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#!/bin/env bash
#Script Name :
#Description :
#Args :
#Update Date :
#Author : lework
#Email :
set -o errexit # Exit on most errors (see the manual)
set -o errtrace # Make sure any error trap is inherited
set -o nounset # Disallow expansion of unset variables
set -o pipefail # Use last non-zero exit code in a pipeline
LOG_PATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )/logs"
LOG_FILE="$LOG_PATH/example_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.log"
function log() {
[ ! -d "$LOG_PATH" ] && mkdir -p $LOG_PATH
if [ $HIDE_LOG ]; then
echo -e "[`date +"%Y/%m/%d:%H:%M:%S %z"`] [`whoami`] [$TAG] $@" >> $LOG_FILE
echo "[`date +"%Y/%m/%d:%H:%M:%S %z"`] [`whoami`] [$TAG] $@" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
function script_trap_err() {
local exit_code=1
# Disable the error trap handler to prevent potential recursion
trap - ERR
# Consider any further errors non-fatal to ensure we run to completion
set +o errexit
set +o pipefail
log "[E] ERROR"
exit "$exit_code"
function script_trap_exit() {
log "[I] shell exec done."
function main() {
trap script_trap_err ERR
trap script_trap_exit EXIT
log "[I] shell start"
main "${@}"