setup_config self.config = {} config_file = Dir.glob('/opt/gitlab/embedded/nodes/*.json').max_by { |f| File.mtime(f) } # Ignore if missing return nil unless config_file # Grab first file self.config = JSON.parse File.read(config_file) end def default_options { output_file: File.expand_path("./#{REPORT_NAME}.tar.gz"), logs_only: false, log_level: Logger::INFO, root_check: true, max_file_size: 10 * 1_000_000, # 10MB grab_config: true } end def root_check raise 'Script must be run as root' unless Process.uid.zero? || !options[:root_check] end def create_temp_directory self.tmp_dir = FileUtils.mkdir_p(TMP_DIR).join rescue Errno::ENOENT => e # TODO: Handle error Permission denied. e.message end def setup_logger create_temp_directory self.log_file ||= File.open(File.join(TMP_DIR, 'gitlabsos.log'), 'a') self.logger = Logger.new MultiIO.new(STDOUT, log_file) logger.level = options[:log_level] logger.progname = 'gitlabsos' logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "[#{datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N')}] #{severity} -- #{progname}: #{msg}\n" end end # this method is used to fetch all values out of a hash for any given key # I'm just using it to get custom log directories def deep_fetch(hash, key) hash.values.map do |obj| next if obj.class != Hash if obj.key? key obj[key] else deep_fetch(obj, key) end end.flatten.compact end def parse_options! self.options = default_options OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: gitlabsos.rb [options]' opts.on('-o FILE', '--output-file FILE', 'Write gitlabsos report to FILE') do |file| options[:output_file] = File.expand_path(file) end opts.on('--debug', 'Set the log level to debug') do options[:log_level] = Logger::DEBUG end opts.on('--skip-root-check', 'Run the script as non-root. Warning: script might fail') do options[:root_check] = false end opts.on('--skip-config', 'Don\'t include a sanitized copy of the gitlab.rb configuration file.') do options[:grab_config] = false end opts.on('--max-file-size MB', 'Set the max file size (in megabytes) for any file in the report') do |mb| options[:max_file_size] = mb.to_i * 1_000_000 end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Prints this help') do puts opts exit end end.parse!(@args) end def run logger.info 'Starting gitlabsos report' logger.info 'Gathering configuration and system info..' run_files run_commands run_log_dirs run_gitlab_rb logger.info 'Report finished.' log_file.close puts "Saving to: '#{options[:output_file]}'" system("tar -czf #{options[:output_file]} #{File.basename(TMP_DIR)}", chdir: File.dirname(TMP_DIR)) FileUtils.remove_dir(TMP_DIR) end end end GitLabSOS::Client.new(ARGV)