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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2019-11-25
# @Author : lework
# @Desc : 针对supervisor的应用进行健康检查
import os
import sys
import time
import json
import yaml
import base64
import socket
import signal
import smtplib
import datetime
import platform
import threading
import subprocess
from email.header import Header
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from collections import namedtuple
from supervisor.xmlrpc import SupervisorTransport
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY3:
import http.client as httplib
from xmlrpc.client import Transport, ServerProxy, Fault
def iterkeys(d, **kw):
return iter(d.keys(**kw))
def iteritems(d, **kw):
return iter(d.items(**kw))
import httplib
from xmlrpclib import Transport, ServerProxy, Fault
def iterkeys(d, **kw):
return d.iterkeys(**kw)
def iteritems(d, **kw):
return d.iteritems(**kw)
def shell(cmd):
:param cmd:
:return: (exitcode, stdout, stderr)
# with os.popen(cmd) as f:
# return
env_to_pass = dict(os.environ)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
return (proc.returncode,) + proc.communicate()
def get_proc_cpu(pid):
:param pid:
pscommand = 'ps -opcpu= -p %s'
_, data, _ = shell(pscommand % pid)
if not data:
# 未获取到数据值,或者没有此pid信息
return None
cpu_utilization = data.strip()
cpu_utilization = float(cpu_utilization)
except ValueError:
# 获取的结果不包含数据,或者无法识别cpu_utilization
return None
return cpu_utilization
def get_proc_rss(pid, cumulative=False):
:param pid:
:param cumulative:
pscommand = 'ps -orss= -p %s'
pstreecommand = 'ps ax -o "pid= ppid= rss="'
ProcInfo = namedtuple('ProcInfo', ['pid', 'ppid', 'rss'])
def find_children(parent_pid, procs):
# 找出进程的子进程信息
children = []
for proc in procs:
pid, ppid, rss = proc
if ppid == parent_pid:
children.extend(find_children(pid, procs))
return children
if cumulative:
# 统计进程的子进程rss
_, data, _ = shell(pstreecommand)
data = data.strip()
procs = []
for line in data.splitlines():
pid, ppid, rss = map(int, line.split())
procs.append(ProcInfo(pid=pid, ppid=ppid, rss=rss))
# 计算rss
parent_proc = [p for p in procs if == pid][0]
children = find_children(pid, procs)
tree = [parent_proc] + children
rss = sum(map(int, [p.rss for p in tree]))
except (ValueError, IndexError):
# 计算错误时,返回None
return None
_, data, _ = shell(pscommand % pid)
if not data:
# 未获取到数据值,或者没有此pid信息
return None
rss = data.strip()
rss = int(rss)
except ValueError:
# 获取的结果不包含数据,或者无法识别rss
return None
rss = rss / 1024 # rss 的单位是 KB, 这里返回MB单位
return rss
class HealthCheck(object):
def __init__(self, config):
:param config:
self.mail_config = None
self.wechat_config = None
self.supervisord_url = 'unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock'
if 'config' in config:
self.mail_config = config['config'].get('mail')
self.wechat_config = config['config'].get('wechat')
self.supervisord_url = config['config'].get('supervisordUrl', self.supervisord_url)
self.supervisord_user = config['config'].get('supervisordUser', None)
self.supervisord_pass = config['config'].get('supervisordPass', None)
self.program_config = config
self.periodSeconds = 5
self.failureThreshold = 3
self.successThreshold = 1
self.initialDelaySeconds = 1
self.sendResolved = False
self.max_rss = 1024
self.cumulative = False
self.max_cpu = 90
def get_supervisord_conn(self):
transport = SupervisorTransport(self.supervisord_user, self.supervisord_pass, self.supervisord_url)
s = ServerProxy('', transport=transport)
return s
def get_pid(self, program, kind, pid_file):
:param program:
:param kind:
:param pid_file:
pid = 0
err = ''
if kind == 'supervisor':
s = self.get_supervisord_conn()
info = s.supervisor.getProcessInfo(program)
pid = info.get('pid')
err = info.get('description')
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, "PID: Can't get pid from supervisor %s ", e)
elif kind == 'name':
pscommand = "ps -A -o pid,cmd |grep '[%s]%s' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1"
exitcode, stdout, stderr = shell(pscommand % (program[0], program[1:]))
if exitcode == 0:
pid = stdout.strip()
self.log(program, "PID: Can't get pid from name %s ", stderr)
pid = 0
err = stderr
elif kind == 'file':
if pid_file:
with open(pid_file) as f:
pid =
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, "PID: Can't get pid from file %s ", e)
err = "Can't get pid from file"
err = "PID: pid file not set"
self.log(program, err)
if not pid:
pid = 0
return pid, err
def log(self, program, msg, *args):
写信息到 STDERR.
:param program:
:param msg:
:param args:
curr_dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
'%s [%s] %s\n' % (curr_dt, program, msg % args,))
def check(self, config):
:param config:
check_state = {}
program = config.get('program')
periodSeconds = config.get('periodSeconds', self.periodSeconds)
failureThreshold = config.get('failureThreshold', self.failureThreshold)
successThreshold = config.get('successThreshold', self.successThreshold)
initialDelaySeconds = config.get('initialDelaySeconds', self.initialDelaySeconds)
sendResolved = config.get('sendResolved', self.sendResolved)
action_type = config.get('action', 'restart')
action_exec_cmd = config.get('execCmd')
check_type = config.get('type', 'HTTP').lower()
check_method = self.http_check
if check_type == 'tcp':
check_method = self.tcp_check
elif check_type == 'mem':
check_method = self.mem_check
elif check_type == 'cpu':
check_method = self.cpu_check
while 1:
if program not in check_state:
check_state[program] = {
'periodSeconds': 1,
'failure': 0,
'success': 0,
'action': False
self.log(program, 'CONFIG: %s', config)
# self.log(program, '%s check state: %s', check_type, json.dumps(check_state[program]))
if check_state[program]['periodSeconds'] % periodSeconds == 0:
check_result = check_method(config)
check_status = check_result.get('status', None)
check_info = check_result.get('info', '')
self.log(program, '%s check: info(%s) state(%s)', check_type.upper(), check_info, check_status)
if check_status == 'failure':
check_state[program]['failure'] += 1
elif check_status == 'success':
check_state[program]['success'] += 1
# 先判断成功次数
if check_state[program]['success'] >= successThreshold:
# 只有开启恢复通知和检测失败并且执行操作后,才可以发送恢复通知
if sendResolved and check_state[program]['action']:
# 只保留通知action
notice_action = ['email', 'wechat']
send_action = ','.join(list(set(action_type.split(',')) & set(notice_action)))
self.log(program, 'Use %s send resolved.', send_action)
action_param = {
'check_status': check_status,
'action_type': send_action,
'msg': check_result.get('msg', '')
self.action(program, **action_param)
# 成功后,将项目状态初始化
check_state[program]['failure'] = 0
check_state[program]['success'] = 0
check_state[program]['action'] = False
# 再判断失败次数
if check_state[program]['failure'] >= failureThreshold:
# 失败后, 只触发一次action, 或者检测错误数可以整除2倍periodSeconds与initialDelaySeconds时触发(避免重启失败导致服务一直不可用)
if not check_state[program]['action'] or (
check_state[program]['failure'] != 0 and check_state[program]['failure'] % (
(periodSeconds + initialDelaySeconds) * 2) == 0):
action_param = {
'action_type': action_type,
'check_status': check_status,
'msg': check_result.get('msg', ''),
'action_exec_cmd': action_exec_cmd
self.action(program, **action_param)
check_state[program]['action'] = True
# 间隔时间清0
check_state[program]['periodSeconds'] = 0
check_state[program]['periodSeconds'] += 1
def http_check(self, config):
:param config:
:return: dict
program = config.get('program')
config_host = config.get('host', 'localhost')
config_path = config.get('path', '/')
config_port = config.get('port', '80')
config_method = config.get('method', 'GET')
config_timeoutSeconds = config.get('timeoutSeconds', 3)
config_body = config.get('body', '')
config_json = config.get('json', '')
config_hearders = config.get('hearders', '')
config_username = config.get('username', '')
config_password = config.get('password', '')
HEADERS = {'User-Agent': 'leops http_check'}
headers = HEADERS.copy()
if config_hearders:
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'HTTP: config_headers not loads: %s , %s', config_hearders, e)
if config_json:
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
if config_username and config_password:
auth_str = '%s:%s' % (config_username, config_password)
headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(auth_str.encode()).decode()
if config_json:
config_body = json.dumps(config_json)
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'HTTP: config_json not loads: %s , %s', json, e)
check_info = '%s %s %s %s %s %s' % (config_host, config_port, config_path, config_method,
config_body, headers)
httpClient = httplib.HTTPConnection(config_host, config_port, timeout=config_timeoutSeconds)
httpClient.request(config_method, config_path, config_body, headers=headers)
res = httpClient.getresponse()
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'HTTP: conn error, %s', e)
return {'status': 'failure', 'msg': '[http_check] %s' % e, 'info': check_info}
if httpClient:
if res.status != httplib.OK:
return {'status': 'failure', 'msg': '[http_check] return code %s' % res.status, 'info': check_info}
return {'status': 'success', 'msg': '[http_check] return code %s' % res.status, 'info': check_info}
def tcp_check(self, config):
:param config:
:return: dict
program = config.get('program')
host = config.get('host', 'localhost')
port = config.get('port', 80)
timeoutSeconds = config.get('timeoutSeconds', 3)
check_info = '%s %s' % (host, port)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((host, port))
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'TCP: conn error, %s', e)
return {'status': 'failure', 'msg': '[tcp_check] %s' % e, 'info': check_info}
return {'status': 'success', 'msg': '[tcp_check] connection succeeded', 'info': check_info}
def mem_check(self, config):
:param config:
:return: dict
program = config.get('program')
max_rss = config.get('maxRss', self.max_rss)
cumulative = config.get('cumulative', self.cumulative)
pid_get = config.get('pidGet', 'supervisor')
pid_file = config.get('pidFile', )
check_info = 'max_rss:%sMB cumulative:%s' % (max_rss, cumulative)
pid, err = self.get_pid(program, pid_get, pid_file)
if pid == 0:
self.log(program, 'MEM: check error, program not starting')
return {'status': 'failure',
'msg': '[mem_check] program not starting, message: %s' % err,
'info': check_info}
now_rss = get_proc_rss(pid, cumulative)
check_info = '%s now_rss:%sMB pid:%s' % (check_info, now_rss, pid)
if now_rss >= int(max_rss):
return {'status': 'failure', 'msg': '[mem_check] max_rss(%sMB) now_rss(%sMB)' % (max_rss, now_rss),
'info': check_info}
return {'status': 'success', 'msg': '[mem_check] max_rss(%sMB) now_rss(%sMB)' % (max_rss, now_rss),
'info': check_info}
def cpu_check(self, config):
:param config:
:return: dict
program = config.get('program')
max_cpu = config.get('maxCpu', self.max_cpu)
pid_get = config.get('pidGet', 'supervisor')
pid_file = config.get('pidFile', )
check_info = 'max_cpu:{cpu}%'.format(cpu=max_cpu)
pid, err = self.get_pid(program, pid_get, pid_file)
if pid == 0:
self.log(program, 'CPU: check error, program not starting')
return {'status': 'failure',
'msg': '[cpu_check] program not starting, message: %s' % err,
'info': check_info}
now_cpu = get_proc_cpu(pid)
check_info = '{info} now_cpu:{now}% pid:{pid}'.format(info=check_info, now=now_cpu, pid=pid)
if now_cpu >= int(max_cpu):
return {'status': 'failure',
'msg': '[cpu_check] max_cpu({max_cpu}%) now_cpu({now}%)'.format(max_cpu=max_cpu, now=now_cpu),
'info': check_info}
return {'status': 'success',
'msg': '[cpu_check] max_cpu({max_cpu}%) now_cpu({now}%)'.format(max_cpu=max_cpu, now=now_cpu),
'info': check_info}
def action(self, program, **args):
:param program:
:param args:
:return: None
action_type = args.get('action_type')
msg = args.get('msg')
action_exec_cmd = args.get('action_exec_cmd')
check_status = args.get('check_status')
self.log(program, 'Action: %s', action_type)
action_list = action_type.split(',')
if 'restart' in action_list:
restart_result = self.action_supervistor_restart(program)
msg += '\r\n Restart:%s' % restart_result
elif 'exec' in action_list:
exec_result = self.action_exec(program, action_exec_cmd)
msg += '\r\n Exec:%s' % exec_result
if 'email' in action_list and self.mail_config:
self.action_email(program, action_type, msg, check_status)
if 'wechat' in action_list and self.wechat_config:
self.action_wechat(program, action_type, msg, check_status)
def action_supervistor_restart(self, program):
:param program:
self.log(program, 'Action: restart')
result = 'success'
s = self.get_supervisord_conn()
info = s.supervisor.getProcessInfo(program)
except Exception as e:
result = 'Get %s ProcessInfo Error: %s' % (program, e)
self.log(program, 'Action: restart %s' % result)
return result
if info['state'] == 20:
self.log(program, 'Action: restart stop process')
stop_result = s.supervisor.stopProcess(program)
self.log(program, 'Action: restart stop result %s', stop_result)
except Fault as e:
result = 'Failed to stop process %s, exiting: %s' % (program, e)
self.log(program, 'Action: restart stop error %s', result)
return result
info = s.supervisor.getProcessInfo(program)
if info['state'] != 20:
self.log(program, 'Action: restart start process')
start_result = s.supervisor.startProcess(program)
except Fault as e:
result = 'Failed to start process %s, exiting: %s' % (program, e)
self.log(program, 'Action: restart start error %s', result)
return result
self.log(program, 'Action: restart start result %s', start_result)
return result
def action_exec(self, program, cmd):
:param program:
:param cmd:
self.log(program, 'Action: exec')
result = 'success'
exitcode, stdout, stderr = shell(cmd)
if exitcode == 0:
self.log(program, "Action: exec result success")
result = 'Failed to exec %s, exiting: %s' % (program, exitcode)
self.log(program, "Action: exec result %s", result)
return result
def action_email(self, program, action_type, msg, check_status):
:param program:
:param action_type:
:param msg:
:param check_status:
self.log(program, 'Action: email')
ip = ""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 80))
ip = s.getsockname()[0]
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'Action: email get ip error %s' % e)
hostname = platform.node().split('.')[0]
system_platform = platform.platform()
if check_status == 'success':
subject = "[Supervisor] %s Health check successful" % program
subject = "[Supervisor] %s Health check failed" % program
curr_dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
content = """
DateTime: {curr_dt}
Program: {program}
IP: {ip}
Hostname: {hostname}
Platfrom: {system_platform}
Action: {action}
Msg: {msg}
""".format(curr_dt=curr_dt, program=program, ip=ip, hostname=hostname, system_platform=system_platform,
action=action_type, msg=msg)
mail_port = self.mail_config.get('port', '')
mail_host = self.mail_config.get('host', '')
mail_user = self.mail_config.get('user', '')
mail_pass = self.mail_config.get('pass', '')
to_list = self.mail_config.get('to_list', [])
msg = MIMEText(content, _subtype='plain', _charset='utf-8')
msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
msg['From'] = mail_user
msg['to'] = ",".join(to_list)
s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(mail_host, mail_port)
s.login(mail_user, mail_pass)
s.sendmail(mail_user, to_list, msg.as_string())
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'Action: email send error %s' % e)
return False
self.log(program, 'Action: email send success.')
return True
def action_wechat(self, program, action_type, msg, check_status):
:param program:
:param action_type:
:param msg:
:param check_status:
self.log(program, 'Action: wechat')
host = ""
corpid = self.wechat_config.get('corpid')
secret = self.wechat_config.get('secret')
agentid = self.wechat_config.get('agentid')
touser = self.wechat_config.get('touser')
toparty = self.wechat_config.get('toparty')
totag = self.wechat_config.get('totag')
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
access_token_url = '/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid={id}&corpsecret={crt}'.format(id=corpid, crt=secret)
httpClient = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=10)
httpClient.request("GET", access_token_url, headers=headers)
response = httpClient.getresponse()
token = json.loads(['access_token']
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'Action: wechat get token error %s' % e)
return False
if httpClient:
send_url = '/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token={token}'.format(token=token)
ip = ""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 80))
ip = s.getsockname()[0]
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'Action: wechat get ip error %s' % e)
hostname = platform.node().split('.')[0]
system_platform = platform.platform()
curr_dt ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if check_status == 'success':
title = "<font color=\"info\">[Supervisor] %s Health check successful</font>" % program
title = "<font color=\"warning\">[Supervisor] %s Health check failed</font>" % program
content = "{title}\n \
> **详情信息**\n \
> DataTime: {curr_dt}\n \
> Program: <font color=\"warning\">{program}</font>\n \
> IP: {ip}\n \
> Hostname: {hostname}\n \
> Platfrom: {platfrom}\n \
> Action: {action}\n \
> Msg: {msg}".format(title=title, curr_dt=curr_dt, program=program, ip=ip, hostname=hostname,
platfrom=system_platform, action=action_type, msg=msg)
data = {
"msgtype": 'markdown',
"agentid": agentid,
"markdown": {'content': content},
"safe": 0
if touser:
data['touser'] = touser
if toparty:
data['toparty'] = toparty
if toparty:
data['totag'] = totag
httpClient = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=10)
httpClient.request("POST", send_url, json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
response = httpClient.getresponse()
result = json.loads(
if result['errcode'] != 0:
self.log(program, 'Action: wechat send faild %s' % result)
return False
except Exception as e:
self.log(program, 'Action: wechat send error %s' % e)
return False
if httpClient:
self.log(program, 'Action: wechat send success')
return True
def start(self):
self.log('healthCheck:', 'start')
threads = []
for key, value in iteritems(self.program_config):
item = value
item['program'] = key
t = threading.Thread(target=self.check, args=(item,))
for t in threads:
while 1:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 信号处理
def sig_handler(signum, frame):
print("Exit check!")
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, sig_handler)
# 获取当前目录下的配置文件,没有的话就生成个模板
config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'config.yaml')
if not os.path.exists(config_file):
example_config = """
config: # 脚本配置名称,请勿更改
# supervisordUrl: http://localhost:9001/RPC2 # supervisor的接口地址, 默认使用本地socket文件unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock
# supervisordUser: user # supervisor中设置的username, 没有设置可不填
# supervisordPass: pass # supervisor中设置的password, 没有设置可不填
# mail: # stmp配置
# host: ''
# port': '465'
# user': ''
# pass': '123456'
# to_list: ['']
# wechat: # 企业微信通知配置
# corpid:
# secret:
# agentid:
# touser:
# toparty:
# totag:
# 内存方式监控
cat1: # supervisor中配置的program名称
type: mem # 检查类型: http,tcp,mem,cpu 默认: http
maxRss: 1024 # 内存阈值, 超过则为检测失败. 单位MB, 默认: 1024
cumulative: True # 是否统计子进程的内存, 默认: False
pidGet: supervistor # 获取pid的方式: supervistor,name,file, 选择name时,按program名称搜索pid,选择file时,需指定pidFile 默认: supervistor
pidFile: /var/run/ # 指定pid文件的路径, 只在pidGet为file的时候有用
periodSeconds: 10 # 检查的频率(以秒为单位), 默认: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 10 # 首次检查等待的时间(以秒为单位), 默认: 1
failureThreshold: 3 # 检查成功后,最少连续检查失败多少次才被认定为失败, 默认: 3
successThreshold: 2 # 失败后检查成功的最小连续成功次数, 默认:1
action: restart,email # 触发的动作: restart,exec,email,wechat (restart和exec互斥,同时设置时restart生效) 默认: restart
execCmd: command # action exec 的执行命令
sendResolved: True # 是否发送恢复通知,仅用作于email,wechat. 默认: False
# cpu方式监控
cat2: # supervisor中配置的program名称
type: cpu # 检查类型: http,tcp,mem,cpu 默认: http
maxCpu: 80 # CPU阈值, 超过则为检测失败. 单位% 默认: 90%
pidGet: supervistor # 获取pid的方式: supervistor,name,file, 选择name时,按program名称搜索pid,选择file时,需指定pidFile 默认: supervistor
pidFile: /var/run/ # 指定pid文件的路径, 只在pidGet为file的时候有用
periodSeconds: 10 # 检查的频率(以秒为单位), 默认: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 10 # 首次检查等待的时间(以秒为单位), 默认: 1
failureThreshold: 3 # 检查成功后,最少连续检查失败多少次才被认定为失败, 默认: 3
successThreshold: 2 # 失败后检查成功的最小连续成功次数, 默认:1
action: restart,email # 触发的动作: restart,exec,email,wechat (restart和exec互斥,同时设置时restart生效) 默认: restart
execCmd: command # action exec 的执行命令
sendResolved: True # 是否发送恢复通知,仅用作于email,wechat. 默认: False
# HTTP方式监控
type: HTTP
mode: POST # http动作:POST,GET 默认: GET
host: # 主机地址, 默认: localhost
path: / # URI地址,默认: /
port: 8080 # 检测端口,默认: 80
json: '{"a":"b"}' # POST的json数据
hearders: '{"c":1}' # http的hearder头部数据
username: test # 用于http的basic认证
password: pass # 用于http的basic认证
periodSeconds: 10 # 检查的频率(以秒为单位), 默认: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 10 # 首次检查等待的时间(以秒为单位), 默认: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5 # 检查超时的秒数, 默认: 3
failureThreshold: 3 # 检查成功后,最少连续检查失败多少次才被认定为失败, 默认: 3
successThreshold: 2 # 失败后检查成功的最小连续成功次数, 默认:1
action: restart,email # 触发的动作: restart,exec,email,wechat (restart和exec互斥,同时设置时restart生效) 默认: restart
execCmd: command # action exec 的执行命令
sendResolved: True # 是否发送恢复通知,仅用作于email,wechat. 默认: False
# TCP方式监控
type: TCP
host: # 主机地址, 默认: localhost
port: 8082 # 检测端口,默认: 80
periodSeconds: 10 # 检查的频率(以秒为单位), 默认: 5
initialDelaySeconds: 10 # 首次检查等待的时间(以秒为单位), 默认: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5 # 检查超时的秒数, 默认: 3
failureThreshold: 3 # 检查成功后,最少连续检查失败多少次才被认定为失败, 默认: 3
successThreshold: 2 # 失败后检查成功的最小连续成功次数, 默认:1
action: restart,email # 触发的动作: restart,exec,email,wechat (restart和exec互斥,同时设置时restart生效) 默认: restart
execCmd: command # action exec 的执行命令
sendResolved: True # 是否发送恢复通知,仅用作于email,wechat. 默认: False
with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
print("\r\n\r\nThe configuration file has been initialized, please modify the file to start.")
print("Config File: %s\r\n\r\n" % config_file)
with open(config_file) as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
check = HealthCheck(config)