mirror of https://github.com/yuxian158/check.git
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217 lines
8.1 KiB
217 lines
8.1 KiB
3 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 22 9 * * *
import json
import os
import re
import time
from urllib.parse import unquote
import requests
from getENV import getENv
from checksendNotify import send
class IQIYICheckIn:
def __init__(self, check_item):
self.check_item = check_item
def parse_cookie(cookie):
p00001 = re.findall(r"P00001=(.*?);", cookie)[0]
p00002 = re.findall(r"P00002=(.*?);", cookie)[0] if re.findall(r"P00002=(.*?);", cookie) else ""
p00003 = re.findall(r"P00003=(.*?);", cookie)[0]
return p00001, p00002, p00003
def user_information(p00001):
url = "http://serv.vip.iqiyi.com/vipgrowth/query.action"
params = {"P00001": p00001}
res = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json()
if res["code"] == "A00000":
res_data = res.get("data", {})
level = res_data.get("level", 0) # VIP 等级
growthvalue = res_data.get("growthvalue", 0) # 当前 VIP 成长值
distance = res_data.get("distance", 0) # 升级需要成长值
deadline = res_data.get("deadline", "非 VIP 用户") # VIP 到期时间
today_growth_value = res_data.get("todayGrowthValue", 0) # 今日成长值
msg = (
f"VIP 等级: {level}\n当前成长值: {growthvalue}\n"
f"升级需成长值: {distance}\n今日成长值: +{today_growth_value}\nVIP 到期时间: {deadline}"
except Exception as e:
msg = str(e)
msg = res.get("msg")
return msg
def sign(p00001):
VIP 签到
url = "https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/queryUserTask"
params = {"P00001": p00001, "autoSign": "yes"}
res = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json()
if res["code"] == "A00000":
growth = res["data"]["signInfo"]["data"]["rewardMap"]["growth"]
continue_sign_days_sum = res["data"]["signInfo"]["data"]["continueSignDaysSum"]
reward_day = (
7 if continue_sign_days_sum % 28 <= 7 else (14 if continue_sign_days_sum % 28 <= 14 else 28)
rouund_day = 28 if continue_sign_days_sum % 28 == 0 else continue_sign_days_sum % 28
msg = f"+{growth}成长值\n连续签到: {continue_sign_days_sum}天\n签到周期: {rouund_day}天/{reward_day}天"
except Exception as e:
msg = res["data"]["signInfo"].get("msg")
msg = res.get("msg")
return msg
def query_user_task(p00001):
获取 VIP 日常任务 和 taskCode(任务状态)
url = "https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/queryUserTask"
params = {"P00001": p00001}
task_list = []
res = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json()
if res["code"] == "A00000":
for item in res["data"]["tasks"]["daily"]:
"name": item["name"],
"taskCode": item["taskCode"],
"status": item["status"],
"taskReward": item["taskReward"]["task_reward_growth"],
return task_list
def join_task(p00001, task_list):
url = "https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/joinTask"
params = {"P00001": p00001, "taskCode": "", "platform": "bb136ff4276771f3", "lang": "zh_CN"}
for item in task_list:
if item["status"] == 2:
params["taskCode"] = item["taskCode"]
requests.get(url=url, params=params)
def get_task_rewards(p00001, task_list):
:return: 返回信息
url = "https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/getTaskRewards"
params = {"P00001": p00001, "taskCode": "", "platform": "bb136ff4276771f3", "lang": "zh_CN"}
growth_task = 0
for item in task_list:
if item["status"] == 0:
params["taskCode"] = item.get("taskCode")
requests.get(url=url, params=params)
elif item["status"] == 4:
requests.get(url="https://tc.vip.iqiyi.com/taskCenter/task/notify", params=params)
params["taskCode"] = item.get("taskCode")
requests.get(url=url, params=params)
elif item["status"] == 1:
growth_task += item["taskReward"]
msg = f"+{growth_task}成长值"
return msg
def draw(draw_type, p00001, p00003):
:param draw_type: 类型。0 查询次数;1 抽奖
:param p00001: 关键参数
:param p00003: 关键参数
:return: {status, msg, chance}
url = "https://iface2.iqiyi.com/aggregate/3.0/lottery_activity"
params = {
"lottery_chance": 1,
"app_k": "b398b8ccbaeacca840073a7ee9b7e7e6",
"app_v": "11.6.5",
"platform_id": 10,
"dev_os": "8.0.0",
"dev_ua": "FRD-AL10",
"net_sts": 1,
"qyid": "2655b332a116d2247fac3dd66a5285011102",
"psp_uid": p00003,
"psp_cki": p00001,
"psp_status": 3,
"secure_v": 1,
"secure_p": "GPhone",
"req_sn": round(time.time() * 1000),
if draw_type == 1:
del params["lottery_chance"]
res = requests.get(url=url, params=params).json()
if not res.get("code"):
chance = int(res.get("daysurpluschance"))
msg = res.get("awardName")
return {"status": True, "msg": msg, "chance": chance}
msg = res.get("kv", {}).get("msg")
except Exception as e:
msg = res["errorReason"]
return {"status": False, "msg": msg, "chance": 0}
def main(self):
p00001, p00002, p00003 = self.parse_cookie(self.check_item.get("iqiyi_cookie"))
sign_msg = self.sign(p00001=p00001)
chance = self.draw(0, p00001=p00001, p00003=p00003)["chance"]
if chance:
draw_msg = ""
for i in range(chance):
ret = self.draw(1, p00001=p00001, p00003=p00003)
draw_msg += ret["msg"] + ";" if ret["status"] else ""
draw_msg = "抽奖机会不足"
task_msg = ""
for one in range(6):
task_list = self.query_user_task(p00001=p00001)
self.join_task(p00001=p00001, task_list=task_list)
task_msg = self.get_task_rewards(p00001=p00001, task_list=task_list)
user_info = json.loads(unquote(p00002, encoding="utf-8"))
user_name = user_info.get("user_name")
user_name = user_name.replace(user_name[3:7], "****")
nickname = user_info.get("nickname")
except Exception as e:
print(f"获取用户信息失败,错误信息: {e}")
nickname = "未获取到,请检查 Cookie 中 P00002 字段"
user_name = "未获取到,请检查 Cookie 中 P00002 字段"
user_msg = self.user_information(p00001=p00001)
msg = f"用户账号: {user_name}\n用户昵称: {nickname}\n{user_msg}\n" \
f"签到奖励: {sign_msg}\n任务奖励: {task_msg}\n抽奖奖励: {draw_msg}"
return msg
def start():
with open("/ql/config/check.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
datas = json.loads(f.read())
_check_item = datas.get("IQIYI_COOKIE_LIST", [])[0]
res = IQIYICheckIn(check_item=_check_item).main()
send('爱奇艺', res)
if __name__ == "__main__":